The Rule Of Law Resolution Turns One
By Greg L | 10 July 2008 | Illegal Aliens, Prince William County | 23

In the Washington Post’s article on the anniversary of the Rule of Law Resolution we find yet another piece of evidence demonstrating the success of the Rule of Law Resolution - a 62% drop in residential overcrowding complaints in Prince William County between July 2007 and July 2008. This comes on top of the removal of 757 criminal aliens from the county because of Prince William County’s participation in the Section 287(g) Program and a mid-year reduction of ESOL enrollments in the school system by 629 students according to the Post. The crackdown on illegal aliens in Prince William County is producing dramatic, positive results.

[quote]The family that planted corn in the front yard of their $500,000 home is gone from Carrie Oliver’s street. So are the neighbors who drilled holes into the trees to string up a hammock.

Oliver’s list goes on: The loud music. The beer bottles. The littered diapers. All gone. When she and her husband, Ron, went for walks in their Manassas area neighborhood, she would take a trash bag and he would carry a handgun. No more. “So much has changed,â€