Illegals' superhighway
Saturday, November 3, 2007

Defenders of American sovereignty should be deeply disturbed by Gov. Eliot Spitzer's scheme to hand out driver's licenses to illegal aliens in New York. And they should be even more disturbed by what the Bush administration is saying and doing about this pathway to citizenship.
When Mr. Spitzer announced his plan in September to allow illegals to come "out of the shadows," critics came out of the woodwork, including Spitzer's employees. Twenty county clerks across New York -- most county clerks run the state's Department of Motor Vehicles offices -- said they wouldn't do it.

Spitzer cut a deal with the feds Saturday last allowing illegals to get driver's licenses that wouldn't be valid federal ID. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff says he's upset by the state's decision to license illegals but says he's "powerless" to stop it because federal law does allow states to make that choice.

Balderdash. The Bush administration has cut similar deals with Arizona, Vermont and Washington. And federal law also appears to allow Mr. Cheroff's agency to make roadkill of anything threatening homeland security.
