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Carrollton residents don't want
immigration regulation cost to affect services, taxes

05:08 PM CST on Monday, February 9, 2009
By STEPHANIE SANDOVAL / The Dallas Morning News

Carrollton residents want their city to do what it can under federal law to regulate illegal immigration, but they don’t want increased taxes or cuts in services to pay for it.

The majority of the 407 people who responded to a January phone survey said police, economic development, libraries and parks and recreation were more important than illegal immigration.

About 51 percent said the city should pursue local ordinances on illegal immigration even if it costs money. But 74 percent said the city should not increase taxes to pay for it, according to the survey results released Monday.

“Some of the City Council members fought me on illegal immigration, so we decided to do this survey to find out who’s more in tune with our citizens,â€