I got through to his Dallas office. The staffer said he was not privy to the Senator's schedule, but there is a "newsletter" on his site I could sign up for that will inform me of upcoming events. On to making my point..

I expressed my confusion over the Senator's statements against Amnesty yet voting against the Vitter Amendment which would have removed Amnesty from the bill. His reply, hold on to your seats, is that the Senator is still against Amnesty and this bill. I calmly asked...so are you saying the Senator is planning to vote AGAINST THIS BILL? The staffer stated that "yes" in its current form he is planning to vote against it.

Now, words are cheap and we will see what comes....

I further explained that there is a LARGE AMOUNT of frustration in the American public since the representatives don't seem to be doing what the VAST MAJORITY of Americans want. I just wanted him to know there will be hell to pay if he double crosses us. What more can you do?