Automated translation from German original.

Gratuity is to tempt to emigrating
Spain carries out an about-face with the immigration policy: Before the choice Prime Minister José Luis RodrÃ*guez Zapatero had always referred to it, foreign immigrant workers were indispensable in Spain. Now they are to be induced to the return to their homelands. Not only with words, but also with money.
Cornel Sisu (45) despaired. Before three years the Romanian with its family went to Spain. He found immediately a job at the building, because the Iberian economy boomed, and one searched handstruggling for workers. But when end used last yearly the wing over, the situation changed suddenly. „We have nothing more for you “, said its employers, which had to fight suddenly even around surviving. Now the family man is unemployed for January, and it does not look in such a way, as if that would change.

The economic growth in Spain halves itself in the current year according to estimate of the International Monetary Fund (IWF) on 1,8 per cent. Sisu does not stand alone there. It is one of the 400,000 immigrants in Spain, who became unemployed since the beginning of the crisis at the building. Perhaps „I consider myself seriously to return to Romania there wait a better future “, mean the family man, who is originally a specialized landlord for pisciculture. The Spanish government wants to facilitate such as Sisu the decision for humans. „We promote the voluntary return of immigrant workers “, said Prime Minister Zapatero in its governmental declaration to beginning of the week. The disbursement of requirements from the pension and unemployed person cash is planned.
Zapateros announcement came surprisingly, because up to the elections at the beginning of March had announced untiring the head of government, how indispensable the 4.5 million immigrant for its country were. But now its government wants to go even still further. With micro credits the structure of an existence in its homeland is to be made possible for the return-willing. Of Spain had attracted if Prime Minister before two years still hundredthousands of immigrants with a generous naturalization campaign, these humans are komplimentiert now just as generously the country.

Romania and Ecuador welcome the initiative
But instead of indignation because of this about-face Zapatero harvests applause. „We promote this initiative completely “, say Adelina Parvu, chairman of the Romanian Migrantenverbands in the Madrider quarter Móstoles. She estimates that meanwhile over one million Romanians in Spain live. „Daily arrive here victims of the crisis. We help them meanwhile also actively with the search for a work in the homeland, because the things changed themselves there to the better one. “Even the Romanian employment minister Paul Pacuraru agitated the boost in Spain, in order to induce the emigrants to the return, because in Romania workers are missing. Experts number the number of vacant places in Romania after the substantial exodus to Western Europe in the last years on one half million. „We must help now with the structure of our country “, so Parvu. The Minister promised the return-willing 800 euros monthly wages. That lies clearly over the legal minimum wage in Spain.
Also Raúl Jiménez, chairman of the Ecuadorian Migrantenverbandes Rumiñahui, sees the Zapatero initiative positive. „The formula seems reasonable, but we must see, as high the micro credits will be and whether them as incentive for a return to Ecuador to be sufficient “, so Jiménez, whose compatriots form the group of the Latinos in Spain, largest with distance. He believes, the tendency with the Spaniards worsened. They would stand for the immigrants more rejecting opposite. Actually Zapateros lost socialists with the youngest going to the polls just at the working class voices. There fruchtete the campaign of the opposition leader Mariano Rajoy, which is the slogan „the boat fully “spent. Zapateros a party had missed and places the absolute majority therefore with the choice at the 9.März scarcely now a minority government.

On Friday Zapatero was confirmed for a further term of office in the office. In the first ballot on Wednesday it had still scarcely missed the necessary majority. Not all immigrant collectives feel certainly addressed by the offer of the government. The Morrocans place the majority of the immigrants on the Iberian peninsula. They came as first and are best in the working sphere rooted. „Our people work not only in the building, but are in the service industries and in the agriculture actively “, like that Kamal Rahmouni, which represents in this country the immigrants from the North African country. „If the situation in the country of origin did not improve clearly, then also no return premiums help. “ ... eiten.html