
Showdown in San Antonio
American Patriots vs. Johnny Sutton and the Gonzales Gang

High Noon - Saturday, June 30th, 2007

At Johnny Sutton's Office in the B of A Building

More Details to be Released Soon


This is the big one! For the first time we are going to get in Johnny Sutton's face in person. The American Freedom Riders, the Texas Minutemen organizations, and many others are going to gather in front of Johnny Sutton's office for a huge demonstration demanding pardons for Ramos, Compean, Hernandez, and Brugman. Ironically, his office is in a Bank of America building.

We are having an organizational meeting on Saturday, June 2nd at the
VFW Post 76, located at 10 10th Street, San Antonio. The meeting will begin at 3:00pm. This meeting is for the leadership (not the entire membership please) of all Texas Minuteman groups and all other anti-illegal immigration groups who wish to join this effort. I encourage all of you to notify every interested organization you can think of to attend this meeting and join our protest. Please pass this message on to all potential participants.

You are receiving this message far in advance for two reasons: First. Preliminary interest in this event is HUGE so, since we have the opportunity to make a huge impact, additional time will help us be better organized. Second. I previously commited to be a Roadguard for the "Run for the Wall" and I will be out of touch from May 13 to June 1. I will arrive in San Antonio on my way back from Washington DC (with a worn out butt) and I will have promoted this event the entire trip.

Gary Brugman lives in San Antonio and is a key organizer of this event. He can be reached at 210-621-4272. He is on the job and has already secured a law enforcement escort for the riders. We expect to have hundreds of bikes from all over Texas - a real spectacle.

With the high level of knowledge and interest in Texas, we will shoot for 1000 foot soldiers. Let's make this an event that the whole country hears about - especially the open borders crowd in DC.