Lou Dobbs Tonight
Monday, November 24, 2008

*Tonight, President-elect Obama announces the members of
his new economic team. Will they be able to tackle this
nation’s financial crisis? We’ll have all the latest details
and much more.

*Plus, groups like La Raza and MALDEF are calling for
stronger enforcement of hate crime laws. They say enforcing
immigration laws is causing hate crimes to spike, but
statistics show just the opposite. We’ll have more in our
special report.

Lou’s nationally-syndicated talk radio show, The Lou Dobbs
Show, debuted this spring. Join us weekdays for news and
politics aimed at independent thinkers. Visit LouDobbsRadio.com
to check your local listings or listen live online.

Monday’s guests in the Independent Nation include Sheriff JOE
ARPAIO of Maricopa County, Arizona. America’s Toughest Sheriff
will give his thoughts on the selection of Arizona Governor
Janet Napolitano for Secretary of the Department of Homeland
Security-and why the pick leaves something to be desired.

TAWNELL HOBBS, education reporter for the Dallas Morning News,
will talk to Lou about how fake Social Security numbers were
provided to people in Texas so they could teach bilingual
classes-and what’s being done to stop it.

TOM WALSH, business columnist for the Detroit Free Press, will
discuss the proposed auto industry bailout and what it would
mean to the state of Michigan if one of the Big Three
automakers were allowed to fail.

And BILL DONOHUE, president of the Catholic League, will
provide an update on his efforts to allow for the display of
nativity scenes in New York City’s public schools.