The Daily Bulletin...Philadelphia's Family Newspaper
Bucks Commissioner's Comments On Illegals Were Outrageous
By Margaret W. Adelsberger

Bucks Commissioner's Comments On Illegals Were Outrageous
To The Editor:

I would appreciate your considering this letter for publication in your Letters to the Editor column.

A few of us attended the Bucks County Commissioners' Meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 3, to discuss the murder of a young Philadelphian by an illegal alien working and residing in the Bensalem area.

We brought up the fact that Bensalem is becoming a hub for illegal aliens. Bensalem Library is trying to attract more Spanish speaking clients by offering more books, movies, etc. in their native tongue. The Bensalem area is promoting a free summer camp for children of Spanish speaking residents. One of the local churches is providing office space for those who need help with their legal problems. Are similar services being provided to other non-English speaking groups as well?

Those who come to our country legally and become American citizens are required to read, write and speak the English language. Assimilation cannot be achieved without proper communication. We are failing those who want to become part of our great country if we purposely keep them isolated by language barriers. That is just what is being done by those promoting services in languages other than English. We are not promoting assimilation; we are promoting balkanization.

In presenting this information, Commissioner Diane Marseglia chose to call us "RACISTS". If calling attention to the fact that our communities are becoming overrun by those who have entered our country illegally and are attacking and killing innocent American citizens is racist, then so be it. How many murders, rapes and other crimes will have to be endured by the citizens of Bucks and Montgomery counties, and other communities as well, before our representatives finally see fit to uphold their oath of office?

Thank you.

Margaret W. Adelsberger ... d=20214609