From Walter Moore
Former Candidate for Mayor of Los Angeles --


By Walter Moore -- April 4, 2010

Today’s Los Angeles Times has yet another advocacy piece for amnesty masquerading as a news report.

The newspaper conducted a poll of its own -- which means the newspaper picked the questions -- and reported that Californians are now more willing to let illegal aliens stay here, rather than deny them public services:

"On another hot-button issue, immigration, the poll found a continued sharp polarization between Democrats and Republicans, but also a shift of voter sentiment away from proposals to take away all social services, including access to schools and emergency medical treatment, from illegal residents."

Did you spot the problem in that passage?

If not, perhaps you’ll see it when you read the actual poll question itself. It reads as follows: "Would you support a policy to implement stronger enforcement at the border and prohibit those here illegally from benefiting from any taxpayer-funded social services, including emergency room treatment and public education for children here illegally?"

The question is rigged because it specifically INCLUDED emergency room treatment and schools as services that would be denied to illegal aliens. Prop 187, by contrast, specifically EXCLUDED emergency room treatment from the services that illegal aliens would be denied. Prop 187, moreover, provided for a 90-day transition period so an illegal alien child could stay in public schools until a "transition" to the child’s own country was arranged.

The way the poll is worded, there is no option to say, simply, "I want the government to enforce the law. Period."

Nor do you have the option of selecting from a list of services you would deny them, e.g., Section 8 housing subsidies, low-interest loans for their businesses, driver’s licenses, Fannie Mae mortgage insurance, etc. Nor are you allowed to make the same exclusions that Prop 187 did for emergency room care and education.

Instead, the poll effectively forces you to say that if an illegal alien child is hit in a cross-walk, you want him to die in the emergency room, and if he isn’t hit in a cross-walk, you want to throw him out of the classroom and into the street.

If the Los Angeles Times were an honest newspaper, it would have asked honest, straightforward questions. But it is not an honest newspaper. It is an advocacy group with printing presses. And it wants to fool you into thinking you are part of some backwards, dwindling group of heartless, racist bastards if you have the audacity to want our government to enforce our laws.

Don’t fall for it.

Oh, and in case you wondering how the poll was conducted, the newspaper explains, "Bilingual dialers gave respondents the option of taking the survey in English or Spanish." ... _Lies.html