Mexican President Felipe Calderon calls for U.S. to pass immigration reform — soon

Mexican President Felipe Calderon started off his speech Thursday at the Ronald Reagan Building formally and straightforwardly. But, by the time the Q&A portion of the public forum, sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, came around, he was joking with the audience and answering questions with parables instead of statistics.

Most of his speech focused on Mexico's current and future economic growth, the need for broad immigration reform in the U.S. and drugs.

Somewhere in there, though, was a long story about drug smugglers sleeping in someone's bed. I think it was a metaphor.

Read more after the jump.

Besides citing tons of statistics about how the economy has grown under his leadership, he said North America needs to work better as a whole to maintain competitors in the international market.

"True competition lies not between us, but between our two countries and the rest of the world," Calderon said.

He said Mexico is already doing its part by lowering tariffs, investing in education, deregulating and passing widespread reforms in areas such as pensions, taxes and energy.

"We need to remember for everyone that expansion of trade implies a win-win situation for everyone," he said.

Speaking of, he and Obama signed an agreement today that finally ends the cross-border trucking dispute since the North American Free Trade Agreement was signed.

He said America needs to pass federal immigration reform sooner or later -- preferably sooner. He called it a "natural relation" between countries.

The lack of a legal system to deal with immigration is causing states to pass their own legislation, such as Arizona, which he, as well as Obama, opposes.

"As a president, I don't like the feeling of over 400 Mexican people who die every year trying to cross the border," Calderon said, but recognizes it is inevitable at this point with the Mexican economy still on its way up.

Building a legal process to deal with immigration and putting away anti-Mexican or anti-U.S. feelings could help both countries to "create prosperity" by using human resources.

Regarding the half a million deportees back to Mexico, he called it "unfair" that the U.S. deports illegal immigrants because it is cheaper than putting them through the American legal system.

Calderon stressed he has been "cleaning house" since he took office. Instead of making arrangements with the drug cartels that allowed them to do whatever they wanted, he has been working to rid federal agencies of corruption and arrest narcotic leaders.

"I'm fighting a cancer in Mexico and we will cure Mexico," he said.

He has been trying to improve living conditions for Mexican citizens through building 1,000 new hospitals with equal that on the way, 800 new schools and 90 universities, raising living wages and working to make health care universal. He said leveling the playing field will help combat organized crime.

"Facing the problems is the only way to fix them," Calderon said about the sweeping reforms he's trying to implement. "In Mexico, we're facing them" ... Potomac%29