U.S. leaders and the 'New World Order'
By Don Snyder
Thursday, January 5, 2006 1:07 AM PST

After reading the Jan. 1 guest commentary by the syndicated columnist Gene Lyons, it's time to say, "Let's get the facts straight." This columnist and others like him are dumping hearsay as fact on the U.S. It should be the purpose of the Register editorial staff to run a quick check on what percent of the commentary is real fact and what is garbage passed on as fact because most of newspaper readers are assuming what is printed is true.

Gene Lyons starts by saying, "Self-styled conservative Republicans dominate the White House and both houses of Congress." The fact is both the executive department and Senate are controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), not by either major political party. Vice President Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice are CFR. Cheney was even the director of the CFR. President Bush adheres to the CFR policies. Even our state Sen. Feinstein is CFR. The House members are still within reach. The problem there is most are illiterate because their actions indicate they have never read the U.S. Constitution. Napa's Congressman Mike Thompson continues to put his stamp-of-approval on unconstitutional legislation. His record, though, has improved lately.

Mr. Lyons goes on to say the "War on Christmas" is an imaginary struggle. I don't need to comment here, since there are a lot of the Christian groups fuming over this one.

The comment slandering the John Birch Society, without having any idea who they are, shows Mr. Lyons does little research for his articles. Maybe this comes from his Newsweek background. I suggest the web site to find out that the John Birch Society is a true blue American organization supporting our republic.

Mr. Lyons does ask a legitimate question: "Ã…Â*how the Bush White House appears to have succeeded in turning so many once proud Americans into little whiny crybabies seemingly willing to abandon their constitutional freedoms in the name of War on Terror." The answer here is easy and can be shown by two examples.

Five months ago the House voted down the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). Right after the 15-minute voting period expired, Bush and Cheney -- determined to get what they wanted -- had House leadership break the rules. The time limit was extended and they kept twisting arms and making deals until they finally had the votes to pass CAFTA nearly an hour later. That was two minutes after midnight.

Just before Congress adjourned for Christmas, the Senate voted not to extend the Patriot Act. Bush didn't accept that and CFR members did more arm-twisting until the House voted an extension for the act. Many House members had already left for the vacation when the vote went through. Sound familiar? That's how we acquired the income tax.

Both CAFTA and the Patriot Act are unconstitutional and Congress should know that. The same is true for a great many other bills. The "No Child Left Behind Act" is another one Bush pushed through. There is nothing in the Constitution or the amendments to give federal power over education. Our legislators have forgotten that the only barrier between liberty and tyranny is the constitutional limits on government.

Readers should recognize that President Bush does not support our independent nation and therefore he does not deserve support. His allegiance is not to any political party, either, but to the "New World Order." The quicker he and his CFR colleagues can dismantle our Constitution, the quicker we become under national and international control. He has already spent more of our money than all the previous presidents combined.

One of the CFR setbacks was not getting the FTAA moving on schedule. They have since switched to implement the "Security and Prosperity Partnership." Lou Dobbs of CNN had a June 9 report on this showing how the CFR intends to remove all U.S. borders within 10 years.

For starters, Mr. Lyons should have told us to get off our lazy buns and start writing our congressmen to kill the Patriot Act before it kills us. If you are not sure who your congressman is, visit

(Snyder lives in Napa.)