Improve America

Well I've decided that I'm fed up with both Republicans and Democrats and am branching out to form my own Political Party. Some of the ideas might be a bit out there but bear with me. Here are my ideologies the basis for the formation of my new Party for the Improvement of America.

I. Economic Issues: I stand for Free Markets, Government Involvement in the Market only for quality control, minimum standards in labor laws, and in cases of emergencies.

II. Foreign Investment: We should cut back on Direct Foreign Investment, It has not paid off for the US in the past so the only solution is to start reducing it.

III. Foreign Relations and International Relations: The main strain on the US foreign relations is the United Nations, look it doesn't serve our interest and it sucks dealling with the main issues it was founded for: Poverty, Prevention of Atrocities, Prevention of War, and Human Rights security. We should either reform it or toss it out like the obsolete instrument that it has become. In regards to our embassies we really need to give the employees some sensitivity training, they should make people feel welcome and want to come to our Country.

A. Legal Immigration: This is not a question, Immigration is a key to the foundation of our country, most of us today are the great-grandchildren, grandchildren, children or even immigrants ourselves. But most of us are descendents of legal immigrants who went through the proper channels, like going through Ellis Island or standing in line for hours at an INS office. Legal Immigrants also become some of the most loyal and fiercely patriotic. Therefore I encourage legal immigration and support it and wish to make it easier for these people to come to our country and contribute to the betterment of our society.

B. Illegal Immigration: This issue is a hot button that no one has the balls to take a stand on and when they do they get shot down by the masses. If the first action an immigrant takes on his way into this wonderful country is to go against our laws regarding the way they enter this country then it is not only wrong but disrespectful. If you believe that the United States is your salvation or answer to your poverty issues, then you better respect our laws, our customs, and our language. I don't care about how bad your education was or how poor you are if you want to get a job and live in this country then you better speak English. I mean its the least you can do. My answer to illegal immigration is this we offer this to the "guest workers" register with ICE, sign an affidavit to pay back taxes, put a down payment on your back taxes, work out a payment plan to pay back what you owe, and we'll give you a green card, and in 7 years if you have paid off the bulk of your back taxes and the taxes you incur during those 7 years then you can qualify for citizenship.

V. Defense: This is a non issue, We need to spend money to keep our military being the best fighting machine in the world. Though there are some issues, we need to make our tanks, jets, bombers, and APC's more fuel efficient. Second we need to give our troops effective weapontry, like 45 caliber pistols instead of the 9mm, and instead of an M-16 that gets jammed up when it gets dirty a more old school weapon like the M-14 or even the M1A1 from World War II. Another improvement we can give them is body armor that is light and just as effective as the thirty pound gear they wear now. Come on people its called Research and Development. Also we need Special Operations personal to be increased, and use their doctrine of Civil Affairs to change the image of the US soldier abroad.

VI. Involvement in Foreign Affairs
I'm no isolationist and I believe that it would be stupid to try and be all that would result from that is a global protest at what a bad guy the US is for doing exactly what they're protesting about now. What we have to do is stop taking the moral high ground if we disagree with a leader, someone who is abusive to his people and ruthlessly supresses their rights then we will come and get you in the middle of the night and make sure that you can't continue your regime of tyranny. Any country that makes a false accusation against the US well watch your back you stupid idiots because we can infiltrate a sniper team into almost any location on the earth and we won't be afraid to use them.

VII Border Security
The call by most Democrats and Republicans is to increase border security, well people in the past decade security on the border has quintupled, for those of you who don't know what means it means increased by a factor of five or become five times as large. And the security of the border hasn't become any safer. The easiest way to fix that is by building a fence, but no we might offend the illegal immigrants who can't vote, don't pay taxes, and have should have no political influence. We shouldn't even publicize that were building the fence were making the fence sturdier, because if people have been at the border there is already fence there, it of course has gaping holes and is old, so we need to make improvements on the existing fence and if we have money left over in the budget we can go a step farther. The second issue on border security is no one pays attention to the Canadian border, incase anyone realized that's even longer then the mexican border and it has even more remote border crossing locations. To be fair we'll build a fence on that border too, or wait that might offend some grizzly bear. I meant let's make the existing fence structurally secure.

Seven tenets of the Party for the Improvement America, or its acronym PIA.