Catholic Church Promotes Open Borders…Gets Sued By Hispanics Over English-Only Schools
[Dave Gorak] @ 2:34 pm [

To hear the Catholic League’s William Donahue tell it, the three Hispanic families who are suing the Catholic Diocese of Wichita because of an English-only policy at St. Anne Catholic School, are, well, you know, a bunch of ingrates, Lou Dobbs Tonight, Aug. 13.

As Dobbs duly noted at the top of his conversation with Donahue:

No church, to my knowledge, has been more supportive of Hispanic immigrants into this country, than the Catholic Church. For this tone to be taken between three Hispanic families and the diocese of Wichita, I mean, that’s sort of breath-taking, isn’t it?[Lou Dobbs, August 13, 2008 ]
Said an obviously steamed Donahue:

Now look, a Catholic school is a private institution. You know what you’re buying. You can’t have somebody coming in there and saying, I want you to rid the scriptures because I don’t like the way your rules are. You can shop around. You can go down the block to another school, including a public school. Catholic schools have autonomy. (Except, as in St. Anne’s case, they are foolish enough to accept federal funding. This school just learned the hard way that there is no such thing as a free lunch).
But, golly, Mr. Donahue, are you saying you want to have it both ways?

Dobbs is right on with his overview of the problem. For years now the Catholic Church, struggling to shore up its declining membership, has been sticking its unwelcome nose into a public policy issue that affects every aspect of our daily lives and expending none of its cash to support its de facto “Welcome the strangerâ€