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Immigration Theory #2: The Bush Doctrine
Allan J. Ashinoff
July 11, 2005

Why are America’s politicians so reluctant to actively patrol the nation’s borders? Why is it that President George W. Bush is enthusiastically pursuing freedom, democracy, and sovereignty across the globe but when it comes to America’s sovereignty he ignores the issue? Is there a more reasonable answer to this dilemma in President Bush’s stance than the oft suggested Mason’s conspiracy of global bankers bent on global unification in an effort to hoard all the worlds’ wealth?

Areas of the world are in chaos. Terrorists are on the run. Sovereign governments have taken hold in Iraq and Afghanistan. New Constitutions have been written by these nations. New leaders have been elected by these newly freed people as a result of a democratically founded popular vote. The world is changing to become a freer and more tolerant place. Areas of the world where such things as women rights, rule of law, and due process were thought near impossible are seeing the emergence of true liberty. Fifty million people formerly living under extreme oppressive rule are now freer than they or their ancestors have ever been. Freedom is on the march and its largely due to President George W. Bush and the American military who despite the United Nations and the radical left in America stood determined, took action, and accomplished their objective. They struck strong blows against terrorism while spreading the infectious idea of democracy to two most unlikely nations.

Whether one loves or hates President Bush the reality of the matter is that President Bush and his “Doctrine� has been very effective. Fifty million Arabic people on the opposite side of the globe will sing the virtues of Bush’s decision despite the leftist rhetoric which permeates the dismal Air America radio waves and the mouths and minds of the American liberal left. But such extreme rebirth’s are not without its pains. Insurgents attack striking at the freedom wanting citizenry with more frequency and ferocity in hopes of driving a wedge between the new government and the US. These attacks are also designed to try to give confidence to the old line quasi-religious thug-ocracy prevalent in its neighboring countries and ingrained in its populace. Adjacent nations as well as those who prefer their power under the rule of force and oppression stop at nothing to disrupt the growth of the new democracy. To allow democracy to take root would mean forever stepping away from rule of force, it would empower the people, and install rule of law. To a thug, to an Islamic extremist, or a Middle Eastern dictator it would mean the end to all authority, privilege, wealth, and power. Changing a thug-ocracy to rule of law would also open those formerly in power up to something well known in the region...vengeance. To foster this type of cultural change thousands of US troops guard cities and borders to protect civilians and to reduce the number of foreign fighters coming into Iraq. American troops stand ready to protect nearly defenseless Iraq's and Afghani's against lawlessness and against the hostility of those unwilling to change.

The Bush Doctrine is a remarkably courageous thing. It’s a resolve, a purpose, a philosophy, and a promise that all men can live free and decide what’s best for them. Yet as determined as President Bush is to see freedom and sovereignty in Iraq and Afghanistan he is equally determined it seems to do absolutely nothing about the illegal immigration deluge from Mexico. Why? Why is America's National Guard not defending Americas borders? Why is the border patrol ordered to refrain from arresting illegal border crossers? One potential answer to the question of President Bush’s inaction on the US southern border can be found within the Bush Doctrine.

Mexico is a poor nation. In fact if it wasn’t for the estimated 12 billion dollars of revenue that illegal immigrants send home to their families each year it would be even more a third world nation than it already is. What makes Mexico so historically poor? Naturally the compulsion of the demlibopean (democrat-liberal-European wanna-be) element in this nation is to blame American big business. But to do this would be an unfair and racially biased statement toward the Mexican people in general. American big business can do nothing anywhere without the local governments authority to build industry. The responsibility for any foreign business’ prosperity or the host government’s economic benefit or the protection of the Mexican people falls squarely on the Mexican government. If the Mexican government allows itself to make deals which favor individuals or groups or the government or allows companies to cut corners which endanger its populace they are betraying their people. It is not the foreign business responsibility to ensure the maximum benefit to the Mexican people. A foreign business in Mexico has one obligation only and that is to make a profit to meet shareholders expectations. Mexico has always been and will always be a third world nation as long as its officials look after themselves more than they look after the best interests of their nation and people.

It is very difficult to find anyone in the United States who can not sympathize with the illegal Aliens sneaking across the US/Mexico border. After all it’s the American Dream which beckons them to cross the desert. To leave a hopelessly impoverished nation and enter into the premiere land of opportunity on the planet in hope of making a better life for ones family is an honorable and logical goal. When faced with starve or don’t starve no human opts to starve without a fight. The hardships endured by these aliens are admirable even if they are misguided.

The Bush Doctrine as it applies to the US/Mexico border policy is consistent. Bush wishes to provide a guest worker program which allows Mexican nationals to enter into the United States to perform jobs Americans do not wish to fill. His summits with Mexican leader Vicente Fox has yielded little to no fruit with regard to ebbing the flow of illegal aliens into California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. In fact, much of President Fox’s actions would appear bent on skirting US laws and border sovereignty. President Bush’s reaction is to allow Fox to do so. How then does President Fox’s behavior fit into the Bush Doctrine?

The Bush Doctrine is to spread Democracy throughout the world and bring with it peace, free trade, freedom and capitalism. Mexico has traditionally been a welfare nation. Corruption and mismanagement has left the country in ruins time and time again. Viva Revolution sounds great in theory but it destroy infrastructure, ruins a nations financial capabilities, and generally disrupts society.

President Fox is the most democratic and contemporary leader to guide Mexico in that countries history. As a businessman he recognizes the windfall of the billions of strong US dollars in revenue coming into the Mexican economy via this illegal work force. Incoming revenue without any overhead is a businessman’s dream. President Bush sees this as well. Bush knows that if Mexico is ever to become anything more than a welfare nation it will need true economic reform. Economic reforms NAFTA was supposed to encourage but has never provided by way of real lasting meaningful jobs for the Mexican people. To foster this change Bush hopes that between President Fox and himself they can acquaint Mexicans with US economic values while simultaneously shoring up the Peso with billions in US dollars. To have a strong Mexican economy on our southern border would create a profitable business environment which would retain Mexicans citizens and reduce illegal crossings. A strong Mexican economy could change how Mexican officials conduct themselves in office and internationally. A stable government and economy would attract businesses and provide jobs which benefit the Mexican people.

In the Mexican vision of the Bush Doctrine the only people who get hurt are the American people. Americans get hurt because the illegal crossings overwhelm police, immigration services, border patrol, and health care. Americans pay taxes which support the illegal aliens via social service which are supposed to be reserved for US citizens. In return Americans suffer higher crime rates, expensive hospitals, less access to social services designed as a safety net for Americans to fall back on, and they lose jobs which traditionally teenagers took to earn their first car. Americans lose tax revenue because aside from an unavoidable sales tax illegal aliens do not pay taxes. Americans are thanked with higher insurance costs, more dangerous roads, high crime rates, bankrupt closing hospitals, and social turmoil from a confused populace which doesn’t understand, or chooses not to understand, the difference between an immigrant, and illegal Alien, and a foreign invader.

The Bush Doctrine is a great vision. It works very effectively outside the US on many levels. But the attempted social engineering of the Mexican government and economy is a danger to the very way Americans live. It violates American rights and harms America’s economy. The Bush Doctrine as it relates to Mexico makes Americans the mule for Mexico's past and present inadequacy and incompetence.

The only resolution to the border issues with Mexico is to close the border with the national guard and technology, open up fixed points of entry, change the American immigration laws to make them more efficient, force Mexico to patrol its side of the border, force Mexico to issue passports with background checks instead of issuing Official manuals on how to cross into the US illegally, enforce catastrophic penalties for American business knowingly hiring illegal aliens, and provide coordinated bus service for those with legal passports and worker permits to come and go safely. To do anything less than these things is condoning death and will continue to put the blood of the dead illegal border crossers on the hands of President Bush, President Fox, and the bleeding heart liberals who simply refuse to see the matter for what it is. The issue is not immigration its about rule of law, national sovereignty, the will of the American people, and their right to American leadership solely for America’s best interests. Until such time G.W. Bush views the matter for what it really is he will never be the man or the leader 53% of America believed he was in 2004 despite the love of the Mexican people, the Iraqi people, or the Afghani people. The failure of the Domestic Bush doctrine and the lost love of the Republican parties voting base may well be the toe hold the Democrats need to win an election in 2008.

This article can also be found with numerous embedded links at in the editorial archives. Note: Links to the Illegal Alien handbook issued by Mexico can be found there as well.