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Vicente Fox Talks Immigration Reform
News 4 WOAI
Last Update: May 25, 2007 2:08 PM

Posted By: Maritza Nunez

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox was in San Antonio Thursday to talk about US immigration reform.
He sat down with News 4 WOAI's Leila Walsh to discuss the hot topic in both Mexico and the US.

"We're partners," says Fox. "We're neighbors."

Fox says Mexico is doing its part to cut down on illegal immigration into the United States.

He says Mexico is focused on providing more jobs and a brighter future for its people, but he believes the US will always need workers from Mexico.

"This economy badly needs the support of the young, energetic, talented and productive Mexican laborers," says Fox.

The former president strongly supports the temporary worker program in the US. "US people demand to have this labor here."

During an interview this evening, Fox said he worries that the US is losing its soul.

"We must think intelligently about the future. Walls don't work."

He considers plans for a border fence shameful and says no one is going to stop the American dream with a wall.

"I think we can construct a brilliant future for both of our nations . Instead of dividing, we must unite."

President Fox says the only wall he would support is a wall around Iraq to keep the US out. He says the United States should withdraw immediately.

http://www.woai.com/news/local/story.as ... 735412f76d