The New York Times Fishwrap is at it again with their smear campaign. Anyone who is against illegal immgration are prophets of doom and racist white males. Republican Presidential candidates that are against illegal immigration will destroy the party, alienate all Hispanics and be the victims of a huge backlash. The New York Times is so full of crap that it's eyes are brown and the newspaper will never emerge from the sewer of it's own design.

Walking a Tightrope on Immigration
Published: November 18, 2007

THE Republican presidential candidates talk about illegal immigration as if they were in an arms race on toughness. The Democratic candidates have begun to tread more warily on the issue, as their debate last week in Las Vegas showed, but they still favor the language of accommodation over alarm.

Each approach, political strategists and officials warn, could have costs next November. Pollsters on both sides agree there is widespread anxiety, even anger, about the impact of illegal immigration. But an increasingly influential Hispanic electorate could be turned off by a hard line from the party they turned to in increasing numbers in the last two presidential elections.

Much will depend, strategists say, on how the candidates balance their statements.

“A Republican who only talks border control or a Democrat who only talks about benefits and services for illegal immigrants are going to find themselves in a lot of trouble next fall,â€