Opponents of GA immigration law plan rally
Jul 9, 2011 6:12am

TLANTA (AP) — Opponents of Georgia's new law targeting illegal immigration plan to rally at the state Capitol to demonstrate their outrage.

The demonstration Saturday at noon is the latest in a string of actions held by opponents to protest the law. Organizers say the Rev. Al Sharpton is set to speak at the rally.

A federal judge temporarily blocked two parts of the law, but many of its provisions took effect July 1. State officials have said they plan to appeal the judge's ruling.

Parts of the law that went into effect include making it a felony to use false information or documentation when applying for a job; and creation of an immigration review board to investigate complaints about government officials not complying with state laws related to illegal immigration.

http://www.necn.com/07/09/11/Opponents- ... e4d1f0a358