Wary Iowans force St. John to tack right on immigration
March 20, 2007 by Allahpundit

“Immigration is probably a more powerful issue here than almost anyplace that I’ve been,” Mr. McCain said after a stop in Cedar Falls.

As he left Iowa, Mr. McCain said he was reconsidering his views on how the immigration law might be changed. He said he was open to legislation that would require people who came to the United States illegally to return home before applying for citizenship, a measure proposed by Representative Mike Pence, Republican of Indiana. Mr. McCain has previously favored legislation that would allow most illegal immigrants to become citizens without leaving the country…

“Pence has this touchback proposal,” Mr. McCain said at a news conference. “I said hey, let’s consider that if that’s a way we can get some stuff.”

Nine months after Pence proposed the touchback plan, I still don’t see the point. If it’s a rubber stamp where illegals cross back into Mexico, queue up, and then get their work visa in short order, then there’s no point to it.

Just give them the visas here. If it’s not a rubber stamp, if they’re expected to go home, wait for months, and then be readmitted only if they meet certain qualifications, then they’re obviously not going to go home. It sounds “reasonable” and “middle ground,” though, which is why McCain’s warming to it.

http://hotair.com/archives/2007/03/20/w ... migration/