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Pro-Illegal Alien Shills True To Their Hispanic 'Roots'
By Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D.

'Without firing a shot' Mexico intends to win their 'de facto' war
of 'reconquista' through colonization...

What does Linda Chavez, the conservative's, Hispanic 'media darling,' have in common with Fox News' Geraldo 'bleeding heart' liberal-left Rivera? If you said that they are both Hispanics, you would be close. However, there is more to the pair of them than 'meets the eye.' What follows highlights just how similar they are when it comes to facilitating the overwhelming Hispanic 'human tsunami' that is invading America. A deluge of illegal aliens that has defied our laws and sovereignty, balkanized our cities and towns, corrupted our unifying English language, culture and society, degraded our hospitals, schools and jails and caused reductions in our American quality of life, job opportunities and wages.

Rivera's Clear-Cut Bias In Support of Hispanic Illegal Aliens:

Suspicians about Rivera arose when: Geraldo Rivera, senior correspondent for Fox News, told a group of Hispanic journalists [that] vigilantes [the Minutemen and women] had created "hysteria along the borders" and advised his colleagues not to "let your newsroom push you around on the issue of immigration."(1)

You did notice that he did not say ILLEGAL immigration. And, to call the Minutemen 'vigilantes' and accuse the press of 'hysteria' for following the magnificent story of ordinary, LAW ABIDING, patriotic American citizens who are 'doing the job our government refuses to do,' is beyond the pale!

Geraldo goes on to say: "Bust them on their hypocrisy," Rivera said at the annual awards gala of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists in Washington last week, according to a report by the Robert C. Maynard Institute of Journalism Education.(1)

Rivera's, blatant racist call for Hispanics to "not let their newsroom push them around" says that he believes that they should put their emphasis, slant, or perspective where their Hispanic loyalties, heart or allegiance lies. Rivera apparently believes that journalistic bias is okay and is to be done with his blessings and for the benefit of other Hispanics. Such a comment shows his true racist 'colors!'

In conclusion, Hispanic Geraldo sums up his views about the illegal alien invasion by saying: "In vast sections of the country, there would not be a lawn mowed or a dish washed but for illegal immigrants," said Rivera. "I'm for not being embarrassed about who we are. If we make it, you can't forget where you come from."(1)

As for Rivera's comment about jobs that would be left undone if it weren't for illegal aliens . . . who does he think did all those jobs before the 'human tsunami' of 20 million illegal aliens invaded America and took those jobs away from low income Americans by working for 'slave' wages? Such arrogant statements reveal that he is a racist in its purest form because, as a reporter, he is very aware that 90% of all the illegal aliens are Hispanic AND that they are illegal alien lawbreakers!(2-5) Just how many lawns and dishes does Geraldo think there are to do, considering that John McCain, and Time Magazine, claim that illegal aliens continue to arrive here at a rate of 10,000 a DAY!(6)(7)

Rivera Adds 'Insult to Injury' With the Following Comments:

According to blogger 'Old Glory' who asked: Did anyone see Geraldo Rivera on Bill O'Reilly yesterday [October 27, 2005]? He exposed his pro-illegal alien point of view. Figures, most Hispanics stick together on this issue no matter what their status is in this country. I was appalled at his statements. He [Rivera] said that Americans are merely xenophobic and the reason that the MM [Minutemen] aren't patrolling our northern border like they do our southern border is because it is about white Protestants being against foreign Catholics and because any immigrants coming thru our northern border "look like" the majority of white citizens in this country and that's why we don't object to immigrants from the north. . . . He turned it [the border issue involving the Minutemen] into a racist issue! . . . ( For shame! For shame, Geraldo!

Rivera's position is EXACTLY the same as ALL the pro-illegal alien, racist, Hispanics. They totally disregard the fact that it is against the law to enter, live and work in our country without permission. Instead they are deliberately obfuscating, duplicitous, hypocritical and dishonest! They wage blatant 'in your face' campaigns of disinformation by calling themselves 'immigrant advocacy groups' or 'immigrant-rights groups, or 'human-rights' groups!' They routinely call legislation that eliminates 'public benefits' for illegal aliens, as "anti-immigrant." You will notice, they NEVER say anti-illegal immigrant. The word "illegal" is NOT part of their vocabulary! Without fail, they deliberately obfuscate by using the unspecified term "immigrants" when we all know that the real issue is ILLEGAL immigrants.

Did you know that the Mexican government, continuously and blatantly colludes with Hispanic politicians, individuals, groups and organizations here in America, who act as their shills. Sadly and outrageously, nearly all of the major Hispanic organizations receive funding, some in the millions, from the Ford Foundation, Carnegie, etc., and many, many 'cheap labor' corporate 'others.'(9)(10)

Many of Hispanic descent deliberately collude with other Hispanics in order to facilitate increasing their numbers in our country by supporting the massive illegal alien invasion. Their primary goal is to gain ever more influence, political power, prominence and clout! Many Hispanics who don't agree with their goals, are castigated by being called 'coconuts' -- brown on the outside and white on the inside.

The Hispanic's ultimate goal is to dominate our American society, culture, language and political infrastructure. To force themselves, their culture, society and language upon our country and its citizens. This frenzy of racism, and uni-culturalism, will ultimately destroy the blended American culture we once knew. A culture that has evolved over the centuries, engendered by the 'melting pot' and proclaimed by our national motto of E pluribus Unum 'out of many ONE!' The massive, unchecked, Hispanic illegal alien invasion will irrevocably alter our American way of life, today, tomorrow and forever! Will you stand by an let it happen?

Geraldo is Just Another Mexican Shill and Hispanic Operative:

Using his 'celebrity' to work in lockstep with those racist Hispanic organizations, ALL of whom support the illegal alien invasion. Organizations such as LULAC the (League of United Latin American Citizens) a Mexican-American organization; and MALDEF the (Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund); and MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan) or the Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan, found at many, many high schools and colleges and universities here in America. Where a Chicano is defined as "a person living in, the U.S. who is of Mexican descent."

The largest of the Hispanic organizations . . . the National Council of La Raza (i.e., The Race -- referring to 'Hispanics' who are NOT a race) has openly declared . . . "there should be no borders and therefore no illegal immigrants!"(11) The National Council of La Raza (NCLR) is an anti-American, pro-illegal alien lobby that receives funding from a very long list of American corporations who want to keep that 'cheap labor' flowing. You can see the NCLR list of corporate 'cheap labor' donors here: (12)

Interestingly, the United States Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is a 'card carrying member' of the NCLR. Frightening isn't it? Perhaps that is why our immigration laws are unenforced? Isn't having an Hispanic US Attorney General is a bit like 'having the fox watch the chickens.'

The National Council of La Raza, MALDEF, LULAC and MEChA, and other organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), all work in collusion with numerous American politicians and individuals of Hispanic descent.(13)(14)(15) That list also includes the ACLU, which is headed by an Hispanic.(16)(17) They all work constantly 'behind the scenes' using our courts, Hispanic advisory counsels, or award ceremonies, like Geraldo's appearance at the National Association of Hispanic Journalists in Washington, DC.

Hispanics constantly use their political access, legislative positions or celebrity to push their agenda to eliminate any and all actions that might thwart or stop the illegal alien invasion of America that continues at a rate of 10,000 a day.(6)(7)

Wake Up America:

Racist Hispanics have insidiously insinuated themselves into our police departments, mayoralties, schools, jails, hospitals, courts, churches, local townships, legislatures, media and advisory boards, etc. What do you think they will do as their numbers continue to increase through this unchecked illegal alien invasion? 'Without firing a shot' Mexico intends to win their 'de facto' war of 'reconquista' through colonization, by leveraging their 'migrant army' to gain enough political power to shove their balkanizing, racist Hispanic agenda down the throats of America!(9)(10)

Linda Chavez is Just Another Mexican-American Hispanic Shill:

She is another of those who champions the Hispanic illegal alien invasion. Linda Chavez, may be a conservative Bush mouthpiece, but she is also true to her Hispanic 'roots!' She is a 'dyed in the wool, 100% pure,' pro-illegal alien, open borders, enabler!

In an article titled "Hispanics and Katrina" Chavez wonders what happened to the "nearly 200,000 Hispanics living in and around New Orleans" during hurricane Katrina. She didn't know because "despite hundreds of stories about poverty, race, and the failure of government to rescue the most vulnerable" the media seemed totally lacking in curiosity about them.(1

Chavez wonders why she didn't see Hispanic faces at the Superdome and Convention Center because they usually occupied jobs at the bottom of economic ladder. Chavez said: "Most are immigrants -- often illegal -- from Honduras and Mexico." But then, Linda began to see them working to clean up the hurricane debris. She noted: "Wherever they went to escape the storm, they're back -- because there is work to be done, and they are eager to do dirty jobs that many others shun. I wonder if these images will sink in with the anti-immigrant crowd that imagines that Mexicans come to the United States looking for a handout."

As for the 'anti-immigrant crowd'. . . there is plenty of 'proof' about the cost of 'cheap labor' and the disproportionate 'public benefits' they receive. It is well documented. There are tremendous social and financial burdens placed on our economy, healthcare system, schools, courts, law enforcement and jails by illegal aliens. Not to mention those who are killed by illegal aliens who should never have been here in the first place. Including the harm incurred by those low-income workers, who are displaced by illegals who usurp their jobs by working for those 'slave wages' an American worker cannot live on, while doing those 'dirty jobs that many others shun!'(19)(20)(21)

Linda Chavez shows her true pro-illegal alien 'racist colors' by using the term 'anti-immigrant' when in fact, she is talking about the anti-ILLEGAL-immigrant crowd. Or, better yet, she should have said anti-illegal alien crowd, which would be more accurate since an 'immigrant' to the United States comes here legally, whereas illegal aliens do not. As you well know the pro-illegal alien enablers, such as Chavez and Rivera, are averse to the word 'illegal' and refuse to use the proper adjoining noun of alien which has been part of our immigration laws for 230 years.

Unfortunately, from the President on down to the media, and including those pro-illegal alien shills, they usually call them 'undocumented immigrants.' Another of the euphemisms used to deceive, because illegal aliens are not just missing some sort of paperwork (i.e., undocumented) the are here ILLEGALLY! So why the deception? It's just one of their' 'dirty little bag of tricks' that the racists ALL use to cover-up the Hispanic invasion of our country.

As to why Chavez saw so few 'Hispanic faces' she explains that: "My suspicion is that few of New Orleans' Hispanic immigrants -- especially the illegal ones -- stuck around for the hurricane to hit. [Hispanic] Immigrants in general tend to have strong initiative and good coping skills. Someone who can figure out how to get into the U.S. (especially illegally) can certainly figure out how to get out of New Orleans."(1

Isn't surprising that she didn't roll out the 'honest, decent, hard-working, they're here to do the work American won't do' baloney for those illegal aliens who: Break our laws to enter our country; break our laws to reside in our country; break our laws to work in our country; and break our laws to drive in our county! Honest they are NOT!!!

As for figuring how to get into the U.S. illegally . . . that is a trait to be admired and comes with a criminal penalty of six months in jail and a fine up to $250.00. For re-entry it is a felony punishable by up to 2 years in jail and double the fine. Unfortunately, as you know, those laws are never enforced by our government, federal, state or local.(22)

Chavez then remarked that: "The city's Hispanics didn't need the cavalry to come to the rescue, even though many of them are very poor. They did what immigrants always do: They relied on informal networks of family, friends and fellow countrymen, and pooled their resources to get out while they could. Fear of being deported was no doubt a big motivator for some not to stick around, but the loss of work probably played an even bigger role in their decision."(1

What is left unsaid is that the same 'informal network of family, friends, and fellow countrymen,' is how they got here to begin with. That 'informal network' illegally 'aids and abets' their entry, helps them financially, 'harbors' them in their homes, and provides other support which allows them to remain here, and find jobs here. Such criminal actions are exactly 'why and how' illegals are able to proliferate and metastasize all across our nation, balkanizing our cities and towns, and overrunning our schools, hospitals and jails.

Learn Just How 'Criminal' IS That 'Informal Network?

Those who constitute that "informal network of family, friends, and fellow countrymen" . . . are criminal felons who can receive up to a five years in prison for each offense and person they 'aid and abet!' That's what our immigration laws say . . . but we all know that those laws too, are also never enforced! Just what are those 'Aid and Abet' laws that are un-enforced by our government? Read on . . .

1. It is illegal to "encourage or induce an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law." 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv).(23)

2. It is also unlawful to conceal or attempt to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, illegal aliens, including any building or any means of transportation. 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(A)(iii).(23)

3. It is illegal to "engage in any conspiracy to commit any of the preceding acts." 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(A)(v)(I).(23)

4. It is unlawful to 'aid or abet' the commission of such acts. 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(A)(v)(II).(23)

Note: 'Aid and Abet' is to actively, knowingly, or intentionally assist another person in the commission or attempted commission of a crime.(24)

5. It is a felony to hire for employment 10 or more illegals, within any twelve month period, knowing they are "unauthorized aliens." 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(3)(A).(23)

Note: A Felony Occurs when the specified crime carries a penalty of more than one year in prison.(25) For ALL the crimes listed above the maximum penalties range from five to twenty years for EACH violation. Where sentences of more than five years indicate additional aggravating circumstances. Note: To hire a just one illegal alien involves a penalty of up to six months in jail, a civil offense.

Chavez goes on to 'dance in two worlds:'

Although Chavez supports the fact that illegal alien 'victims' of Katrina are not eligible for federal aid, paid for with our tax dollars, she then points out that even though: Some Hispanic advocacy organizations are crying foul. "What that suggests is that the federal government is prepared to serve some victims but not others, Cecilia Munoz, vice president for policy at the National Council of La Raza, [i.e.,The Race, which is NOT a race] told The Washington Post. "That sends a terrifying message to the larger community . . . [Chavez then counters] But does it really? The Red Cross, Catholic Charities, and other private groups aren't checking green cards before dispensing aid, so there are sources of help for illegal aliens displaced by Katrina.(1

Oh, just wonderful . . . more 'aider and abettors' of illegal aliens. However, Chavez is 'right on the money' with that comment because you will find that 'don't ask, don't tell, is exactly what is occurring at ALL places where the non-profits operate to facilitate the massive illegal alien invasion of our country. As such, Chavez too, sees nothing wrong with such law-breaking since she does not condemn them. She is, after all, one of them!(!0)

That both Munoz and Chavez can so brazenly say such things is both frightening and disgusting, because they are advocating for illegal aliens to receive something they are not entitled to receive because they are here illegally. Those here illegally should be arrested and deported, not 'served' especially in light of the fact that 67% of the Catholic Charities three billion (that's with a 'b') dollar budget comes from our taxpayer dollars.(10) Outrageous!!

Once upon a time, is seemed to be a 'good' thing, that Bush wanted to elevate religious non-profits to be on a par with non-religious non-profits, and thus be eligible for government grants and funding for their programs. But now I see it for what it was, a facilitation of the One World Order by expanding a government funded system of service and funding, to all comers. This means that regardless of their immigration status, religious charities, who provide or control most of the illegal alien subsidized 'Section 8' housing and other 'public benefits' illegals receive could expand exponentially.

All non-profits can LEGALLY 'aid and abet' illegal aliens by using a little known immigration law (which the Catholic Charities are well aware of) giving non-profits permission to 'don't ask, don't tell' a person's immigration status, before providing services. But Catholic Charities is uniquely positioned to provide those services on a grand scale because of their previous existing infrastructure and programs.(26) How clever by half, is that? See how slow on the 'uptake' we dumb, taxpaying schmucks really are! Did we have any clue? NO, not at all!

FYI . . . according to the law: "No verification requirement for nonprofit charitable organizations Subject to subsection (a) of this section, a nonprofit charitable organization, in providing any Federal public benefit (as defined in section 1611(c) of this title) or any State or local public benefit (as defined in section 1621(c) of this title), is not required under this chapter to determine, verify, or otherwise require proof of eligibility of any applicant for such benefits." 8 U.S.C. § 1642(d).(26)

While at the same time Ms. Chavez condemns Mexico for its "more or less official policy of encouraging illegal migration north . . . [she applauds Mexico, who] for once -- has stepped up to give aid. A 40-vehicle Mexican military convoy brought mobile kitchens, medical supplies, food and doctors, engineers and others to the hurricane victims. Not since Mexico ceded one-third of its territory to the United States in 1848 in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo have Mexican troops officially entered U.S. territory."(1 Why doesn't Mexico take care of them in their own country? That might be a good question for Ms. Chavez!

You all DID notice that military flouting, did you not? Another significant step towards a ONE WORLD ORDER!!! Why not have Mexico send their aid WITHOUT sending their military? Mexico no doubt considered it quite a coup to have their militarily 'invade' the territories they have been waging a de facto war against. Without 'firing a shot' they intend to win that war by sending tens of millions of their 'migrant army' citizens to colonize our country and 'reconquista' the land they lost to America, when we won the Mexican War.(27)

As to where Chavez's heart is . . . she said: "It's too bad Congress hasn't done its job as well [as Mexico], passing genuine immigration reform that would let more immigrants come legally to do those very jobs [rebuilding the Gulf Coast] ." It is patently clear that she is just another Hispanic-American shill, facilitating the Mexican government's de facto 'reconquista' war in America.(9)(10)

Chillingly, if another case of 'nannygate' hadn't caught up with Chavez when she 'harbored' (aided and abetted) an illegal alien . . . she would have held a George W. Bush cabinet post of Secretary of Labor.(??) Another case of the 'fox watching the chickens' scenario! Just think about how she could 'aid and abet' illegal aliens on a grand scale had she received such a position of power. Especially since "the Labor Secretary is uniquely charged with enforcing the federal labor laws and regulations that protect the rights and wages of workers in our country . . . "(2 Fortunately Chavez 'withdrew' her nomination and according to Mr. Wightman-Cervantes: "In the case of Linda Chavez, open immigration advocates lost, and in particular the Hispanic community."(29)

Wightman-Cervantes goes on to say: "With major worker shortages throughout the country, now is the best time for the passing of laws reforming barriers to immigration. Those who favor such laws had a strong advocate in the voice of Linda Chavez. Her well published opinions on the issue left little doubt that she would have been an advocate for increasing the number of foreign worker permits to include more day permits allowing more Mexicans to cross the border into the United States on a daily basis while living in Mexico . . . Linda Chavez was by no means a friend of labor or those who earn minimum wage. But she was a friend of those who come to our borders in hope of a better tomorrow and economic opportunity [ninety-percent of whom are Hispanics]."(29)

Chavez Embraces the Bush 'Guestworker' Program:

Linda Chavez has spoken loud and clear when she opined the following in support of Bush's 'guestworker program.' She recognizes that Americans resent rewarding "line jumpers" but does not discuss that they are criminal law breakers, then goes on to say: "But 'earned legalization' is probably the best solution to a largely intractable problem. There is no way that the United States can find and deport 8-12 million illegal aliens in this country, and even if we could, we would do more harm than good."(30)

"The American economy depends on these workers, who, along with legal immigrants, contributed significantly to the economic boon of the 1990s. If FAIR [Federation for American Immigration Reform] could wave a magic wand and make these illegal aliens disappear overnight, the rest of us would suffer by having to pay more for everything from the food we put on the table to the houses in which we live. Our office buildings wouldn't get cleaned, our crops wouldn't get picked, our meat wouldn't get processed, nor our tables cleaned when we go out to eat."(30)

Oh paallleeeessse! Who did all those things before the 20 million or more illegal aliens invaded our county? Their very presence creates the need for more and more infrastructure and workers. There is no need to send them home, just do the following and they will SELF-DEPORT:

1. Have the military close the borders and construct a 2000 mile fence!
2. Enforce ALL immigration laws!
3. Require immediate deportation of ALL illegal entries and visa overstays in our custody.
4. Require ALL employers to use the Social Security Verification System for ALL hires.
5. Deny ALL illegal alien births 'automatic citizenship.'
6. Deny ALL illegal aliens a FREE K-12 education.
7. Deny ALL illegal aliens ANY and ALL 'public benefits.'
8. Deny ALL illegal aliens driver's licenses and in-state college tuition.
9. Deny ALL illegal aliens FREE emergency medical care.
10. Verify ALL voter's citizenship, before permission to vote.

Chavez asks . . . did the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) that legalized 3 million illegal aliens living in the United States, stop illegal immigration? "Did that work to reduce illegal immigration? No, in fact, the number of illegal immigrants living here has quadrupled since the law passed."(31) Actually it has quadrupled times two! And why is that? A very simple answer, really . . . because our immigration laws are, were and never have been ENFORCED!

The next question asked by Chavez is: "Are we really prepared to pay more for everything from burgers at the local fast-food restaurant to the cost of new homes?"(31) If there are as few as 12 million illegal aliens in a country of 296 million people, how is it that those who work for 'slave wages' are working in so many places that everything will cost more. Do the math. The logic of her argument is flawed. However, if in fact there are 20 million or more illegal aliens in America, as in fact there are, then her argument might have more 'sway!' But, it is still pompously inflated to make the 'dragon' of deportation larger than life.

Her solution "is to make it easier -- not harder -- for immigrants who want to work to come here legally. The president's much-maligned guest worker proposal is a step in the right direction. But a solution still has to be found for dealing with those illegal aliens already here. It makes no sense to kick them out in order to bring in millions of different people to fill their jobs."(31) If we 'kick them out' then we won't need hundreds of thousands, or perhaps millions of workers and infrastructure to support them.

Chavez concludes that "A one-time fine of both illegal aliens and the employers who knowingly hire them, along with the chance for undocumented workers to legalize their status if they have not broken other laws, would seem the proper punishment. Then maybe we could quit disqualifying otherwise good candidates from serving the nation."(31)

Sound familiar? Of course . . . it's the Bush amnesty revisited and deemed the best way to allow Bernard Kerik and the Linda Chavez's of the world to gain political jobs and not be disqualified by hiring or harboring illegal aliens. So let's just give those illegal aliens a little 'slap on the wrist' for breaking our laws multiple times and let them stay. While at the same time give native Americans, not to be confused with American Indians, and legal immigrants a 'slap in the face' and continue to pick their taxpayer pockets to support those criminal alien invaders!

Chavez Endorses an 'Illegal Alien Option:'

What is the solution for the illegal alien situation asks Chavez? Obviously the Minutemen aren't the answer because they, according to Chavez, "never drew the thousands of volunteers that organizers predicted would show up . . . fewer than 900 men and women had joined the ragtag group [insulting comment] some hailed as 'citizen volunteers' [they are patriots doing the work our government won't do!] and others condemned as vigilantes [that included the president of the United States], and only 335 illegal aliens were apprehended . . ."(32)

In still another observation Chavez states: Only 9% of Americans favor increasing immigration . . . But [here comes the 'pitch' for open borders] the vast majority of adult illegal aliens are gainfully employed [while their children overwhelm our emergency rooms, schools and educational funding sources] -- and not at below-minimum wage jobs either -- which means our labor market easily absorbs them, and, in fact, now depends on them.(32)

Translated that means that she has 'no clue' about the true facts about illegal aliens and the job market. Most of what she has said is 'wishful thinking.' Most are paid minimum wage because employers know that it is too easy for the IRS to catch and prove. What is left out is that many are paid 'under the table' or 'off the books' and/or receive no 'benefits' including medical, worker's compensation, nor do they pay any taxes such as Social Security, federal and state income taxes, etc. Did you know that even if an employer does not pay into worker's comp that an injured illegal alien can receive worker's comp benefits for life?(33)

In fact employers depend, not on illegal alien employees, but on paying those 'slave wages' with no benefits and taxes taken out. And since the employers do not deduct taxes from their paychecks illegal aliens often receive about the same amount you do after taxes at a higher wage. How 'fair' is that?

And . . . who pays for those illegal aliens and their children when employers don't provide those things? You guessed it. "We the People," John and Jane taxpayers. You do know that they receive free emergency medical care. Do you receive free emergency care? Did you know that even if an illegal alien pays NO income taxes they can still get a 'child tax credit' from the IRS and receive some of your taxpayer dollars as a refund to them?(27)

Another 'dirty little secret' is that most illegal aliens, who work on the books, are well aware that they can claim up to ten dependents and pay no income tax without receiving any scrutiny from the IRS.

Chavez Speaks Out on Her Radio Talk Show:

Chavez interviewed Tom Fitton, the president of the law firm Judicial Watch located in the Washington, DC area. They are involved in filing a law suit against the Herndon, Virginia's local government, and the county of Fairfax, for providing a Day Labor center for illegal aliens using township property and county taxpayer dollars.(34)(35)(36)(37)

Fitton commented "that efforts such as a proposal to pay for a new laborer site with government money were 'encouraging illegals to reside here.' That's bad public policy, and bad for American workers, he said. 'Legal immigrants are hurt by this sort of competition as well, Fitton said. But Chavez, whose Mexican American heritage has played a significant role in her public life, bristled some at their guest's assertions."(3 Why is that?

Fitton is correct and his contentions are backed up by immigration laws. Although Chavez agrees that taxpayer money should not be used, she still defends employing illegal aliens by saying: "We have a need for labor. We have very low unemployment in Northern Virginia . . . It's not as if we had huge number of unemployed people that would be taking these jobs. . . The real problem, she said, is a broken federal immigration policy."(3

Well at least this time she has it right. The REAL problem is the POLICY decisions being made by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) who is NOT enforcing of our immigration laws. Policy decisions are NOT law. In the case of immigration laws, many of the policies constructed by DHS, which is responsible for enforcing our immigration laws, is blatantly contravening those immigration laws. Why? Are they part of the One World Order contingent as Asa Hutchinson the former 'Border Czar' clearly demonstrated. Please read: Insanity Reigns: Gov't 'Aids and Abets' Illegal Aliens (Part 1), for the answer!(27)

The rationale for employing illegal aliens because "we have a need for labor" is an outrageous comment on its face. What Chavez has said is that it is okay to break our immigration laws and employ illegal aliens because Linda Chavez's Mexican-American allegiance has overcome her common sense. It is anti-American. It is a Republican pro-business position. It is ILLEGAL! It is driving down wages for those who already struggling economically and fighting to survive in an employment market that will see increasing declines in wages as long as employers continue to hire that 'cheap labor' Ms. Chavez champions! For the true story about employing illegal alien cheap labor read: Americans Lose $68 Billion a Year From Immigration; Study Examines Harm to American Workers.(19)

Chavez Entreats 'Fellow Republicans' to Open America's Doors:

In an Op-Ed commentary by Chavez she calls for "Fellow Republicans, [to] Open Your Doors" in which she castigates Jerry Kilgore for losing in the race for Governor of Virginia. Specifically she admonishes: "Republican candidates hoping to make illegal immigration a central issue in next year's Congressional elections and the 2008 presidential race should consider the results of the Virginia governor's contest."(39)

Chavez contends: "The Republican candidate [a former Virginia Attorney General], Jerry Kilgore, tried to tap into sentiments against illegal aliens by running advertisements that featured grainy video of border arrests and Hispanic men waiting in line while an announcer accused his Democratic opponent, Tim Kaine, of favoring "taxpayer benefits for illegal immigrants." . . . "But on election day, immigration failed to galvanize voters, and Mr. Kilgore lost by six percentage points . . ."(39)

What is left unsaid by Chavez, is that Virginia traditionally chooses their governor from the party opposite the one in power or control of the state legislature. The Democrat who ran against him, was the sitting Lieutenant Governor of the popular current Governor Warner, who was ineligible to run again. And, many political pundits agreed that Kilgore who was leading early on, made several major campaigning errors, unrelated to the illegal alien issue, that eroded his advantage.

Another interesting fact was that during 2005, Virginia's Republican dominated legislature produced several 'veto-proof' anti-illegal alien laws that the former governor was forced to sign, or be humiliated by being over-ridden by the legislature. The governor's retaliation to that fact, was to appoint an Hispanic 'advisory' panel to 'keep watch' over the enforcement of those laws, when those pending laws are enacted at the beginning of 2006.

We find, once again, Chavez makes her 'pitch' for illegal aliens: "If these immigrant workers were to disappear tomorrow - as so many politicians and conservative talk-show hosts seem to desire - it would have a drastic and unwelcome effect on the economy here and around the country. Not only do these workers fill necessary jobs in a tight labor market, but they spend their wages largely in the communities in which they live and work, and most contribute their share of taxes as well (employers generally withhold from paychecks in these industries) [referring to a Pew Hispanic Center survey that found that 25% of all drywall and ceiling tile installers in the U.S. are illegal aliens] . . . a statistic confirmed by a visit to almost any construction site in the Virginia suburbs." Oh . . . doesn't that sound like there would need to be some 'racial profiling' to achieve that sort of visual survey?

Again Ms. Chavez is mis-informed or deliberately mis-leading when she says illegal aliens spend their wages where they live and that 'most contribute their share of taxes.' Both of these contentions are debunked by the following facts: Mexico who already benefits from huge NAFTA trade surpluses, has received some $16.6 BILLION in 'remittances,' that's cash taken out of the American economy at a rate of $45.5 MILLION a DAY, and sent to Mexico! Of the $100 billion in remittances taken out of the American economy in 2004, $46 billion went to Latin American nations.(40) The issue of contributing taxes was already discussed above. So much for Chavez's truth and accuracy rating!

Lastly, Chavez goes on to say that "most polls show that illegal immigration is way down on the list of concerns motivating most voters, and Republicans my be confusing the intensity of the small number of people for whom is a top priority - usually about 10 percent of voters - with its overall appeal as an election issue."

Chavez's allegation is so erroneous, as to be laughable. A recent Rassmussen poll found that: "Seventy-two percent (72%) of white Americans say immigration is an important voting issue for them. Sixty-percent (60%) of other Americans agree."(41) There isn't a single national legislator who returns home, during legislative recesses, who is not confronted and assailed by their constituency about the illegal alien invasion of America. Who's she trying to kid?

According to the Los Angeles Times: "Illegal immigration has emerged as a major issue in political campaigns around the country, adding an element of emotional intensity that Republicans hope will excite their conservative supporters -- but that also threaten to split the party . . . 'Midterm elections are testing grounds for presidential election issues,' said Jennifer Duffy, an analyst for the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. 'I really believe that immigration is that issue for 2006. Whether immigration dominates a race or shapes it, I expect every competitive race to engage on it on some level.'"(42) Gee . . . how badly Chavez seems to have mis-read the political pulse!

Thinking Americans believe that the exploitation of illegal aliens is driven by a lust for cheap labor. However, they may not know who is lobbying so diligently for that cheap labor. They include the following protagonists: the U.S. Chamber of Commerce; high-tech companies like Microsoft; giant labor unions; the construction industry; clothing manufacturers; the meat packing industry; the hotel and restaurant industry; the gaming industry; the Agri-business and farmers; and of course, the wealthy elites who require nannies, gardeners, cooks, housekeepers and drivers.(43)

Granted Chavez is against 'affirmative action' and bi-lingual education but that does not abrogate the fact that she is blatant open borders enabler. This fact consigns her to being just another Mexican-American Hispanic shill for Vicente Fox and George W. Bush's plans to erase our northern and southern borders and eliminate our American sovereignty in the name of One World Order.(27)

In Conclusion:

Keep in mind that Rivera and Chavez are not pro-illegal alien just because 90 % of those 20 million illegal aliens are needy 'economic migrants' who just happen to be Hispanics. They are pro-illegal alien shills because most of those illegals are Hispanics. They both clearly support the illegal alien invasion. Why, because those Hispanics will continue to arrive in such overwhelming numbers that they will expedite a future where Hispanics, including Chavez and Rivera, will be able to seize political POWER without any of the checks and balances designed and intended by our unenforced immigration laws. That's what Rivera and Chavez, really care about. They want to become part of the majority and shove the White Europeans into a minority status. They are working very hard to achieve their goals.

They want to shove aside those White Europeans whose ancestors and descendants earned the right to be here in America because they took this naked, virgin land and made something out of it! They paid money for it, they fought for it, shed their blood for it, and won wars for it (including the Mexican-American War). They tamed it, farmed it, industrialized it and built it into the prosperous nation that exists today.

What Rivera and Chavez want is for their illegal alien Mexican, and Hispanic compadres to continue to overrun and obliterate our blended American society, balkanize our cities and towns, defile our AMERICAN culture, and pollute our unifying English language! That's why you hear all that 'braying' and 'crowing' by the Hispanics about having achieved a MAJORITY, MINORITY in several states. By the way . . . isn't that expression really an oxymoron?

Don't you wonder if Chavez and Rivera would have the same 'sympathy and support' for those illegal alien Hispanic 'economic migrants' if 90% of them were Chinese, or Iraqis or Africans?

They 'care' ONLY because they ARE Hispanic and . . . in Rivera's case . . . Catholic. They have both put their ethnicity and/or religion first and their allegiance to America, her laws, heritage, culture, society and our unifying English language . . . dead last!