Barack Obama: Embarassed by America

by Bay Buchanan
Tue, 15 Jul 2008 9:52 am

from Human Events

First there was the flag pin. Barack Obama refused to wear it. Then he refused to put hand to heart during the national anthem. He sat in a pew while his pastor trashed America. He explained to his rich pals in San Francisco that the hard working folks in Middle America "cling to guns or religion" because they are "bitter" over the tough economic times. Now Obama tells us that we shouldn't worry about immigrants learning English; our focus should be on getting our children to learn Spanish. He added, "It's embarrassing when Europeans come over here, they all speak English, they speak French, they speak German. And then we go over to Europe and all we can say is merci beaucoup."

American soldiers are fighting, and dying in battles thousands of miles from their homes, American medical personnel are caring for refugees and orphans throughout the world, and the American people are more generous than any on earth, ready to help the sick and needy wherever they live, and Barack Obama is embarrassed because his countrymen don't speak French? Who is this guy? Born in the greatest nation on earth and too embarrassed to wear a flag pin or honor our anthem with a simple gesture. Uncomfortable with gun loving, Bible thumping, hard working, English speaking people who are at the heart of what is good about his country, but entirely at ease -- for years -- in a church with a pastor who preached hatred of America.

With his latest commentary on America Obama has now given us five separate and distinct occasions that demonstrate his contempt for this nation. When following a script, he says the right things but when speaking extemporaneously he proves himself to be an elitist who is above the patriotism thing. He does not appreciate that our language tightly knits us as a people and our shared traditions, values, history and heroes is our common culture, our identity, the core of want it means to be an American.

I learned young from my uncle Regis, a Word War II veteran, an American hero we called Uncle Peachie.

In the Second World War Uncle Peachie found himself in North Africa. They would fight all day in the desert and push forward as far as they could. At night they would sleep wherever they found themselves. He spent months in the desert, at age 19, learning first hand the horrors of war. When word came that they had won this front the troops headed to town to participate in a victory parade. Preferring to watch rather than be in the parade Uncle Peachie found a second floor balcony and waited. As the procession of jeeps, tanks and soldiers turned the corner and came his way Uncle Peachie set his eyes on Old Glory for the first time in months and was overwhelmed with emotion. The American flag, he told me sent a tingling sensation through his body from toes to head and, he told me, he has never seen an American flag since that day without this sensation repeating itself all over again.

My uncle came back from the war and with his Silver Star in hand traveled to the home of the buddy he left behind in Africa. There he told the parents about the final days of their son's life and gave them his medal. He knew what it meant to be an American.

"Patriotism," my brother Pat writes, "is a passionate attachment to one's own country, its land, its people, its past, its heroes, literature, language, traditions, culture, and customs."

Patriotism is what my uncle felt and what Americans everywhere feel when they see the flag, hear the anthem, or see an American soldier. They so love America that when reminded that they are among the privileged few who to call America home their eyes fill and their hearts swell.

It is this deep love for country that makes Americans willing to sacrifice and die for it. It is an appreciation of our greatness that places an obligation upon us to fight, protect, and preserve this nation, as those who went before us did. Being an American is so much more than being born here -- it is unique experience, an unparalleled privilege, a gift from God.

Our President needs to know this, in his mind and in his heart. He must be so proud to be an American that we will all know that he will be committed to keeping this country the greatest on earth. But to do that you have to believe it. This is where Barack Obama comes up short.

Your friend,

Received by e-mail from Bay Buchanan
501 Church Street | Suite 202 | Vienna | VA | 22180
(703) 255-2632 |