Dan Stein Report
November 07, 2006

GOP House Difficulties Come from Not Abandoning Bush?

"Why then, if it was the key to the survival of their majority status as well as to their ability to stop the open-border bill again next year, have the Republicans been so quiet about their great role in defeating the most insane and radical bill ever presented to the U.S. Congress? The answer is simple: to have publicized their opposition to S.2611 would have meant publicizing the fact that they were opposing the head of their own party, George W. Bush. It would have been, well, unseemly. 'Vote for us Republicans, we killed President Bush’s insane open-borders scheme!' Such an open split with their own president was not the Republicans’ style. So they downplayed their greatest achievement. And because they downplayed it, it will be wiped out next year as though it had never been," says Lawrence Auster. "The bottom line is that the Republicans needed to separate themselves from the president, both for their own survival as the majority party and for the good of the country as a whole. They lacked the vision and the guts to see this."

"I have been sharply critical of the Bush administration for their negligence in this matter and for their other failures, but at the same time almost all Democrats have not offered a viable alternative. Many House Republicans have, however, realized the importance of this issue and have fought against the Bush administration, the GOP leadership, and the Democratic Party," writes the Lonewacko blog in an election day post. "I urge you to support those House Republicans who support real immigration enforcement, as well as select other Republicans who are in races where their opponents are markedly worse."

While troops have died in Iraq, many more people have been killed at home in this country by the acts of illegal aliens like Raphael Ramirez Perez, who killed a 22 year old woman after being deported only to sneak back into this country. These innocent people did not volunteer to be put in danger, they simply are victims of the inaction by government officials to stop illegal immigration. So while you may consider the Iraq war in your decision, I ask you to consider the impact that illegal immigration is having here at home," says Digger's Realm.

Slate's Mickey Kaus says this a GOP defeat will make this a perverse election. "In other words, a Democratic victory would punish Bush by giving him a gift of his top domestic legislative priority. [amnesty] Perverse! It would be easy to live with the perversity if Bush's plan were sound policy--but it's more Iraq-style wishful Bush thinking: a) thinking that granting amnesty won't encourage more foreign workers to try to come here illegally to position themselves for the next amnesty; b) thinking that a Republican administration will administer a tough, effective system of sanctions against any employers who hire those illegal workers."

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