Protection Against Invasion
What part of "illegal" do they not comprehend?

by an American Patriot
April 1, 2005

The Supreme Court's counter-part -- the ACLU -- was in full operation when it made its run for the border to monitor the volunteers of the Minuteman Project in Arizona. The Minuteman Project was a group of American citizens there to help the U.S. Border Patrol deter "illegal aliens" from crossing over our borders that could be potential violent criminals and terrorists.

The ACLU stated "This is an opportunity for the community to be involved in the movement to ensure that individuals who come to our community to engage in illegal activity will not be tolerated." Now mind you the ACLU wasn't talking about the "illegal aliens" that "actually invaded" their community engaging in "illegal activity" because the "illegal aliens" are good for our economy and are "law abiding citizens."

The ACLU was referring to the volunteers of the Minuteman Project whose stake out along the border with lawn chairs and cell phones was to make the citizens of our country aware of our insecure borders. The President and Secretary of State for the United States have called the peaceful protest of the Minuteman Project citizen volunteers at our borders attempting to deter the "illegal invasion" of foreign nationals "vigilantees."

Lucas Guttentag, director of the ACLU's Immigrants' Right Project said "Under the Constitution, every person regardless of immigration status is entitled to due process, and private vigilantes are not permitted to take the law into their own hands," and "The Immigrants Rights Project will participate in the legal observer project to assess the situation in Arizona firsthand, to support the efforts of the ACLU of Arizona and to underscore that the rule of the law applies equally to all."

The Constituion the ACLU Immigrants' Right Project is referring to, is formerly known as the Constitution FOR THE United States, the one for the States and the Citizens thereof, not "foreign nations" or "illegal liens." The 'Bill of Rights' FOR THE United States guarantees and recognizes only the rights of Citizens and State governments, that's the argument of the government and the courts in civil forfeiture of 'personal property' because the the 'property' of the citizens has no rights. The "'Bill of Rights' that guarantees "due process" are not "fundamental" rights guaranteed to immigrants, 'illegal aliens" or 'territorial citizens.' Fundamental rights for "legal immigrants" are 'civil and religious liberty' not the 'privileges' of citizenship and criminal rights. However, the "rule of law" that "applies equally to all" makes it a federal offense for "aliens" to enter into the United States "illegally."

Attorney General nominee Alberto Gonzales, a former Supreme Court Judge in the State of Texas, stated in testimony to Congress that these "illegal aliens" are "otherwise law-abiding people" and "...they're unlawful aliens but otherwise lawful citizens." These are not "lawful citizens," "illegal citizens" or "illegal immigrants" -- they are "illegal aliens" under a foreign power that have "actually invaded" the territory of the United States. Furthermore, how can an "unlawful alien" be an "otherwise lawful citizen"?

These "illegal aliens" are not "immigrants" they are invaders from a foreign nation and owe no allegiance to the United States. The Constitution FOR THE United States -- the supreme law of the land -- expressly guarantees to the States and the Citizens that "The United States . . . shall protect each of them [the states] against invasion." The Constitution also provides that a "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." A militia is defined as being a "group of citizens organized to provide paramilitary service" and the "entire able-bodied population of a state, which can be called to arms against an invading enemy . . . a private, non-government force, not necessarily directly supported or sanctioned by the government" or "Volunteer forces." That aptly describes the Minuteman volunteers acting upon their guaranteed Constitutional rights.

On the other hand, how would you define American citizens, that owe allegiance to the United States, protesting patriotic citizen volunteers engaged in the lawful activity of patroling the Arizona-Mexico border for "the security of a free state" with the intent purpose of guaranteeing the Constitutional rights of the "illegal aliens"? These American citizens are protesting for the rights of the foreign nationals and potential terrorists that have "actually invaded" our country while our troops are engaged in battles against terrorism abroad. Under federal statutes that's aiding and abetting the 'enemy' -- an act of treason.

The federal government has limited powers over the states under the Constitution, and contrary to the holdings of the courts, Congress was not delegated with the 'exclusive power' to 'regulate immigration' or residency. Under Article I Sec. 8. Congress was in 'fact' vested with the power "To establish a uniform rule of naturalization" -- the proceeding whereby a foreigner is granted citizenship and privileges of citizenship in order to prevent naturalizing aliens in every other state because "The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States;" but each state retained the power of "naturalizing aliens" -- "legal immigrants" -- in their state and denying the privilege of residence to "illegal aliens."

The Immigration and Naturalization Services are a division of Homeland Security and apply to immigrants who are lawfully present in the United States. The INS makes aliens ineligible for visas or admission into the United States that have a communicable disease, have a physical or mental disorder and behavior associated with the disorder, drug abusers or addict, convicted of a criminal act, have committed a violation of (or a conspiracy or attempt to violate) any law or regulation of a State, the United States, or a foreign country relating to a controlled substance, an alien convicted of 2 or more offenses, an illicit trafficker in any controlled substance, an alien who is coming to the United States to participate in prostitution, any alien who has engaged in a terrorist activity, a member of a foreign terrorist organization, any alien who is a stowaway is inadmissible, an alien who is not in possession of a valid unexpired immigrant visa, reentry permit, border crossing identification card, or other valid entry document, any alien who has been ordered removed, aliens unlawfully present after previous immigration violations, unlawful voters, and the list goes on. But nonetheless, members of Congress and the President want to legalize "illegal aliens" who would otherwise be precluded from entry into the United States.

The influx of "illegal aliens" into this country have exposed the American people to comminucable diseases that have no cure -- a strain of tuberculosis that is lethal for about 60% of those infected, Dengue Fever -- called "the most important mosquito-transmitted viral disease in terms of morbidity and mortality," Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, Polio, Malaria, Leprosy, Kawasaki Disease, Hepatitis A, B, and C and Chagas Disease can be transmitted by contaminated blood transfusions or by organ transplants -- blood is not screened for Chagas. Even though terrorists have threatened the United States with "biologial weapons" that can easily be transported by "illegal aliens" across the border, our Congress is battling for amnesty.

Protection against invasion is not optional, it's mandatory under the Constitution for the United States. Congressman Tom Tancredo said "I have asked the president many times to put troops on the border, and we got a response from soon-to-be secretary of homeland defense Tom Ridge who said there will be no troops on the border because of 'cultural and political reasons that prevent it.' " The United States is not governed by "culture or political reason," we are governed by the 'rule of law' and our Constitution vested Congress, not the President, with the power to call forth "the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions. . . provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress" because "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state." Under the Constitution the "President shall be commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States" by the Congress. As a Congressman for the United States, Representative Tom Tancredo should know that, but then again, that's the reason the Minuteman were doing the job Congress failed to do

Many Americans claim the United States is a country of "immigration" and the Statue of Liberty in the New York Harbor is the beacon of freedom and an invitation to the world to “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore – Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me; I lift my lamp beside the golden door!� The Statute of Liberty is not an open invitation to the world to "Give me your" murderers, rapist, child molesters, drug smugglers, militant groups, "illegal invaders" and the huddled masses yearning to commit mass genocide.

Americans need to know "illegal aliens" are not "immigrants" and the Statue of Liberty is not an "immigration policy," the Constitution or the "law of the land," the Statue of Liberty was "The Gift of France to the United States." Freedom isn't free and freedom in America wasn't the "gift" of England or the world to the United States -- hundreds of thousands of Americans have fought in wars for our right to be and stay free.

Steven Camarota of the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) said "Immigrants in general and Mexican households in particular" use more welfare and other social programs than native born Americans. "Illegal aliens" are stealing the identities of the American people to become "lawfully" employed. Jack Kemp stated “Generally speaking, if you subsidize something, you get more of it and if you tax it you get less of it� -- doesn't it make sense that if you subsidize and legalize "illegal aliens" we'll get more of them?

And things aren't getting any better. Terence Jeffrey reported that "the Inspector General (OIG) of the Social Security Administration published an audit report revealing that Defense, plus the Coast Guard (which is a component of the Department of Homeland Security), filed nearly 6,400 W-2 forms between 1997 and 2002 that could not be matched to known taxpayers and thus had to be dumped into what SSA calls the Earnings Suspense File (ESF). . . 3,585 DOD W-2s bore valid SSNs but different names than those to which the SSNs had been issued. . . the first and last names reported by the DOD components were completely different from the names associated with the SSNs shown in SSA records. ... We believe these wage items need further investigation to determine if the wage earners deliberately used SSNs that belong to others or whether these were simply reporting errors. . . One DOD W-2 used the SSN of a worker who died in 1942. In another case, a man dishonorably discharged from the Army used his son's SSN to re-enlist . . . Nonetheless, allowing hundreds, or even thousands, of unknown workers to gain employment at a government agency charged with defending the nation in a war against terrorists is unacceptable. " It makes you question the credibility of the "intelligence information" received.

Not only does America provide medical care to those that have come into the country illegally from Mexico and reside here, Mexican ambulance drivers are transporting critical cases to emergency rooms of the U.S. border states where they cannot be refused. In 2002, close to 1000 organ transplants were performed in the United States on "illegal aliens" and foreigners.

The federal courts or Congress forcing states to support and provide "access to public benefits" of its citizens to "illegal aliens" -- citizens of a foreign power -- that "actually invaded" its territory, is, consequently, multiple violations of the Constitution and an act of treason punishable by imprisonment. The federal courts and Congress have knowingly and willingly levied war against the citizens and the States and violated the Constitution FOR THE United States.

The "judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts" are repeatedly ruling in favor of "illegal aliens" and Congress is busy with "pretend legislation" to legalize "illegal invaders" and provide them with health care and social security benefits -- they are "adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort" at the expense of the states and their citizens.

The Constitution provides that Congress, not the federal courts, determines the penalty for treason and 18 USC 2381 provides that "Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States." "Whoever" does not exclude anti-American protesters meeting with foreign officials, members of the military, "judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts" or Congressmen.

Congress and/or the President can suspend any and all "legal immigration" into this country under its war powers to provide "for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States." But the exclusive power to "regulate immigration" and rights of citizenship and privileges of residence, were not powers delegated to United States or "prohibited" to the States under the Constitution, therefore these are powers also "reserved to the states respectively, or to the people" -- not the federal government or the federal courts.

Article I Section 10 expressly provides that "No state shall, without the consent of Congress,. . . enter into any agreement or compact with . . . a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay." "Illegal aliens" are not "immigrants" under the Constitution for the United States, they are a "foreign power" that has "actually invaded" the states of this country and neither the federal government nor any state has the authority to provide "alien access to public benefits" of its citizens.

Cal Thomas, one of America’s Leading Political Columnists stated "An effective war against terrorists begins at our borders and extends to the places where radicals meet and organize for the next attack. If it comes, will government officials be able to honestly say they had done everything they could to prevent it? They won't if they haven't controlled our borders."

The question every American citizen needs to ask is "Why is the Senate for the United States more concerned with "legalizing" the "illegal invaders" than it is in securing our borders?"
