KISS----Keep It Simple Stupid

What People Want

By Marion Valentine
Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Congress which passes bills containing thousands of pages which no one reads, and could not understand if they did, should keep this in mind.

KISS——Keep It Simple Stupid

Complex things are woven for the sole purpose of deception.
The goal of intelligence is to render complex things simple.

From my conversations with others, and listening to the people at town hall meetings and tea party protests, this is what We The People want.

1. Smaller government
2. Lower taxes
3. Tort reform
4. Stop funding ACORN
5. Stop funding the United Nations which is even more corrupt than ACORN
6. Stop funding ACLU
7. Close the borders as much as possible. Impose heavy fines for employers who hire illegals. Immediately deport any illegals caught. Immigration problem solved by ENFORCING the laws now on the books. Cut off all federal funds to “sanctuary citiesâ€