Where is Obama’s outrage over the murder of U.S. Border Agent Rosas?
by Kimberly Morin

His silence is deafening.

July 31, 12:15 PM 8 comments

As I have said in past articles, I am going to continue to watch the behavior of the liberal media and Obama regarding big issues that come out and how they react. This time I’m ignoring the liberal media because I’m so incensed that again a man in uniform is murdered in the line of duty on U.S. soil and Obama has said nothing about this nor has he sent his condolences to Rosas wife and two children(at least not publicly). I scoured the www.whitehouse.gov press briefings and statements and found nothing. I scoured the web and found... crickets.

On July 23 while protecting the United States border from illegal aliens, U.S. Border Patrol Agent Robert Rosas was gunned down and murdered by illegal aliens crossing the border. The full details of the story are not yet out and some illegals are in custody. This is the first death of a U.S. Border Patrol Agent since 1998. Others have been shot at but none have been murdered since then. From the NYDaily News: “Federal officials have expressed concerns that the drug cartel battles plaguing Mexico could spill into the United States with the targeting of U.S. law enforcement officials. Slotter said investigators aren't ruling out the possibility that Rosas was slain by drug smugglers or even human smugglers.“

Since the United States and Mexican border is becoming a huge issue with the drug cartels, I would think that Obama would at least make a comment on this murder by saying how unacceptable it was and that the U.S. will not tolerate violence on the border against law enforcement officials. What did he say? Nothing. Most politicians do not want to discuss one of the biggest issues facing our country because they worry too much about the Hispanic vote. Well maybe Hispanics that are legally in the U.S. will get how much Obama could care less since he hasn’t even acknowledged Agent Rosas death.

Within hours after Dr. Tiller was murdered, Obama expressed his outrage. Within hours of the Holocaust Museum murder, Obama was ‘shocked and saddened’. Within a day of Michael Jackson’s death Obama sent his condolences to the Jackson family. Within a few days of the incident, Obama stated during a prime time press conference that ‘the Cambridge Police Department acted stupidly’. Yet he said nothing, nada, zip about the murder of a U.S. Border Patrol Agent. Obama had the opportunity to open up further discussion about the serious issues the United States is facing at the Mexican border. We have proven crime increase issue because of the drug smugglers. We need to send troops to the border or simply close the border yet Obama said absolutely nothing about this heinous crime. One of his own employees was murdered on duty on U.S. soil and he is silent.

There is absolutely no justification for not discussing this murder and the crime that is going on at our borders. The Mexican drug cartels are seeping into America and no one other than local law enforcement seems to give a damn. This issue affects every single one of us but more importantly the people who live in Border States. They are the ones that have to deal with these crimes first hand. Obama completely blew an opportunity to step up border patrol and claim outrage to the Mexican government.

The Mexican drug cartels are laughing at us right now. Our own president didn’t even make a comment on the murder of a border patrol agent. What is wrong with Obama? Is the illegal alien vote that important to him that he neglects such an urgent issue? He makes comments about an abortion doctor, a freak pop star and a questionably racist Harvard professor but is forced to make a comment about Army Private Long , murdered by an American-turned-Jihadist and makes no comment about Rosas’ murder by illegal aliens. His pattern of behavior is becoming quite clear. Obama does not seem to hold anyone who is in uniform, serves his country and is willing to die for his country, in high regard. By not saying anything at all regarding these issues, Obama’s silence is not only telling but increasingly deafening.

UPDATE: I just did another search and found a condolences message on the White House web to the Rosas family. Why is no one bringing this up to Gibbs? Why is there no 'outloud' discussion about it???
