Undocumented Soldiers (aka illegal aliens) infiltrate the US Military
Is the United States importing and training it's own insurgency of Aztlan warriors?

I have listened recently to open border amnesty advocates lionize immigrants that are serving in the military today. Some have given their life for America recently in Iraq and Afghanistan. All did so voluntarily. Always eager to prove just how good illegal aliens really are for America, I doubt they have bothered to check their immigration status. It is reasonable to assume they are unable to differentiate between legal and illegal immigrants. The amnesty proponents use this example as a justification for all the illegal aliens in America today. I'm not sure exactly what logic they are applying to that standard. Out of the 30+ million illegal aliens in America today only a small percentage have served in the military. Some have served honorably but many have not. Americans of Mexican heritage have a proud tradition of serving in the military. When I was active in the Marines I met many. But today's generation of illegal alien gangbangers is another story. I assumed that all immigrants serving in the military today would be here legally and have a legal green card status. I found that assumption was incorrect - silly me. In fact, the number of undocumented soldiers (illegal aliens) serving on active duty is astounding.

An excellent article found in an Latino publication titled, Gang Members Get Trained in the Army http://news.newamericamedia.org/news/vi ... a&from=rss , addresses the problem of this younger generation of gangbangers, many who are illegal aliens entering military service.

LOS ANGELES – While hundreds of Mexican soldiers are deserting the army to join drug trafficking gangs, California is facing the opposite problem: A growing number of gang members here have infiltrated the U.S. Armed Forces in order to receive military training.

"Many older gang members are taking care of their newer members so that they maintain a clean criminal record and thus can have unrestricted access to the Army or guns," says an anti-gang official. "We have noticed that in common crimes, gang members are forced to give the name of another member of the group that already has a record so that he gets written up and helps the others to remain clean."

The infiltration of gang members into the Armed Forces must be taken seriously because it represents an important risk for local and national security, says the former DEA agent.

The numbers of undocumented soldiers serving on active duty in our military is simply astounding. The following is from an article titled A Stunning Disclosure on Illegals in the Military http://www.military.com/NewContent/0,13 ... SRC=dod.nl , written by Lt. Col. Matthew Dodd USMC for military.com.

"[T]he citizenship of 16,031 members of the Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines is listed as 'unknown.' That's about one in 100 active-duty military members who might be U.S. citizens, legal immigrants - or just about anybody else."

And to make matters even worse they know some of these are in fact illegal aliens that enlisted using fraudulent documents. Since they do not know their status they could even be terrorists enlisting in our military. After the events of 9/11, I find this oversight astonishingly negligent.

"The case of an Army private from Mexico, who enlisted using a fake green card and then served in Iraq, suggests some of the unknowns could be illegal immigrants. The military has no set procedure for handling these cases. U.S. congressional leaders are looking into the matter ... Some experts see a security risk. Military officials say they've had few problems so far, but the 9/11 terrorist attacks raised concerns."
Many of the illegal aliens enlisting in our military are also members of some of the most dangerous gangs in America today. It is estimated that "Latino gangs" in particular are comprised of 60 to 70% illegal aliens. Some of the most violent criminal gangs like the Mexican Mafia, MS-13, and the Latin Kings now have members serving on active duty in our military. A recently unclassified FBI report entitled, Gang Activity in the U.S. Armed Forces Increasing http://usmilitary.about.com/od/justicel ... /gangs.htm studies the impact of gangs in the military. While the military acknowledges the problem they also seem to be trying to minimize up the extent of this infiltration. A CYA policy for career minded officers no doubt.

"The extent of gang presence in the armed services is often difficult to determine since many enlisted gang members conceal their gang affiliation and military authorities may not recognize gang affiliation or may be inclined not to report such incidences."

The following incidences from the same FBI report, detail some of the criminal activities that gang members were known to be involved in while on active duty.

In June 2006 an incarcerated US Army soldier and active gang member identified 60 to 70 gang-affiliated military personnel in his unit allegedly involved in the theft and sale of military equipment and weapons. The solider reported that many of the military personnel in charge of ammunition and grenade distribution are sergeants who are active gang members.

A May 2006 interview with a former Marine and Gangster Disciple member incarcerated in Colorado detailed how easily soldiers-many of whom were gang members-stole military weapons and equipment and used them on the streets of US cities or sold them to civilian gang members. (He also) discussed the advantages of military training and how it assists gang members in bank robberies, home invasions, and confrontations with police.

In December 2005 a National Guard soldier allegedly smuggled several machine guns back from Iraq and sold them to a gun dealer in Georgia, according to open-source information.

A 2006 news interview revealed that a Marine, who was a King Cobra member, stationed at MCAS Camp Pendleton, taught members of his gang how to engage in military-style ambushes and how to position themselves for tactical advantage. He further admitted that he joined the Marines "to learn how to shoot guns."

The most unnerving part of this story to me is that not only are illegal aliens serving in the military but some are also members of the most dangerous Latino gangs operating in America today. They enlist not to serve America and defend our liberties and earn citizenship, but to receive free military training and access to weapons. They return to their gangs to share their military training with other gang members. Many are involved not only in criminal activities while in the military but stealing military equipment for the gangs themselves. Gang leaders often groom and keep their younger members out of trouble so they won't have a rap sheet and can enlist easily. They also use fraudulent documents when necessary.

An article from the Chicago Tribune in 2006 called FBI Probes Military Gangs http://www.military.com/NewsContent/0,1 ... 56,00.html describes how younger members are groomed to enter the military.

Of particular concern are reports that the Folk Nation, consisting of more than a dozen gangs in the Chicago area, is placing young members in the military in an effort to gather information about weapons and tactics, said FBI Special Agent Andrea Simmons, who is based in El Paso, Texas.

"Our understanding is that they find members without a criminal history so that they can join, and once they get out, they will have a new set of skills that they can apply to criminal enterprises," Simmons said. "This could be a concern for any law enforcement agency that has to deal with gangs on a daily basis."

Tom Tancredo raised this point with General Petraeus during a recent Congressional hearing. Petraeus appeared to not be aware of the problem and growing threat. After 9/11 it is mind boggling that our military would not be more strict about it's enlistment policies. The Army and Navy appear to be the most lax but the US Marine Corps is not without it's own problems. Some recent news stories involved active duty Marines. In 2005 a Marine, Lance Corporal Andres Raya killed a cop and wounded three others in Ceres, California. His military training was used with deadly effect as he ambushed the officers. According to police, he was an active member of a Mexican gang, the Nortenos, which is affiliated with the Mexican Mafia. Just recently a Marine was shot by Mexican authorities while apparently running a roadblock while on leave in Mexico. That story continues to unravel. In 2007, Marine Cpl. Cesar Laurean who was stationed in North Carolina, raped and then killed his accuser and unborn child. He then fled to Mexico to hide from authorities. While the media does not identify them as such nevertheless this is what they are, illegal aliens serving in our military.

The problems of gangs, and I am speaking specifically of Latino gangs in this case, operating with impunity across America is in and of itself a major security threat to our society and our law enforcement officials. President Bush has done virtually nothing to protect Americans from this growing threat. In fact he has encouraged it. It is the direct result of an open border amnesty policy that is blind to the negative repercussions of allowing millions of illegal aliens to cross the border and enter our society. Amnesty proponents turn a blind eye and ignore the problems citing "Latino rights." They are criminally negligent in my opinion. The fact that illegal aliens (foreign nationals) are intentionally entering the military to receive military training that they then bring back to their gangs raises the level of threat that they represent to our society. They are more deadly and one needs to ask at what point do they become such a threat to our own national security that we will have to employ our own military against them? When we do, what will be the allegiance of those still serving. Will they become internal saboteurs?

A MILNET article titled Hispanic Gangs http://www.milnet.com/mex-nat.html covers the subject of gangs thoroughly. It references many sources including the 2006 House Report titled, A Line in the Sand http://www.house.gov/mccaul/pdf/Investi ... Report.pdf . There are well over 100,000 Latino Gang members operating in America and they are spreading. They bring a level of violence and crime into our society that is unprecedented. The most powerful of these, the Mexican Mafia is considered to have over 50,000 members allied with it. They call themselves "Aztlan warriors" and are dedicated to La Reconquista, the return of the southwest to Mexican control. Illegal aliens that are members of these gangs are currently receiving military training from us. These are known as blood in, blood out gangs, meaning that you cannot leave them alive. They will kill you if you try. At what point does the threat become a national security concern to our politicians and leaders? In my opinion the needed attention is long overdue. Now that there are this many illegal aliens in America, what are we going to do? The government has neither the political will or ability to round them up and sort out the good for bad ones. Hence my opinion that we should just deport them all.

"On March 15, 2005, the Department of Homeland Security finally made headlines by highlighting the national epidemic of illegal aliens found in Latino gangs. Unfortunately, the story isn't making a very big splash and the problem worsens. The case in question is the nationwide arrest and detainment of some 100 illegal aliens who are Mexican national members of the Mara Salvaturcha or MS-13, a gang that had its start as El Salvadorian prison inmates. Some of those arrested are repeat "returnees" -- illegals who have more than once been deported and then illegally crossed into the U.S. once again. 1 The case clearly spells out the ease in which illegals can routinely cross into the U.S. Moreover, it points out that if a deportee can recross easily, there is literally nothing to stop an international terrorist.

Combined with a clearly insane political correctness displayed by some cities in the U.S., the problem is nearing the point of pitting cities against the U.S. government. Make no mistake, this is the largest threat to you and your family in this country, outweighing every terrorist organization's threat, including Al-Qaeda, yet virtually nothing is being done about it. Even a very well laid out and logical plea from researcher Heather MacDonald in 2004 has not seemed to attract the attention of politicos, and the latest events culminate decades of suicidal behavior of our politicians. It is time to put an end to this insanity, and it appears our politicians are not hearing from their constituents on the subject, or worse, are ignoring the problem despite the will of the American People."

People that have really studied the problem of illegal immigration are very familiar with the concept of Aztlan and the La Reconquista movement. Will these military trained gang members (Aztlan warriors) become the backbone of a well trained military insurgency in our own country? Will they fight for Aztlan and the return of southwest United States to Mexico? Are we importing and arming revolutionary criminals that in 5 or 10 years will launch an armed insurgency similar to what we are now fighting in Iraq? Will they ally themselves with radical Muslim extremists for a united front against the United States of America. I am very concerned that this is exactly what will happen. I hope I'm wrong but I don't think it is prudent for America to ignore a developing problem like this.

On college campuses across America today there is a growing La Raza, MEChA, Mexica Movement that uses American tax dollars to subsidize the spreading of the subversive philosophies of the return to Aztlan. This ironically is financed by American tax payer dollars and Congressional grants, sponsored by foolish liberals like Barney Frank and Ted Kennedy. Using the smokescreen of federally funded Chicano studies programs, MEChA spreads it's racist subversive treason.

It has become very chic for amnesty proponents to laud immigrants that serve in the military. McCain in particular does it religiously. I thought that he was being dishonest by calling them immigrants. It turns out he was partially right. There are legal immigrants serving in our military. There are also illegal alien gang members and Aztlan warriors there as well. The fact that he does not see that as a problem is almost as disturbing as the fact that they are actually in the military. Well there they are - doing the jobs that Americans won't do anymore.

While one can appreciate the sacrifice that some immigrants may make - it is downright disturbing to see the deadly ramifications of allowing this many undocumented soldiers into our military. The good that may come from a few in no way offsets the negatives that are very apparent. The potential dangers are immense. Even if it is only to strengthen local gangs ability to endanger more citizens and local law enforcement. For that reason alone it should be stopped immediately. Apparently the Bush administration is asleep at the wheel as well or they are so distracted by affairs in Iraq that they have overlooked it. Perhaps in their haste to create a North American Union, a North American consciousness, they have overlooked the fact that they are importing an internal revolution.

Even our so called security expert, John McAmnesty, doesn't seem to care about the problems of allowing illegal aliens into our country alone, never mind the military. I'm concerned that the military training we give them will be turned against us in the not so distant future. In a few years when we are fighting an internal terrorist insurgency of illegal aliens for the control of our southwest states, I guess we can be proud of the fact that not only did we import a revolution but we also provide the necessary training and arms they needed as well. Is that the American dream? Equal opportunity for subversive revolutionaries? The self-deceived fools in America have not only imported the danger but they have financed and supported it's growth and lauded subversive foreign agents when they infiltrate our military as well.

So the next time you hear McCain, Bush, Obama or some other fool politician lauding immigrants that serve in the military, you should be aware of that you are listening to a complete idiot that doesn't have a clue. Illegal aliens are foreign nationals and many are a danger that we have allowed to become our domestic problem. Don't think for a minute that this weakness has escaped the attention of the communists in China and Cuba as well as radical Islamic extremists in Iran and Hezbollah. Our southern border is the Achilles heal of our national security and everybody knows it. When the Aztlan warriors of the Mexican Mafia and the EZLN and EPR communist revolutionaries join forces with AL-Qaeda terrorists and radical Islam, then Americans are really going to have their hands full. There will be blood running in the once peaceful streets of America as it is now in Mexico. We will be fighting for our own survival.

The article below shows the links of the drug cartels in Mexico that are currently wrecking havoc in both Mexico and America to Iran and Russian Mafia figures. The Chinese are just as involved in stirring the pot. There were 500 people killed this month alone with 6 Americans murdered in Mexico. The casualties are just starting to mount. You should keep in mind the the Los Zetas http://www.kold.com/Global/story.asp?S=3394374 which have turned out to be such deadly killers for the drug cartels were trained by the US Army. We are now training a new generation of murderous gang members. The drug cartels work together with gangs like the Mexican Mafia to smuggle drugs and illegal aliens into America.

Mexican Drug Cartels And Terrorist Are Recruiting For More Fighters To Train As Soldiers
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mexican-Drug- ... id=1115384

Does this mean that all illegal aliens in the military are gang members and potential murderers? That would be my conclusion. Call it racial profiling if you want, I call it being honest. They certainly do not belong in our military. It does show a pattern which almost everybody wants to ignore. Now why is that? Because the elite that really run America want open borders and unrestricted immigration. America's national security is not a high priority of Washington or Wall Street and apparently common sense is in short supply as well.

According to the 2006 House report A Line in the Sand http://www.house.gov/mccaul/pdf/Investi ... Report.pdf , 1.2 million illegal aliens are apprehended at the border every year. Another 4-10 million make it through into America every year. You do the math and see what you get. By my count with those figures we have had at least 21 million illegal aliens enter America since 2001. The 12 million figure used by the open border amnesty gang is a lie. They are trying to hide the truth of the numbers from the American people. At what point are the American people going to say enough is enough and close the border. Do we really need another terrorist attack or a war to do that? I should hope not.
http://justbuildthefence.blogspot.com/2 ... legal.html