Who is John McCain?
- Monday, January 14, 2008 @ 2:45:57 PM

Here's the deal, folks: The New York Times has some damaging goods on John McCain, reportedly involving a female lobbyist. McCain threatened legal action if the Times printed the story. The Times backed off... for now. But you can be sure the Times will unload on McCain if he nails down the GOP nomination. Meanwhile, Tim Carney (of the Novak report) highlighted a smelly McCain deal in the Examiner last week. And today, the Washington Post reports that David Keene of the American Conservative Union "is examining a loan McCain took out to keep his campaign afloat."

Then, of course, there is his legendary, out-of-control, inexcusable temper. His profanity-laced tirade against the unfailingly decent John Cornyn last year during the immigration debate was something straight out of the Captain Queeg playbook. He was one step short of demanding that Cornyn be court-martialed for swiping the strawberries.

When John McAngry loses his halo, he has nothing left. He will be mincemeat for the liberal Democrats in the fall.

Posted By: Quin Hillyer