If this doesn't irratate you nothing will. read her view on immigration, we are all immigrants? Quoting her one line. ( Everyone, except for the Native Americans came here because their ancestors migrated from other countries. In a way, we are all immigrants.)

We came here legally, she's missing the point. If you go to this webpage at the bottom you can leave a comment. Maybe she'll get it then.

Why all the fuss over immigrants?

Ashley-Nicole Weatherington
Issue date: 3/21/07

The topic of illegal immigrants has always been a major issue in the United States.

However, when the tragedy of Sept. 11, 2001 occurred, the issue changed from immigrants needing green cards to stay here to a cloud of suspicion that every immigrant is a terrorist.

A few weeks ago, the Student Republican group at New York University took what they thought was a joke a little too far when they created a "Find the Illegal Immigrant" game.

"Find the illegal immigrant" consisted of finding a student randomly placed throughout the city posing as an illegal immigrant.

When asked about the game, members of the club denied racist charges towards the game and said the game was supposed to bring attention to the issue of illegal immigration.

Students claim it's more about immigrants stealing jobs and free healthcare and thinking that illegal immigrants' mission in America is to take over.

The only reason why people are getting so fired up about illegal immigrants is because they are taking the jobs that Americans feel too good for and feel humiliated to tell anyone ( i.e. janitors, housekeepers, maids, low-wage jobs) and taking advantage of the opportunity to make money. If you don't have any working skills and didn't take advantage of your free education, there is little possibility that you'll become a CEO or have a six-figure job.

Most Americans view low-wage jobs as an embarrassment, while immigrants view them as an opportunity. You shouldn't be ashamed to say, "I work at Target for a living." The main thing is that you have a job, a legal job at that.

When Americans talk about illegal immigration, they tend to forget how their ancestors came here. Everyone, except for the Native Americans came here because their ancestors migrated from other countries. In a way, we are all immigrants.

We shouldn't segregate people from other countries whose goal is to just live a great life. Immigrants see America as its slogan "the land of opportunities."

Only in America can you grow up poor and become a self-made millionaire or create a successful career out of a favorite activity (ex. Martha Stewart creating a multi-million dollar business out of crafts and home-making that turned into New York Times best selling novels and a national syndicated T.V. show as well as other outlets of media.)

We should not focus on illegal immigrants and try to focus on the more important illegal things that are being committed by actual Americans citizens.

http://media.www.rutgersobserver.com/me ... 4754.shtml