April 22, 2010 - 12:33 ET

GLENN: So let's play this audio and set this up for us, Pat, will you?

PAT: All right. This is William Gheen who is the head of ALIPAC and he was making a very impassioned speech yesterday about immigration and then he was talking about some of the opponents to securing the border and enforcing the law. And one of the people he brought up was Lindsey Graham.

GLENN: Okay, here's what he said.

PAT: So here's what happened.

VOICE: Sometimes I wonder what it would take to make a person sell their own country out like that. And there's one thing that it could be that I'm going to put out in the open here today. It's a secret that Lindsey Graham has. It's no secret in Washington, D.C. The Democrats know this secret. The business industries in Washington that won't open borders in amnesty know the secret, the general public doesn't know this secret. I hope this secret isn't being used as leverage over Senator Graham. So today I say Senator Graham, you need to come forward and tell people about your alternative lifestyle and your homosexuality. Come out of that closet, Lindsey. Come out of that long time closet. Barney Frank is more honest and brave than you. At least we know about Barney Frank and nobody's going to hold it over his head. Look, I'm a taller person. I don't care about your private life, Lindsey, but as our U.S. senator, I need to figure out why you are trying to sell out your own country and I need to make sure you (inaudible).

GLENN: Okay. Stop for a second. I agree with only one part of that. You cannot be hiding a secret. You cannot be hiding it. If you are having an affair, you don't you think that somebody's not going to use that against you? If anything and, you know, he could be, he could I don't care what he's doing. I don't care. If he's doing something and he's afraid of people finding out. I'm playing monopoly every single night 3:00 in the morning when I should be reading what's in the healthcare bill and I've been playing Mo Knopf alley. If you are afraid of that, say it. Say it. Get it out so no one can use it against you. Beyond that, is that really, I've never first of all, the audience surprises me. I've never heard this before. Have you ever heard rumors of this?

PAT: No, but apparently they have been circulating.

GLENN: I've never heard this, never heard this.

PAT: I didn't, either, and that's why I kind of looked into it on the Internet and there's I guess been speculation for years supposedly but I've never heard it.

GLENN: So where did this take place? Because this crowd obviously knew it. I mean, if I were in a crowd, I would have been going, "What?"

PAT: What?

GLENN: What?

PAT: Where did that come from?

GLENN: I didn't hear any gasp or anything like that.

PAT: Didn't seem to be any surprise.

GLENN: What is he talking about?

PAT: There was some laughter like maybe he was kidding at first, maybe that's what they thought? I don't know.

GLENN: I don't know. But the last point I want to make on this is, is that really the most likely thing to make Lindsey Graham, as he says, sell out his country? First of all, I don't think you are selling out your country if you're for this. I think you're just really wrong. I don't think that I think there are because I've met them Republicans and many Americans that understand that if you don't solve the immigration problem and you allow it to be played against you by the Republican Party, you will not have a conservative in office, a Republican in office for the next 60 years, and I believe that. I believe you are we are looking at a time right now. Unfortunately we don't have anybody that could play this expertly on the GOP side. And root it in principles and values and things that are absolutely true. If it's not done right, anything that happens on the border will destroy the Republicans.

PAT: You have to be absolutely unafraid, unashamed, and you have to know where you stand.

GLENN: Yeah.

PAT: And when people start throwing the racist thing around, you do, you have to slap that down.

GLENN: Correct. But also, you have to know, you have to be able to not position it but make sure that it's clear that it's not hey, I mean, there are very few people that can do it. And so what people who are of, I think who are just politicians and I think Lindsey Graham is this who are just politicians and a progressive politician, I think what he's thinking is we can't let them have this. Otherwise we won't get another Republican in and that's I think that's his motivation.

PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: Not anything he may be hiding. I think that's much more him saying, Republicans, we can't lose this, we've got to have this, we've got to have this, so we've got to lead the way! I think that's what's happening with Lindsey Graham. I think he's wrong in his approach and I think he's a progressive. I have no love for Lindsey Graham, none. But I think that's much more likely than a skeleton in his closet. I don't know his closet, I don't care what's in his closet. I will echo the one statement from this speech, and this goes to all politicians and every member of the audience: Don't put anything in that closet. You got a skeleton? Get it out. Because it has power over you at every minute that it sits in that closet. Don't let them do that because they can use it against you.

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