Orange County Register
Will athletes help the push for immigration reform?
Published: May 6, 2010
Updated: May 9, 2010 10:07 a.m.

Could Arizona's tough new immigration law and the reaction from pro basketball and baseball heroes provide a formula for getting a comprehensive reform bill passed on Capitol Hill?

It's something to think about.

Even before Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed the measure that requires people to prove to law enforcement that they have a legal right to be in the United States the protests began. And since then a group of people not known for getting involved in politics have – pardon the pun – stepped up to the plate.

The Phoenix Suns became "Los Suns" at Wednesday night's NBA playoff game. And an increasing number of baseball players have come out against the law. San Diego Padres first baseman Adrian Gonzalez has said if the law is still in effect come next year's All-Star game in Phoenix he won't be there.

These comments and actions by major sports figures adds a new layer on to what up to now has been a debate engaged in mainly by politicians, Latino activists and people who have strong anti illegal-immigration views.

Rep. Ed Royce, one of the many Republican lawmakers who adamantly oppose any move to legalize undocumented immigrants, says the Arizona law is being misunderstood. He says it is merely following federal law that says if you are a foreign national you must carry proof of legal residency.

"What Arizona is adding to that is a requirement that if an officer has already engaged in a lawful stop,'' Royce, R-Fullerton, said, he or she can take the added step of asking to see proof of someone's status.

Brewer went out of her way at the signing ceremony to say she will not tolerate any racial profiling in connection with this law.

But that's not how some professional athletes and others around the country see it.

"If you're really an American and believe in American laws the last thing you want to do is advocate carrying around some sort of national ID card,'' said Rep. Loretta Sanchez, who wondered after the Arizona legislature passed the bill about whether she'd be questioned about her status if she were walking in downtown Phoenix.

Sanchez, D-Santa Ana, said the fallout from Arizona law could potentially impact the congressional debate because of the economic implications for Arizona and any other state that might decide to follow suit.

Forty percent of professional baseball players are Latino, she pointed out. "How could you not expect that they wouldn't react to a state that is basically telling them you'd better carry your passport when you're walking downtown in Phoenix?'' she asked.

And Sanchez believes the issue goes beyond the players.

"What about the fans? If you go Anaheim stadium and you see what the fan base is it's Hispanic,'' she said. It's something for baseball owners to think about.

The Angels organization is already on top of this. Register sports columnist Mark Whicker reported this week that all of their spring training players next year will have Arizona ID cards. And they'll have the phone numbers of three team officials they can contact if they have any problems.

If athletes continue to talk about this and it extends to sports radio shows and the like, it could make the immigration reform issue come alive to people who have up to now probably not given it much thought.

And it could extend beyond sports teams. Even as some state lawmakers around the country are talking about copying Arizona's law, others are passing resolutions saying they don't want to do business with Arizona. Some groups are saying they may cancel planned conventions there. Even one of Arizona's own lawmakers – Democratic Rep. Raul Grijalva, is urging a boycott of his own state.

In 2006 comprehensive immigration reform got a boost when millions of people marched in the streets to protest a House bill that would have made it a felony to be in the United States illegally. In the end a comprehensive bill passed the Senate but that's as far as it went. The two measures were never reconciled into one.

As Sanchez pointed out, those marches were in places like Los Angeles and Chicago, where lawmakers were already behind a comprehensive measure and there were large Hispanic populations.

"Show me people marching on Selma, marching on Tallahassee, marching in Mississippi,'' Sanchez said.

But more than that, Sanchez says the toxic political culture between Democrats and Republicans in the Senate needs to change and President Barack Obama has to lead the charge in order for an immigration reform bill to have a chance.

Royce believes Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will use the Arizona law to try and drum up support for a legalization measure. In fact last week, just days after Brewer signed the bill Reid and a group of Democrats, including California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, released a 26-page outline of a comprehensive bill that includes increased enforcement and a plan for legalization.

Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., who chairs the immigration subcommittee, has asked Brewer to delay implementation of Arizona's law – due to take effect this summer – for a year to give Congress time to act.

But still missing from this equation is Republican support. South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham is the only GOP member to step forward to support the Democratic framework. And even he has been lukewarm in his efforts.

Obama was candid with reporters on Air Force One last week when he said that after the rancorous health care debate "there may not be an appetite immediately to dive into another controversial issue.''

At Wednesday's Cinco de Mayo reception he said he wanted to "begin work this year.'' Not exactly a prediction of final passage of a bill.

Whether sports figures will continue to speak out on this issue and whether that could translate into their fans getting involved, contacting their lawmakers and legislative action remains to be seen.

We'll be watching.

Bunis is the Register's Washington bureau chief

Contact the writer: (202) 628- 6381 or dbunis@ ... 1273425263