Today I decided to look around (for the first time) at what the "other side" is doing regarding Blogs/Forums. The bold/underlining of text is mine.
Below is a recent Blog from one "Jon Garrido" of the The Jon Garrido News Network.
The most glaring part of his post for me was his attack(and odd rant) on the Mormon religion (I am not Mormon... or anything else for that matter), but it would seem that "Jon" missed the part about "Freedom of Religion" here. A little more subtle, but still obvious, is the truly incredible sense of entitlement he has about what he refers to as the "undocumented life of uncertainty". I still do not understand how that mindset has been able to reach a point where there is no apology, no excuse, no justification, nothing. And there is that part about "not understanding American politics". Wow, talk about clueless.. has he not heard that we have 22 Hispanics in the House and 20 Senators or about the Latino Cacaus's, One Bill Gil, Hilda, or more laughably, Peggy West?

Once again I am reminded the we (white folks) have to walk on egg shells but folks like Jon can spew vitriol all day long and don't seem to have to answer to anyone.

I am a little encouraged though, if this is as good as they got...

"Building the number 1 Hispanic network in the USA"

What is urgent about Immigration Reform? Some of us are U.S. citizens, some of us are undocumented but all of us have the same roots. The globe above is our new logo. It vividly displays we are all connected.

Washington is the only answer to stop the insanity of SB 1070. Each day 1000 persons are deported by ICE. This means 1000 persons each day do not go home to their family and friends.

The undocumented live a life of uncertainty not knowing if a child will be guided in bedtime prayers by a father and in too many cases, maybe a mother has been deported. For those of us who are U.S. Citizens, some of our grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and neighbors were once undocumented so we all feel the anguish of worrying about school attendance for children and health care for the entire family.

The fear of going to the store for groceries becomes a road less traveled for fear a broken tail light can lead to deportation if stopped by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and now any Arizona police officer.

We need Immigration Reform today. Tomorrow is too late. The only leverage we have is economic purchasing power and the power of our votes; unfortunately, we still do not understand American politics and the power that comes from voting for persons in local elections that truly have our best interests as a priority.

And we certainly do not support electing Hispanic candidates to office. We, for some reason beyond my understanding, do not contribute financially to political campaigns. Until we learn this hard lesson of politics, we will always be at the mercy of unscrupulous politicians like Russell Pearce who is kept in office by his Mormon community.

Yet, countless Hispanics are easily recruited by the Mormons who speak out of both sides of their mouths. The true test of a sincere Mormon is not to be found at the Mormon Temple but in the Mormon neighborhoods where they live. Mormons do not allow Mormon children to play with Hispanic children.

If there is pony buried in all that manure known as SB 1070, Hispanic Mormons are learning there are two classes of Mormons: Those who believe in Russell Pearce and those who finally realize Mormon Russell Pearce is a Nazi Racist; accordantly, Hispanic Mormons have had their eyes forced to accept the truth and thanks be to God, Hispanic Mormons are now leaving the Mormon satanic cult.
