Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 8:10 pm Post subject: ... leID=16092

The Apologist – George Allen’s Illegal Immigration Dilemma
Newswire Services

Newswire Services
November 6, 2006
(Arlington, VA.) — Senator George Allen routinely tells Virginians one reason they should vote for him is that they “know” him. And now Allen says he’s finally ready to run on his record and ideas.


Do Virginians know that Senator Allen made excuses for a Bush appointee that was caught aiding an illegal immigrant?

Let’s tell them.

George Allen views illegal immigration as an election year issue, but not a priority otherwise. Allen’s record speaks for itself, and it all started in Allen’s first term as a Senator when he was supposed to introduce controversial conservative Linda Chavez for her confirmation hearing to be Secretary of Labor.

But, Allen’s friend Chavez withdrew her nomination after details of Chavez’s involvement with an illegal immigrant surfaced. Chavez housed and gave money to the immigrant in 1992 and 1993, and Allen rushed to Chavez’ defense saying “She was helping someone in need.” “Chavez, who lives in Purcellville in Loudoun County, donated at least $500 to Allen’s 2000 Senate campaign and she also held a fund-raising event for him.” Allen’s excuse for Chavez aiding an illegal immigrant is a far turn from Allen’s recent speeches that “We should not reward illegal behavior because doing so only encourages more illegal actions.” [Richmond Times Dispatch, 1/9/01; NHInsider, 1/25/06]

George Allen also called illegal immigration a “low priority” and has voted against tougher immigration laws. [Washington Post, 1/16/96]

• Since 2001 the number of illegal immigrants has increased from 8 million to 12 million. [National Center For Policy Analysis, 10/25/01; Pew Hispanic Center 3/7/06]

• Allen Voted Against Funding Additional Fencing Construction Along the Mexican Border and Against Greater Funding for Security Technologies. In 2006, Senator Allen voted against legislation that would have provided money for better, additional fencing construction along the Mexican border and security technology. It also would have set up a mandatory electronic employment verification process that would be phased in for all businesses within five years. Allen was in the minority of senators on this vote. [S 2454, Vote 90, on cloture, 4/7/06, Failed 36-62, D:2-41, R:34-20, I:0-1]

• Allen Voted Against $1.9 Billion For Border Patrol Vehicles, Aircraft and Border Security Stations. In 2006, Allen voted against adding $1.9 billion in funding for border patrol vehicles, aircraft, fencing and new stations as well as for Homeland Security Department personnel and Coast Guard border patrol efforts. [S. Amdt. 3604, Vote 95, 4/26/06, Rejected 44-54, D 41-1; R 2-53; I 1-0]

• Allen Voted Against Biometric Technologies for Border Security, and $350 Million in Funding for Overall Immigration Security Measures. In 2004, Allen voted against an increase in funding for immigration security measures by $350 million, including $200 million for biometric technologies. [HR 4567, Vote 182, 9/14/04, Failed 44-49, D: 40-5, R: 3-44, I: 1-0]

• Allen Sponsored “Permanent Guest Worker” Legislation. George Allen has repeatedly co-sponsored and voted for flawed guest worker legislation, such as increases in H1B and H2B guest worker visas. And, Foreign Affairs Magazine has aptly said that, “There is nothing more permanent than temporary workers.” [S. 2109, 12/15/05;, accessed 3/28/06; S. 2258, 3/30/04; Nation's Restaurant News, 5/24/04; S.A. 387 to H.R. 1268, #102, 4/19/05; S. 352, 2/10/05; S.Amdt.2367 to S. 1932, 11/3/05; Business Line, 11/5/05; S. 352, 2/10/05; Foreign Affairs Magazine, Nov/Dec 2001]

“It is interesting that George Allen spends so much time distorting Jim’s record on immigration, while Allen won’t talk about his own record on immigration,” said Webb’s Campaign Manager Jessica Vanden Berg. “George Allen is the only candidate running for the Senate in Virginia who has defended someone caught aiding an illegal immigrant. When Jim Webb is in the Senate he will serve with integrity and honesty, and will keep immigration reform a top priority, and not a ‘low priority’ as Allen calls it.”

“It is also interesting that when Allen’s campaign began its free fall, he found it expedient to dramatically change so many of his previously held positions. We have seen him do so on the war in Iraq. We have seen him do it on guns. We have see him do it on abortion rights. We have seen him do it on so many issues in the past few weeks. Now he is doing it on immigration policy,” said Vanden Berg.