The Following is from a link provided by The Arizona Citizens Militia as an ALERT: "Zetas" terrorists threaten to indiscriminately kill Americans in the Arizona desert.

A portion of the article appearing in the PPJ Gazette (The PPJ Gazette
™ PPJ Gazette™ PPJG ™ PPJ including copyright ©) is as follows:

Mexican Drug Cartel soldiers shot in Arizona desert: Los Zetas officer says shoot to kill Americans in retaliation

July 11, 2010 by ppjg

By Michael Webster: Syndicated Investigative Reporter July 8, 2010 at 12:30 PM PDT

One of my informants whom I have called Juan in previous news reports, called me recently on the cell phone he provided me at our last meeting a month or so ago. He told me that his boss, a Los Zetas Mexican drug cartel officer, wanted to meet with me and give me some important information regarding the so called war on drugs raging on the border. A date and time was set up for this meeting at a public place.

At this encounter, the Mexican I met was clean shaven with a military style “high and tightâ€