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  1. #1
    Senior Member AirborneSapper7's Avatar
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    South West Florida (Behind friendly lines but still in Occupied Territory)

    This is What A Police State Looks Like

    This is What A Police State Looks Like

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  2. #2
    Senior Member AirborneSapper7's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2007
    South West Florida (Behind friendly lines but still in Occupied Territory)

    God bless America.
    zieta2002 | 02.13.08 - 1:49 pm | #


    Protesting is just what they want you to do, It is a waste of time, which bring no change at all which endangers your life and brings you just trouble.
    Catcher | 02.13.08 - 1:54 pm | #


    Understand when activists, demonstrators, and dissidents are attacked by the police they in fact target ALL OF US.

    When one group is threatened we are all under attack. No one is SAFe.

    When the Nazis came for the trade unionists, I was not a trade unionist.

    When the Nazis came for the gypsies, I was not a gypsy.

    When the Nazis came for the Christians, there was no one left.


    We are doomed to repeat History.

    Get ready. It is coming.

    Read Sinclair Lewis It Couldn't Happen Here. In fact, it is already starting to Happen.

    Anonymous | 02.13.08 - 2:36 pm | #


    Catcher, I can't agree with what your're saying. What's the alternative? Don't protest with your body and voice but protest with your vote? Is that the thrust?

    Yes, at these protest some of us are going to get hurt. But if we don't protest, we ALL get hurt. Sometimes it's necessary to bleed a little, get a little bruised and dirty. Sometimes you gotta take a punch in the nose to avoid a shot in the back.

    The only thing wrong with the protest, in my opinion, is that it was not big enough. Look back at the archives of the protest during the Vietnam era; people we hurt and even killed. Without those sacrifices, we might very well still be in the Vietnam War.

    At the end, I guess there's only one question; Is protesting important enough, given the person risk of injury that one must accept when you participate?

    I say yes it is.
    jfc | 02.13.08 - 3:14 pm | #


    You don't actually believe it got worse do you?
    During Vietnam your country shot dead protesters at Ken State. So if anything you've made progress! And besides, you’re not factoring in black people. Don’t forget in the sixties it wasn’t much of a ‘democracy’ for them was it? No, not then, not now.
    So please don't exaggerate with pictures of concentration camps. Why don’t you reserve your pity for people who deserve it? You live in the same old country.
    Mirroman | 02.13.08 - 3:24 pm | #


    digital imaging is NOT like a photo its able to recognise your face anywhere any time which is why they want digital photos on ID not the standard old ordinary photos - most of the world has complied - no choice was invovled

    remember the police are at the end of the day are ordinary citizens - your neighbors, your sons, fathers daughters and mothers who happen to work for the govt to protect the govt and their elites - these people have to lie to themselves because their actions are enforcing terror and supporting elites who hate the citizens - how much do they get paid for this - not enough - they have to put aside their humanness and their humanity to support the elites who care little about them

    the day will come when even the police who are at the end of the day human beings, your sons, brothers and fathers will begin to see that their job is not worth the price in human terms

    good on you Cat and those who show the world the types of lows human beings can sink to when they put on a uniform

    just doing my job, or just following orders is NO longer an excuse its a cop out
    unity | Homepage | 02.13.08 - 3:28 pm | #


    Land of the free..
    Anonymous | 02.13.08 - 4:14 pm | #


    The time has come my brothers and sisters, we who hold our constitution dearly must tell those who may not wish to hear the truth. The truth as we are learning it. Those who profess to have fought in wars to defend our freedoms must come to terms with the fact that this is not true. The only war that I am aware of that had anything to do with freedom was the revolutionary war against the British. It is much easier to use violence when sanctioned by the government or the state then to stand up against the government unarmed in peace. If we do not come together against this cancer that has spread in our country we will regret it. Believe me if I did not care about the people and this country, I would not waste my time and I am sure that millions feel the same way.
    Lee | Homepage | 02.13.08 - 4:15 pm | #


    Watch this video by Alex Jones.It is called "ENDGAME:.Here is the link.Spooky stuff. plindex=9
    sue | 02.13.08 - 4:24 pm | #


    Nothing new here. The police state has been in existence for a long, long time and it is only growing and becoming more prominent. If you don't like it, move away. There are hundreds of better countries in which to reside.
    Bhakta | 02.13.08 - 4:26 pm | #


    @Bhakta,you stated
    "There are hundreds of better countries in which to reside."

    I am sorry to say this to you but,soon there will be nowhere safe to hide.The evil doers are planning a global enslavement of people.A one world dictatorship.It is coming to a town near you.
    holly | 02.13.08 - 4:29 pm | #


    Hitler's been dead for almost 60 years. Pick on someone more current. Frankly I am tired of this buggie man.
    lfp2 | Homepage | 02.13.08 - 4:36 pm | #


    Hitler was an amatuer.
    Joseph Stalin | 02.13.08 - 4:52 pm | #


    the Nazi exists in USA too, google it, Nazi bush grandfather, Nazi bush junior and all the fascists that salute them in our governments everywhere, wake up people, WE NEED A REVOLUTION, BUT SEEMS THAT COWARDS ONLY HAVE A SAY, WHERE ARE ALL THOSE DAYS WHEN REAL MEN EXISTED. shame..
    Natasha | 02.13.08 - 5:23 pm | #


    there is a video "A FORCE MORE POWERFUL" easily found at libraries and online. it tell how nonviolent civil disobedience has changed the modern world. it gives detailed instructions on how to get your country back. it shows real examples of people taking back their country. if you study and practice with others, you could start taking back the us by April or May.
    complaining on internet sites is worse than nothing because it gives you the false impression you are changing things. GET THAT VID.
    YOUR VOTE HAS NOT COUNTED IN 8+ YEARS WHY DO YOU THINK IT WILL COUNT THIS YEAR! obama hillery mccain are not going to change the system but you can. get that vid.
    outlyer | 02.13.08 - 5:31 pm | #


    ifp2 . . . That is boogie-man, and not buggie man.

    Our Constitution is something of a joke. The Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. There we all have something. "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happeness."

    Inalienable. The economy and beauty of these words is still awe inspiring. Even the order of the words creates a hierarchy. The biosphere comes first. (Life, that is you and me, and garter snakes and polar bears, and it recognizes that human life is part of the huge web of life, itself.}

    Liberty is politisphere. Our freedoms, and our dependence on social organization.

    The The Puruit of Happiness, which implies the econo-sphere. Things and stuff we can buy.

    Note that if one even changes the order of these words, the words make no sense.

    I do not like demonstrations. It is too easy for the government to place agents in a crowd. Believe me, if they need a bottle to be thrown, they can provide that agent, and that agent may even have a gun, or perhaps a bottle full of gasoline.

    When I was young man, 25 years ago, a bunch of us got together to fix our neighborhood. We met on Wednesday nights at 10 pm. We painted cross walks, and wrote "STOP" on many corners. Some people just made a point to drive around and remove For Sale signs.

    Eventually, this got our town government, to put in in real cross walks and stop signs. We also filled the chuck holes in our streets, and made friends. Doing real things is beautiful, and we never got tear gassed.

    We do live in a police state, and that is something to worry about. But when it all falls down, the best thing to have are friends, neighbors where you can hide. Good boots, and a knowledge of edible plants.

    I do not trust the Constitution, but I do read the Declaration of Indepence once a year. You are not a mouse. You are a human being! You have inalienable rights. Live free or die! And when you become afraid, you have died. They take it a little bit at a time. I am going to take a copy of The Declaration of Indepence, and the Bill of Rights, out into my neighborhood, just to see who will sign on. I will post this message on every telephone pole in my neighborhood. We should all do this! "Whe in the couse of human events, etc. Let us put the Declaration, and the Bill of Rights on every telephone pole in this country. This is a great idea.

    Call me, whatever you like. The problem is that most people do not know the essence of being and American. They do not know the essence of being a human being.

    This is such a good idea, that I am going to start this, on this very night. All good on you, P.
    Pedro | 02.13.08 - 5:46 pm | #


    All Democratic, and so called Totalitarian States and All lessor Countries use the originality of LAW to secure the power over the proletarians and the misfortunate. They never abandoned their Cloak of LEGALITY! They always turn their LAWS inside out to make the ILLEGALITY of LAWS LEGAL!
    TOG | 02.13.08 - 5:46 pm | #


    ""Protesting is just what they want you to do, It is a waste of time, which bring no change at all which endangers your life and brings you just trouble.""

    I believe that protesting as an end in itself is a waste. A lot of people go to these events as the one thing they do to protest the war, for instance, and it's like a cool thing to do for the day--you take pictures of yourself with the guy with the Bush mask on, or the hippy with his face painted, or the Dick Cheney on Stilts, and then you buy a "war sucks" t-shirt or a button from a guy who makes a living selling crap to protesters, and you bond with some friends and listen to some impassioned but inarticulate speaches from some well meaning people then you take some leaflets from socialists that tell you you need to do more than just protest but you promptly crumple those up and throw them away and now you've done your bit for the year. And the war goes on...

    Unless you are fully conscious of your end goal and your strategy and you are using protest as a tactic to bring that about then protest does in fact become mere protest. Unfortunately most people who think they have a goal don't at the end of the day. They want to stop the war--this unfortunately isn't a goal, or at best, its the vaugest sort of goal.

    It's a fact that many of the protest orginizations are nothing more than fronts for the democratic party who I hope we all know by now have no intention of ending the war. they just want to lure you in to vote for them and not do anything crazy like break away from the "two" party system.

    My hunch is that protest is all that the maker of this film is concerned with. She damn near erotisizes the thing with her overly sultry, mysterious, ironic voice. And it's like six minutes of her telling us that cops use video cameras at protests--wow! thanks for the info. I'll be sure to wear my Cheney mask next time.

    Study the objective causes that lay beneath war and the police state. Only then can you even begin to think about having a goal and a strategy and tactics to bring it about.
    Antiup | 02.13.08 - 6:00 pm | #


    Why was BLACKWATER awarded a DOMESTIC contract "in case of 'civil disorder'"

    They even had a trial run in the aftermath of Katrina, patrolling the streets of New Orleans! Cost? $950.00 /day/man!
    Bob Egan | 02.13.08 - 6:12 pm | #


    Cycles of cycles of never ending cycles, always changing in the same old way.

    The first Christians were Jews who taught the German aristocracy how to use religion (Primarily the Sodom and Gomorra scam) to create homophobia, to cause the self betrayal and consequential self loathing necessary to breed people who will kill or maim somebody they don't know or hate for money, motivated by greed and jealousy like a bitch.
    For thousands of years in western Europe, before the introduction or the Sodom and Gomorra scam, the terms Son of a bitch and queer were synonymous and the word queer came from the term "isn't it queer for a man to act like a bitch, as in greed and jealousy motivated manipulating and betraying. Sexual preference had nothing to do with it.

    The very anal lusting Nazi queer's and bitches who shoved millions of men, women and children into gas chambers were the product of a Jewish based religion.
    It's natural to do what it takes to survive but unnatural to kill, maim or even to hurt someone who poses no threat to you or your loved ones survival. Judaism, Christianity and Islam all use the same old testament with the same Sodom and Gomorra scam to create a unholy alliance of queers and bitches that has been used to breed the vast majority of unnatural, evil people in the world who do all the horrible things going on in the world for thousands of years motivated by greed and jealousy (like a bitch).

    Teaching manipulating rulers how to breed your own executioners like the Jews did was bad enough. Us stupid Americans have literally paid to breed our own executioners.
    How many of those crazy SOB's spraying pepper spray, beating people with sticks and shooting them with pepper balls do you suppose were bred by and brought up by crazy parents strung out on alcohol, drugs and cigarettes and supported by food stamps and welfare? How many of the soldiers who invaded Iraq come from the same people?

    I realize many people still hate Viet Nam veterans but most of the people I knew and myself, truly thought we went to Viet Nam to stop the communists from taking over the world including the USA.
    After the fall of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev said in a major interview that loosing the war in Viet Nam won the cold war for the west and very likely saved the world from a nuclear holocaust, which according to him almost happened several times, which I believe is true. Did any of you see it?
    Isn't it ironic that I now realize the way things are heading that we might have all been much better off had the Soviet Union won the cold war.
    For years after returning home from the war I couldn't understand why I paid one third of what I got to pay people I didn't know of love, many crazy and stupid and some not even here legally, strung our on drugs and alcohol to breed like cockroaches. Worse yet for years getting a raise with each new child they produced.
    Now I finally figured out why, I was set up.
    I paid to breed the people who have now invaded the enemies of Israel including Iraq and killed 150,000 women and children and over a million men in their own country. Many of us Viet Nam veterans will also find we paid to breed our own executioners when they take over and/or get even with us for loosing the war.
    Many of them will be offspring of the people who called us baby killers at the airport, when we returned home from Viet Nam.
    If that's not bad enough, they will be used to support the foreigners who have bought up so much of our land that the poor and most the working class can't afford to own their own home, if they make a problem because they don't like it.

    The USA has become part of a one world government under a Jew god that's for the rich, by the rich and of the rich, with liberty and justice for all that can afford a good Jewish lawyer!
    What did I go to Viet Nam for?
    Any comments?
    R. Gary Cousineau | 02.13.08 - 6:21 pm | #


    You went to Vietnam to help control the heroin opium trade in the golden triangle...the same reason the French tried so hard to keep Vietnam.
    We were scammed by people like Kissinger who said we were "Dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for US foreign policy". We were scammed by people like Donna Shalala who said that we "...weren't the brightest nor the best...not the cream of the crop". guy...eep_black2.html
    Ironhead | Homepage | 02.13.08 - 6:38 pm | #


    Happened here in Quebec last year. Police were caught red-handed dressed as Anarchists with face masks on and rocks in their hands. Their police issue boots gave them away. It was all caught on film by a protester. Unrefuteable. They didn't get a chance to start the riot so they could dispatch the protesters.

    Meanwhile, Canada, US & Mexico were meeting to decide how to harmonize ( read lower) pesticide standards with Mexico & sell off Canadian water rights.

    Forget about protesting with your vote. All the issues I'm interested in are being decided behind my back with no chance of having any input. And there aren't any honest politicians who have any integrity, who actually listen to their constituents. They're too busy grabbing power, privilege, perks and pensions.

    Oh yeah, and complaining to the guy in charge in the government netted me a digusting excuse for a reply 3 months later.
    devilmademedoit | 02.13.08 - 7:13 pm | #


    I remember Kruchev pounding his shoe on the table saying we will bury you.
    The cuban missile crisis.
    Getting under my table in school as practice for nuclear attack.
    The domino theory.
    Insurgents from cuba in Mexico, Canada and our own Indian reservations stirring things up.
    I was unaware of the popi fields
    R. Gary Cousineau | 02.13.08 - 7:14 pm | #


    Good video, too bad the announcer was so whiny.
    Anonymous | 02.13.08 - 7:55 pm | #


    this is what you get when you fight your opponent on his turf by his rules
    semjee | 02.13.08 - 8:22 pm | #


    When the Islamist extremists looked a the West they saw a morally banjrupt spiritual void.

    And what does the West do? It proves the Muslim radicals correct in their discernment.

    The richest, most powerful and most blessed country in history has blown it, and has no one to blame but herself
    strefanash | 02.13.08 - 8:36 pm | #


    Really, it is not that complex. They have GOALS. They have plans and goals. Why? To advance their agenda of course. So, you will advance their agenda to resist? That sounds clever. More than anything, they want to end freedom of speech and assembly. Most importantly, the underlying first rule about the Bolshevism that now runs America, "You will have mercy if you cooperate." What happens when you cooperate? They laugh at what an idiot you are to actually willingly suicide yourself.
    Rich | 02.13.08 - 8:49 pm | #


    We need to help our Men and Women in uniform recognize that they can best protect and defend our liberties by refusing to take part in illegal and UNCONSTITUTIONALLY DECLARED WARS!!! What these young recruits have succumbed to is a great PSYOPS game. I can't think of the General at this time who said it, but he said that the military doesn't start wars, politicians do. Wars are started for a politicans self-interest, or at the behest of Profiteer in Death for continued personal gain. There are of course Top brass working hand in hand with these political scum that aid in thsi global destruction, but it isn't the average soldier who is to blame. America has become a Police State, freedom is a dream instead of a reality, and this dream is what our brave are fighting and dying for in these far off lands, while teh Polticians back home strip away the very thing they sent these brave young off ot die for. What would the military do, if these soldiers refused to fight? They could lock them up, but they'd be left with no one. Our Nation would be vulnerable, that's true (I know you might be thinking that), but perhaps...just perhaps...the tide could change and CHANGE could be affected. The Profiteers of Death will of course always make money, but they will do it without the aid and lives of our young, who would recognize the difference between wars started for profit and the interest of another, and true self-defense and protection of the Freedoms of Americans.
    Nick | Homepage | 02.13.08 - 8:50 pm | #


    Pedro-- You are correct.
    The Constitution does not apply to us.

    Meaning rights that can not be liened.
    UN A lien able.
    There are not any "Aliens" in it and
    not correct as "Inalienable"

    check out

    The Corporation does not have to listen to any demonstrations and will probably turn them around against you.
    jungleboy | Homepage | 02.13.08 - 8:53 pm | #


    My humble suggestion for those who are able is to move to another country where the complete police power is not yet in force! I personally see no possible better future in the USA at this time. I hope I am wrong.
    Bhakta | 02.13.08 - 9:13 pm | #


    Went to a Kucinich rally last summer and noticed there were about a half dozen photogs with awesome cameras taking lots of pictures of Dennis and his missus.I kinda thought'why so many pictures'and it was about then that I noticed they were taking pics of everybody including yours truly.Full frontal and side views,the works.
    So its not just going on at demonstrations ,but probably everywhere.

    SEIG HEIL SUCKERS!People are waking up

    Malachi4 | 02.13.08 - 9:34 pm | #


    We're all victims of genetic engineering through religion.
    They've been breeding unnatural men who will kill somebody they don't know or hate for thousands of years
    R. Gary Cousineau | 02.13.08 - 9:35 pm | #


    Its of no point going out on demonstrations in SMALL numbers...If it were BIG yes I am all for it, then the shit hits the fan.

    Besides I did like what outlyer had to state in A FORCE MORE POWERFUL...Its a damn good recipe for a revolution...The video costs quite a bit, however, if anyone knows if there is a Google video, please quote the link, much appreciated.

    It would be silly really having children in front of protests, as one said, and verified that there will always be infiltraitors or insiders selling you out, who would ignite police brutalities against the protestors. Protesters have to think in hindsight as to outcomes and goals, again a good strategy mentioned by a commentator, otherwise it is like pissing in the rain.

    Further approaches should be maintained, if the eradication of our rights and that of others seem so visible, Pedro, quite rightly, stated placing billboards around the neighbourhood, damned good idea.

    I suggest leaflets prepared and composed by your own computers or via the Library, printed out in numbers to be posted in letter boxes. But the print out material should really be very very good and eyecatching to relate to the truths as to what is happening to our rights, it has to be very precise against the grain of what the media's view of us is, otherwise, this and future leaflets may wind up in the trash can.

    On the other hand, there is always an underground movement, if above ground movements, such as open protests is proving futile, and where people's mug shots are profiled onto databases, is like placing your head to be chopped off, that is suicide for no apparent means. Today they are very sophisticated and successful collating info and turning it to the sheeple as disinfo, "the century of the self" will prove me right on this. Not like in the days of Vietnam and Martin L King rallies where people came out in huge numbers. Then people knew that they had enough, but for some reason, they are drugged into compliance now.

    If on this video and other atrocities from other videos people who have shown us, dont sink in your conscience, then dont blame your enemies for future hostilities, which looks like just around the corner....

    The main agenda is to get everyone's notice and motivation, and this has to be done without violent incitement, or else you will wind up in the slammer, even ordinary joe, who maybe a policeman, in the army, or even in the administration veer right away, strengthening the hand of evil junta, thus making any movement futile, but please be aware of infiltraitors, who pretend to be on your side, for they have tons of resources and data on previous movements, only to betray with ease, after all this is your precious life, so please be aware ....I wish everyone luck...

    But although this video was taken in 2002/3, I would like to know what progression has been made since, to combat this in 2008 ?
    Richard | 02.13.08 - 10:21 pm | #


    Thank you for this point of view!
    It's very insightful on how the world works!
    Anonymous | 02.13.08 - 11:20 pm | #


    Brilliant film work!

    Thank's to all for connecting so many 'dots'.

    If anyone is having trouble viewing the film, it may be due to your service provider. If it advances just a few seconds and pauses, your computer may be faster than the service. Try letting it play through once in the 'jerkey' fashion, then replay it. The second run may be more intellegable.
    backtoethics | 02.13.08 - 11:51 pm | #


    This video is old news. The oppressors have become much more subtle and crafty (and ultimately more lethal). Technology has moved by leaps and bounds to perfect facial, iris and body morphology identification. Techniques for crowd control have moved apace; the September 2007 "Security and Prosperity Partnership" meeting in Quebec is a worthy example, i.e. 5 km. cordons, infiltrators/agents provocateurs in the crowd, etc., all the while filming and profiling dissident protesters with peaceful but urgent messages.

    There is this futile feeling that was expressed by one of the protesters in the film, something like "f*** you, I have my constitutional rights to be here" while flipping the bird at the police camera. This is no longer on; that man made himself a prime candidate for surveillance.

    I'm sorry to say, but even this old film points out that resistance to the encroaching fascism cannot rely on supposedly "entrenched rights" -- that is effectively gone. The only thing left is covert alliances, cells based upon recommendations of mutual trust based upon solid personal recommendations to avoid infiltrators. Study the methods of the resistance to the Nazis in WW II and adapt them to current times. Open protest only earns you a bed number at the Halliburton hotel.
    hopeful cynic | 02.14.08 - 12:07 am | #


    In the days leading up to Nixon's second innaguration in Miami, Florida a friend of mine who was a police officer assigned to the Organized Crime Bureau was directed not to wash for three days, put on old dirty clothes and mix in with the protesters outside the Miami Convention Center. At one point, an ABC Cameraman approached her with a brick and asked her to throw it at the Florida Highway Patrol contingent which were there in riot formation. The ABC reporter explained that they would only film the police reaction, not her throwing the brick. All this for "news" coverage.
    This police officer refused the ABC reporters request but later reported the incident to her superiors in the Dade County Metro Police. No action was taken against the ABC reporter for attempting to incite a riot.
    John McCarthy | Homepage | 02.14.08 - 12:48 am | #


    Believe me. You ain't seen nothing yet. It't going to get a hell of a lot worse than that clip. Things are just starting to warm up.
    mindtrvlr | Homepage | 02.14.08 - 1:01 am | #


    The effect of this movie is actually to discourage from demonstratiing. It's not intended but that is what is happening to the opposition groups world wide. Defaitism is grabbing us. Films like this offer no solution.
    Observer | 02.14.08 - 1:06 am | #


    Welcome to the Disunited Police States of America.
    Sean | 02.14.08 - 1:50 am | #


    Frankly, I find this propaganda film to be a crude attack on police tactics that developed after the 1999 WTO riots in Seattle. A few answers to your (clearly rhetorical) questions during the video:

    First, you accuse the police of purposely videotaping individuals with face masks as some kind of conspiracy to deny them their 1st ammendment right to free speech. In reality, we all know the anarchists and communists, who have zero respect for private property, were the ones wearing masks in Seattle when they threw rocks through glass store fronts, lit large fires in the street and attempted to start a riot during what was supposed to be a 'peaceful' protest. Police were most likely filming them closely so that if violence or vandalism occurred they could compare the videos to see who was actually committing the crimes. (This is clearly what happened in Seattle. Portland police should be commended for doing their jobs and learning from previous violent protests... and yes, I was there in 1999 because I lived in downtown Seattle).

    Secondly, the constant comparison to Nazi Germany is about the most dillusional comparison that one could make. If you really believe that Portland Oregon is like Nazi Germany you should consider that Hitler would not only have had all of you executed within hours or days but also your families as well. Clearly, many years later you're still alive and well; publishing your propaganda films on the internet. So much for your "police state" theory.

    In addition, you can clearly see a large fire burning in the middle of the street as the police push the crowd back. Did you get a permit to start your campfire in the middle of downtown portland or were the police just being crabby when they decided to break up what is clearly a hostile crowd?

    This video did make me laugh, tho. I've been to numerous protests and counter-protests in the Seattle area. I've never once been beaten with a baton, pepper sprayed or shot at by the police... but then, I never started a fire in the middle of the street, shouted profanities at the police or held signs saying that other people should be hurt, killed, or displayed signs with pictures of people sucking on genetalia just because I disagreed with them.

    You should really consider who the true "fascists" are. Dr. Goebbels own propaganda machine would have been proud of your efforts.
    Mike | 02.14.08 - 2:00 am | #


    Yeh mike, and the sky is green with pink stripes
    mindtrvlr | 02.14.08 - 2:22 am | #


    People it is time to go underground.
    these overt demonstrations make you sitting targets for the new world order.
    It is now time to get organized. It is time to work from a covert place. The fascist regime is going to get stronger, but it will not last. It will eventually fall from its own corruption. So people go underground, study the tactics of those who have gone before,look at the tactics of the worlds great revolutionary's.
    The tactics of passive resistance is outdated and will not work against the nwo, they fully understand these tactics, and they are gathering intelligence on you. We must use our minds to outwit them, you must learn to be illusive, learn how to become invisible, to be able to fade away in a crowd, to outwit the surveillance machine. Yes there will be martyrs, and some of you they will put to death.
    but the battle is ours, we will win this war against the rulers of darkness. but it will take time, and diligent action. So get organized, go underground, and get the revolution started. Now is the time!
    avalonmoon | 02.14.08 - 2:50 am | #


    Does anybody realize that we paid to breed most of those Gestapo like police and that we're all victims of genetic engineering through religion, just like in Nazi Germany?
    The first Christians were Jews who taught the German aristocracy how to use religion (Primarily the Sodom and Gomorra scam) to create homophobia, to cause the self betrayal and consequential self loathing necessary to breed people who will kill or maim somebody they don't know or hate for money, motivated by greed and jealousy like a bitch.
    For thousands of years in western Europe, before the introduction or the Sodom and Gomorra scam, the terms Son of a bitch and queer were synonymous and the word queer came from the term "isn't it queer for a man to act like a bitch, as in greed and jealousy motivated manipulating and betraying. Sexual preference had nothing to do with it but being too stupid to realize we live on after our death though out children and the consequences of what we do did!

    Jews taught the Germans how to breed the anal lusting Nazi queer's and bitches who shoved millions of men, women and children into gas chambers as their own executioners, that were the product of Jewish based religion.
    It's natural to do what it takes to survive but unnatural to kill, maim or even to hurt someone who poses no threat to you or your loved ones survival, especially for simply speaking the truth.
    Judaism, Christianity and Islam all use the same old testament with the same Sodom and Gomorra scam to create a unholy alliance of queers and bitches that has been used to breed the vast majority of unnatural, evil people in the world who do all the horrible things going on in the world for thousands of years, motivated by greed and jealousy (like a bitch).

    Teaching manipulating rulers how to breed your own executioners like the Jews did was bad enough. Us stupid Americans have literally paid to breed our own executioners.
    How many of those crazy SOB's spraying pepper spray, beating people with sticks and shooting them with pepper balls do you suppose were bred by and brought up by crazy parents strung out on alcohol, drugs and cigarettes and supported by food stamps and welfare? How many of the soldiers who invaded Iraq come from the same people?

    I realize many people still hate Viet Nam veterans but most of the people I knew and myself, truly thought we went to Viet Nam to stop the communists from taking over the world including the USA.
    After the fall of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev said in a major interview that loosing the war in Viet Nam won the cold war for the west and very likely saved the world from a nuclear holocaust, which according to him almost happened several times, which I believe is true. Did any of you see it?
    Isn't it ironic that I now realize the way things are heading that we might have all been much better off had the Soviet Union won the cold war.
    For years after returning home from the war I couldn't understand why I paid one third of what I got to pay people I didn't know of love, many crazy and stupid and some not even here legally, strung our on drugs and alcohol to breed like cockroaches. Worse yet for years getting a raise with each new child they produced.
    Now I finally figured out why, I was set up.
    I paid to breed the people who have now invaded the enemies of Israel including Iraq and killed 150,000 women and children and over a million men in their own country. Many of us Viet Nam veterans will also find we paid to breed our own executioners when they take over and/or get even with us for loosing the war.
    Many of them will be offspring of the people who called us baby killers at the airport, when we returned home from Viet Nam.
    If that's not bad enough, they will be used to support the foreigners who have bought up so much of our land that the poor and most the working class can't afford to own their own home, if they make a problem because they don't like it.

    The USA has become part of a one world government under a Jew god that's for the rich, by the rich and of the rich, with liberty and justice for all that can afford a good Jewish lawyer!
    What did I ever go to Viet Nam for?
    Cycles of cycles of never ending cycles, always changing in the same old way.
    Any comments?
    R. Gary Cousineau | 02.14.08 - 4:56 am | #


    Isn't it interesting that we can see the faces of most of the protesters, but not the faces of the police?

    Which ones are the criminals and the cowards?
    Jeff Summers | 02.14.08 - 5:12 am | #


    Does anybody realize that we paid to breed most of those Gestapo like police and that we're all victims of genetic engineering through religion, just like in Nazi Germany?
    The first Christians were Jews who taught the German aristocracy how to use religion (Primarily the Sodom and Gomorra scam) to create homophobia, to cause the self betrayal and consequential self loathing necessary to breed people who will kill or maim somebody they don't know or hate for money, motivated by greed and jealousy like a bitch.
    For thousands of years in western Europe, before the introduction or the Sodom and Gomorra scam, the terms Son of a bitch and queer were synonymous and the word queer came from the term "isn't it queer for a man to act like a bitch, as in greed and jealousy motivated manipulating and betraying. Sexual preference had nothing to do with it but being too stupid to realize we live on after our death though out children and the consequences of what we do did!

    Jews taught the Germans how to breed the anal lusting Nazi queer's and bitches who shoved millions of men, women and children into gas chambers as their own executioners, that were the product of Jewish based religion.
    It's natural to do what it takes to survive but unnatural to kill, maim or even to hurt someone who poses no threat to you or your loved ones survival, especially for simply speaking the truth.
    Judaism, Christianity and Islam all use the same old testament with the same Sodom and Gomorra scam to create a unholy alliance of queers and bitches that has been used to breed the vast majority of unnatural, evil people in the world who do all the horrible things going on in the world for thousands of years, motivated by greed and jealousy (like a bitch).

    Teaching manipulating rulers how to breed your own executioners like the Jews did was bad enough. Us stupid Americans have literally paid to breed our own executioners.
    How many of those crazy SOB's spraying pepper spray, beating people with sticks and shooting them with pepper balls do you suppose were bred by and brought up by crazy parents strung out on alcohol, drugs and cigarettes and supported by food stamps and welfare? How many of the soldiers who invaded Iraq come from the same people?

    I realize many people still hate Viet Nam veterans but most of the people I knew and myself, truly thought we went to Viet Nam to stop the communists from taking over the world including the USA.
    I remember Kruchev pounding his shoe on the table saying we will bury you but I didn't understand or pay much attention to his next statement "and you will pay to breed your own executioners"!
    I experienced the Cuban missile crisis.and getting under my table at school as practice for a nuclear attack.
    The domino theory was real.and insurgents from Cuba were in Mexico, Canada and on our own Indian reservations stirring things up.

    After the fall of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev said in a major interview that loosing the war in Viet Nam won the cold war for the west and very likely saved the world from a nuclear holocaust, which according to him almost happened several times. I believe that was true. Did any of you see it?
    Isn't it ironic that I now realize the way things are heading that we might have all been much better off had the Soviet Union won the cold war.
    For years after returning home from the war I couldn't understand why I paid one third of what I got to pay people I didn't know of love, many crazy and stupid and some not even here legally, strung our on drugs and alcohol to breed like cockroaches. Worse yet, for years getting a raise with each new child they produced.
    Now I finally figured out why, I was set up.
    I paid to breed the people who have now invaded the enemies of Israel including Iraq and killed 150,000 women and children and over a million men in their own country. Many of us Viet Nam veterans will also find we paid to breed our own executioners when they finish taking over and/or get even with us for loosing the war.
    Many of them will be offspring of the people who called us baby killers at the airport, when we returned home from Viet Nam.
    If that's not bad enough, they will be used to support the foreigners who have bought up so much of our land so that the poor and most of the working class can't afford to own their own home, If anybody makes a fuss because they don't like it or refuses to bend over and spread their cheeks for injustice, they will be used to get even or eliminate them too.

    The USA has become part of a one world government under a Jew god that's for the rich, by the rich and of the rich, with liberty and justice for all that can afford a good Jewish lawyer!
    What did I ever go to Viet Nam for?
    Cycles of cycles of never ending cycles, always changing in the same old way.
    Any comments?
    R. Gary Cousineau | 02.14.08 - 5:25 am | #


    R. Gary Cousineau, you are a diseased anti-semite.

    This is an excellent video. Yes, it is time for us to learn and change tactics. We need to be careful in our language to stay ahead of the police state. We need to organize and be able to protect ourselves but more-so, we need to be able to expose the fascist thugs for who they are because the real battle isn't in the streets, it's in the minds of the masses who are inundated with propaganda. More and more, they aren't buying it and getting videos like this out is part of the struggle to help people see through the fog of lies. As our economy fails, things will get worse but people will also become radicalized. We have to have the vision, and the organization to build a sane, alternative.

    Resistance in not futile.
    Jaded Prole | Homepage | 02.14.08 - 5:49 am | #


    Jaded Prole Excellent!We need to organize and be able to protect ourselves but more-so, we need to be able to expose the fascist thugs for who they are because the real battle isn't in the streets, it's in the minds of the masses who are inundated with propaganda.
    Lee | 02.14.08 - 6:09 am | #


    Until 10s of Millions of patriots AKA "protesters" start showing up all dressed in black capes with V for Vendetta mask on with the cape concealing their own body armor, cans of pepper spray and pepper ball guns then not a damn thing is ever going to change.

    When will YOU fight back?

    NOW? or when they are putting you on the train to the camps?

    This needs to be a massive effort with at least 100 Million fighting back and the first target should be Fox News, the mainstream media is clearly complicit in the crimes and the cover ups and as long as they are allowed to keep on spreading Reich Wing propaganda then we will never get enough people to take this country back.
    Nunyabiz | 02.14.08 - 6:43 am | #


    We all know the police are ridiculous, but come on. Your propaganda is just as bad as all their b/s.
    Hurt | 02.14.08 - 6:45 am | #


    Battle of Athens Tennessee 1946: athens.html

    500 vets with full-auto assault rifles opened fire on 75 deputies, the sheriff, a state rep and election commissioners in the county jail. Much of the hatred of deputies, police and THP was over speeding tickets, to finance the sheriff's personal bank account. The Independent Party soldiers opened fire on the crooked Demorat sheriff and all his deputies, and bombed the jail with dynomite until they surrendered and gave up the stuffed ballot boxes. Arrested cops were jailed in the jail. Automobiles belonging to deputy sheriffs overturned in streets, smashed and burned. Fifteen hundred citizens pour into Athens with firearms to back the new government. Telephone calls from neighboring cities pledge aid if needed in defense of the town. VFW in Blount County said that four hundred and fifty veterans were ready to respond in McMinn County.

    Until the sheeple start acting like citizens, the police start death squads will continue to grow more powerful. Step 1 is learning how to win in traffic court, which is free law school. Then you will know how to sue the police state for violation of your constitutional rights under 43 US Code Section 1983, and how to file criminal charges against copsters. court.html 1983.html
    Pirate News TV | Homepage | 02.14.08 - 6:58 am | #


    Do you want to find out what THEY got on you or what they redact/blackout?

    Malachi4 | 02.14.08 - 7:08 am | #


    This is just the beginning. Our freedom is gradually being taken and most of America doesn't even notice. They just go on with their daily lives unaware and unsuspecting of not only their governments, but in this case, their police forces too.

    Join the march for freedom on Washington. Date TBA. v=nDJo7SKIZhw Amer...AmericanGuesser
    Peter | Homepage | 02.14.08 - 7:19 am | #


    Protest are obviously effective otherwise the regime wouldn't attack them. The main problem for peaceful demonstrations is infiltration.

    The infiltraters pretending to be part of the demo stir up trouble or commit violent attacks which the police can then use as a justification to attack the demo.

    Therefore demo organisers need to be alert to this and organise very well.

    At the moment, demos are too small to really scare the regime. The bigger they are though the more prone they are to infiltraters.

    I think the best form of protest in to fight consumerism and cause runs on banks.

    Because the whole system is based on money getting a few million people to boycott certain products is effective.

    Monsato failed in it's attempts to force GM crops on Europe because of the Greenpeace actions and public opposition. Farmers found that if they planted any GM crops their land values would dramatically fall.

    The best protest is to indentify a money flow to part of the establishment that can be adversely affected by consumers and then boycott it whilst encorouging others to boycott the same thing.

    Tax revolts work well because the enforced recovery options open to governments are not cost effective
    Danny Cunnington | 02.14.08 - 7:33 am | #


    The lesson is not what you think. The real lesson is that the American people are woefully ignorant. In fact, calling the violence of the police "Fascism" is but another example of NewSpeak.
    Why is that?
    Most Americans are voluntary slaves, via participation in national socialism (Social Security). They have no "rights", only "privileges" granted to them by their master.
    In essence, what was observed was a slave revolt. Based on the treatment of Spartacus, these errant slaves were not as mistreated.
    Now, why is it improper to call the violence "Fascism"?
    The misuse of that term hides the true culprit.
    First off, Fascism is violence and pseudo religious support of "Traditional authority". Second, the so-called "Fascist" governments of NAZI Germany and Italy were LEFTISTS, opposed to traditional authority.
    As the police lied about "bottles thrown", the people are misled about the true nature of their persecutors.
    Since 1933, the LEFTISTS (against traditional authority) have been instituting the police state.
    So protesters are wasting their efforts.

    If you wish to accomplish a protest that destroys their power, sever your ties to their socialism and usury.
    Stop participating in national socialism and cancel all interest bearing personal accounts.
    Those two acts will sever the nexus of "legal authority" with which the servant government relies upon.

    But, realistically speaking, the "leaders" of these protests are unknowingly working for the benefit of their enemy, the socialists / communists.

    Why is that true?
    From the Communist manifesto:
    "In this sense, the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property."

    Why is private property special?
    Amendment V, US Constitution 1789
    ... nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

    In case you were unaware, private property is defined as ABSOLUTE OWNERSHIP by an individual. Furthermore, private property is never subject to taxation nor regulation. Only estate (real and personal property) is so subject.

    But since 99% of Americans are "voluntary slaves", they can only possess estate, and must pay taxes to their "new master".

    Since 1935, Americans have lived under a left wing (Against traditional authority based on the protection of private property) regime, irrespective of the partisanship of the sitting government.

    Until Americans wake up to that fact, the protesters are wasting their time.
    Jet Graphics | 02.14.08 - 7:33 am | #


    @ Jet Graphics,et,al

    Do you want to own your land by "PATENT"
    Malachi4 | 02.14.08 - 7:57 am | #


    Once you take the red pill you can never go back. Until others take it, they are part of the enemy and will fight you. Police have and military will have to, make the decision to shoot American citizens. What will you do about it?

    leaderless resistance.
    anonymous | 02.14.08 - 8:40 am | #


    Who the **** are these cops and why do they hate America so? What are they teaching these Gestapo wannabees in police training that they would willingly go along with this?

    Many should have been fired over this. Many in government should have been really pissed off about this, demanding those in charge be fired. We are slowly being lulled into accepting fascism.
    Anonymous | 02.14.08 - 10:54 am | #


    the so-called "Fascist" governments of NAZI Germany and Italy were LEFTISTS, opposed to traditional authority.

    Jet Graphics | 02.14.08 - 7:33 am |

    The only group that pushes that ****ing lie are the neo-Nazis. They want to distance themselves from the evils done by those that share their ideology so they lie, lie, and lie again about the fascists, claiming they weren't really fascists but socialists. The nazis hated the socialists and at the first chance they got, they rounded them up and executed them. The Socialists fought the Fascists in Spain and during WW2. So go **** yourself nazi.
    Anonymous | 02.14.08 - 10:58 am | #


    You all pay these fat ass gestapos. As long as you let them drive their SUVs with the support the troops american flag to their comfortable suburban ranch home, with their jetsskis and snomobiles, their fridge filled with budweiser and TV snacks, they will keep on going back to work to crack heads and restrict your civil rights. THey don't care about democracy. THey just care about a cushy paycheck and the powerrush they get. Yes, they will turn on their own people...they are now meat heads. Remote control robots with batons and weapons. And thousands more have been hired because the weasels in charge now that the depression is coming, and its all their fault. Welcome to AMERIKA !!!
    observer | 02.14.08 - 11:15 am | #


    Come military you need to help us with the coup. Violence begets violence so let's give them some.
    RD | 02.14.08 - 11:27 am | #


    This is something that bugged me about a week ago. It was late on a weekday and I didn't have to get up early the next day so I went out to the store about eleven PM to get some beer. Being that it was late there was hardly anyone out on the road so as I'm driving along a cop comes up from a side street and then turns so he can follow me. The cop speeds up so he's right behind my bumper then pulls over into the left lane so he's pacing me. I'm doing nothing wrong so I just keep going about my business. The cop eventually gets bored and turns off. Ten years ago this wouldn't have bugged me as much but now it really does as the cops are just taking every opportunity to be dicks, to show that they are cops and can dick with you if they please when you're just going about your business. By all these little things we are going to lose everything.
    Anonymous | 02.14.08 - 11:31 am | #


    Come military you need to help us with the coup.

    RD | 02.14.08 - 11:27 am |

    The military won't prevent the fascist takeover, the military will be the ones to bring about a fascist takeover. Google "evangelical video pentagon" to see how our supposedly secular military is being corrupted from within, how they now longer see the Constitution as what they are there to defend.
    Anonymous | 02.14.08 - 11:35 am | #


    we are, as a species, pretty much expendable ... as long as the elite have their homes on the hill, their currency secure in the bank and their worldrelegated to nothin but a passive resource to be exploited as they see fit.

    We must face either ouyr eventual, albeit gradual, elimination, a 2012 meltdown, or we must rise up against the elsite and over throw them violently, decisively and finally.

    So what is it going to be? There is no place to hide. There is no safe place to to point to the beauty of democracy in action. There is no safe shelter from the gathering storm.

    Pick your side. Make your self known and declare yourself an enemy combatant.

    We have nothing left to lose.
    d00bid00b | 02.14.08 - 12:23 pm | #


    when ever someone suggests leaving america theres always the tired old repy its just as bad anywhere ain't...
    killingmesoftly | 02.14.08 - 1:03 pm | #


    Signs of Doomsday

    Hazart Abu Musa Al Ashari narrates that The Holy Prophet Sallahu Alaihi Wasallam (May Allah send peace and blessings upon him) said: "Qiyamah will come....
    * When it will be regarded as a shame to act upon Quranic injunctions.
    * When untrustworthy people will be regarded as trustworthy and the trustworthy will be regarded as untrustworthy.
    * When the liars will be regarded as truthful and the truthful will be regarded as liars.
    * When women with children become displeased (on account of them bearing off-spring) and barren women remain happy (on account of having no responsibility of off-spring).

    * When decisions will be given on mere conjecture (wild guesses).
    * When legislation in matters pertaining to my right (religion) is handed over to the worst elements in my Ummah, and if people accept them and are satisfied with their findings, then such persons will not smell the fragrance of Jannah.
    * When the off-spring become a cause of grief and anger (for their parents).
    * When Islam will become a stranger (unwanted religion).
    * When Malice and Hate will become common among people.
    * When Islamic Knowledge (Ilm) is lifted.
    * When people will boast upon their palatial mansions.
    * When oppression, jealousy and greed become the order of the day.
    * When lies prevail over the truth.
    * When people dispute over petty issues.
    * When people blatantly follow their passions and whims.
    * When immorality overtakes shamelessness and is perpetrated publicly.
    AK | 02.14.08 - 1:25 pm | #


    I love the police!

    They should have giant numbers on each uniform like football players so each and every officer can get credit for the great job that they do!

    They should also have their social security number on their badge written nice and large so everyone can be sure they give credit to the right officer!

    They should also publish where they live so everyone can drop by to thank them!

    They should also have a camera and GPS unit on them 24/7 to make sure nobody lies about where they are or what they did. We wouldn't want them falsely accused would we?

    After all, if they're not doing anything wrong, then why would they object?
    Police Supporter | 02.14.08 - 1:54 pm | #


    Is your face average?
    It is now:
    http://technology.newscientist.c...d- security.html
    yrjo | 02.14.08 - 2:12 pm | #


    "this is what you get when you fight your opponent on his turf by his rules"
    semjee | 02.13.08 - 8:22 pm

    Yeah really. "Why didn't we fight back?", she says. Against big, armour-clad, trained goons?
    yrjo | 02.14.08 - 2:18 pm | #


    The present disposition of this government toward the People, in matters of their ability to both determine and maintain their own lives within the confidence of Liberty, is that of complete and abject opposition. Under the disease of widespread complacency, We have surrendered our combative Right of Dissent and indeed the Right of Defense against any and all onslaughts of Our Freedom by the very institution designed and pledged to protect such Freedom.

    We have, to Our own demise and degradation, provided allowance after allowance to those, whose primary purpose is to govern solely at Our Pleasure and by Our Consent, and they have taken full advantage of Our lack of the Spirit of Opposition to fundamentally change the manner in which they govern this confederation of State Republics. At one time in this country, those who would be called, by election, to represent and serve this People did so in a manner forced upon them by Our Consent and the Consideration of the stated Honor of Office. That Honor of Office has now been debased to the point that Corruption is commonplace and there are few that could exculpate either their intentions or deeds. Those who hold Office, which once held Honor Intact, now seek no enforcement of the Sentiments of the People, but devise legislation based upon their own consent and opinions, or worse, those of external corporate influences.

    Many of our Politicians would have the People believe that their government is completely disposed and indeed determined to have all Grievances of the People redressed, and that they abide by the traditional Order of the Constitution to assure such Compliance to the Law of the Land, yet they continually subvert the very Document by which they Govern under such Despicable Pretenses. They prefer Our Silence to Our Consent and would, if it left to their own devises, leave no quarter to our Rights and no ear to Our Complaint. They exercise their Pretended right to both Power and Authority over the lives and livelihoods of the People; indeed they endeavor to scheme and create all manner of regulation, under the posed Power of Law, to inhibit the possibility of real and effective dissent to their rule.

    They are well aware of the Sentiments of the People and yet still, with that knowledge, they have chosen to continually ignore those Sentiments and govern by the counsel of their own Consent and Will instead of Proper Legislative Discretion and the Good and Proper Will of the People. If we continue to acknowledge their right and power to make laws binding upon us and its assumed sovereignty over us to determine Our fate and the direction of Our Nation, then we will suffer the fate of others who have been bent into the mold of compliancy.

    What manner of People have we become to allow such cavitations of reckless power and authority to rule over us? What have We become that we now assume to only hold the place of servant to the will of the State with the designs of Arbitrary Power?

    "Do not separate text from historical background. If you do, you will have perverted and subverted the Constitution, which can only end in a distorted, bastardized form of illegitimate government."--James Madison

    Indeed that is exactly what we have seen in this country is a distorted, bastardized form of illegitimate government. Because of the use of such arbitrary interpretation and therefore application, I think we should not be surprised when someone like Bush overtly trespasses against the Constitution. The Constitution’s standing in this country has been neutralized by a variety of political philosophies, the least of these are those who advocate original intent based upon a Christianized view of the founding of this country. Others have simply sought to render it so flexibl
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    14 Year Old Arrested For Wearing NRA Shirt May Go To Jail

    What kind of a system puts a 14 year old kid in jail for a t-shirt? This has to be one of the most bizarre cases of the year. Jared Marcum was arrested at Logan Middle School back in April. His only apparent crime seems to be in his choice of wardrobe for the day. Fox News reported on April 23rd:
    The teen’s lawyer, Ben White, says school administrators maintain that Marcum disrupted the educational process. He says Marcum was exercising his right to free speech and wasn’t disruptive.
    Logan police arrested Marcum at the school last Thursday after he refused a teacher’s order to remove the shirt. White says prosecutors are reviewing the case to determine whether to file charges.
    Marcum has said that he was arrested on charges of disrupting an educational process and obstructing an officer, though White said Monday that the Logan County prosecutor’s office is reviewing the case to decide whether to proceed.
    Marcum wore the same shirt to school Monday. It displays the NRA logo and a hunting rifle.
    Other students across Logan County wore similar shirts, which display the NRA logo and a hunting rifle, to school in a show of support for 14-year-old Jared Marcum, said his lawyer Ben White.

    WOWK 13 Charleston, Huntington WV News, Weather, Sports
    What is so terribly wrong with this shirt? It is not violent. There are no skulls being imploded. There is no blood. It is simply a shirt that speaks truth about the 2nd Amendment. Wake up America.

    This is one of those cases where you would think that common sense would eventually prevail. You would think that arresting officers, their superiors and prosecutors would have eventually come to the conclusion that this was a mistake. Oh no. Not in Logan County West Virginia. They not only arrested this juvenile, they now intend to prosecute him. Local CBS affiliate WTRF reports:
    Suspended and arrested after refusing to change his NRA shirt. Today, 14-year-old Jared Marcum appeared before a judge and was officially charged with obstructing an officer.
    A $500 fine and up to a year in jail, that’s the penalty that Jared could face, now that a judge has allowed the prosecution to move forward with its obstructing an officer charge against him.
    “Me, I’m more of a fighter and so is Jared and eventually we’re going to get through this,” Jared’s father Allen Lardieri said. ”I don’t think it should have ever gotten this far.”
    The Logan County Police Department initially claimed that the at-the-time 8th grade Logan Middle School student was arrested for disturbing the education process, obstructing an officer and Lardieri says that officers even went as far as threatening to charge Jared with making terroristic threats.
    “In my view of the facts, Jared didn’t do anything wrong,” Ben White, Jared’s attorney said. ”I think Officer Adkins could have done something differently.”
    Do you think he could have done something differently sir? I’d say that is an understatement. This is an 8th grade kid and Logan County, WV is making this out to be something that it isn’t.
    We now live in a country where our children are being made examples of in order to destroy the concept of the 2nd Amendment and paint it evil. Has anyone else picked up on a pattern here?
    Kids are getting suspended for cap guns, pop tarts and pencils and it’s all in the spirit of zero tolerance policies. Anyone who does not think that the leftist agenda has infected this country is probably a leftist themselves, or at least a useful idiot.
    Whether they actually send a 14 year old kid away for a year, or not, remains to be seen. I would hope that it does not go that far.
    But the problem is that it has already gone way too far. A 14 year old gets arrested for proudly wearing a Pro-2nd-Amendment shirt. Meanwhile some of his peers are busy making babies through unprotected sex, lining up to join the boy scouts to take part in massive gay orgies on camping trips, doing whatever the hot designer drug is this week and stealing cars that they are not old enough to drive.
    This is the land of the free of course. This country has 5% of the world population and boasts 25% of the world prison population. It’s absolute fact. Look it up.
    I will be a little surprised but not totally shocked if they send this kid to juvenile detention or some sort of boot camp.
    What the **** is wrong with this country? And why the **** isn’t anyone rallying to stick up for this kid? Pardon my asterisks.
    How far do they have to push us until we finally start to push back? None of us wants this but they have crossed so many lines that they are about to officially back us into a corner.
    If that happens there is only one direction that we can go.
    If you wish to let your voice be heard regarding this matter, our own Janey Levy has provided contact numbers:
    1) Logan Police Department (West Virginia)
    Chief of Police, David White
    (304) 752-6535

    2) Logan County School District
    Superintendent of Schools, Wilma Zigmond
    (304) 792-2060

    3) Prosecuting Attorney Sabrina Deskins Amick
    (304) 792-8670

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