These migrant encampments are located in Northern San Diego county. I’ve made several videos on these camps.

The local authorities refuse to enforce the law. The migrants are exploited by Leslie farms, Rancho Santa Fe farms, and big construction companies in the area. They steal cars, break into homes, defecate and urinate in public, and they leave piles of garbage all over the hillside.

Prostitutes are brought in to service the workers every Wednesday and Saturday night. Many of them are very young and smuggled across the border.

All of this has been going on for twenty years and the police lie and pretend to know nothing about any of it!

The following report aired on Thursday night (11/9). I’ll be in the next segment airing Friday night at 11pm.

LINK TO VIDEO HERE ... campments/

Contact the San Diego Northeastern Division and tell them you’ve seen the videos at Immigration and you are outraged!
Telephone: (85 538-8000 ask to speak with Captain Jim Collins

Contact City Councilman Scott Peters.
Telephone: (619) 236-6611

Contact District Supervisor Pam Slater-Price
Telephone: (619) 531-5533

Contact Congressman Brian Bilbray. (He’s a good guy)
Telephone: (760) 737-8438

Contact the Mayor of San Diego, Jerry Sanders
Telephone: (619) 236-6330