The Campo Minutemen had a BBQ and Cheryl lead a discussion group on how to maximize activisms efforts in 2007.

(The Jack Daniels bottle was dropped by an illegal!)

The Campo Minutemen held a Candlelight Vigil, lighting 25 Candles, one for each American killed each day by Illegal Aliens.

Viking, Ridgerunner and Kingfish went east and spotted 2 illegals trying to cross, just after the border patrol run by. Kingfish took a few pictures and the crossers yelled "no pictures! no pictures!"

Kingfish put out an "anyone on six" radio called and the BP returned. At this point, the Pacific Trail Marker is on the other side of the fence and they were sitting on the monument, smoking and drinking

The Border Patrol left Kingfish to keep an eye on them, and eventually they despaired of crossing and threw trash over onto the border road, yelling at Kingfish to go home.



