Please take a look at this video posted by Minnie on another post. The video is so sickening that I sent a copy to my Congressman and Senators immediately. Some might look at this as a repost but I want as many people as possible to see this and act quickly

I just sent this to my Senators and Congressman, please feel free to use it to do the same:

Dear Senator Smith,

On Monday of this coming week, a group of lobbyists will converge on D.C. with one goal; granting citizenship, without condition, to people who broke our immigration laws to get here.

They are representing people who have no legal right to be in this country and whose opinions should not dictate public policy.

An overwhelming majority of American citizens are against any form of amnesty. We are the people who should be heard. We are the people who obey laws and the only people whose opionions should be considered. We are legal citizens.

Please take a moment to view the video found at this link to see how this special interest group intends to "play" American lawmakers.

It will give you insight into the intentions of those who represent lawbreakers.

Please stand with your constituents who are legal citizens of the United States.
