Ron Paul 2012: Who should be Ron Paul’s running mate?

By tmartin • November 5, 2009 ... ng-mate-2/

Ron Paul hasn’t announced a decision yet whether he is going to run for President in 2012. If he runs, who should he choose as his running mate?

You can select up to 5 answers below. (The available options are displayed in random order.)

If Ron Paul runs for President in 2012, who should be his running mate?

* Chuck Baldwin (28%, 2,539 Votes)
* Andrew Napolitano (28%, 2,500 Votes)
* Peter Schiff (21%, 1,919 Votes)
* Jesse Ventura (15%, 1,306 Votes)
* Lew Rockwell (12%, 1,107 Votes)
* Rand Paul (12%, 1,091 Votes)
* Sarah Palin (11%, 1,021 Votes)
* Dennis Kucinich (9%, 779 Votes)
* Michele Bachmann (8%, 752 Votes)
* Pat Buchanan (7%, 651 Votes)
* Glenn Beck (7%, 602 Votes)
* Mike Huckabee (6%, 568 Votes)
* Gary Johnson (5%, 457 Votes)
* Jim DeMint (4%, 400 Votes)
* Other (specify below) (4%, 392 Votes)
* Alex Jones (4%, 390 Votes)
* Lou Dobbs (4%, 381 Votes)
* Michael Badnarik (4%, 348 Votes)
* Mitt Romney (4%, 339 Votes)
* Adam Kokesh (3%, 295 Votes)
* Alan Grayson (3%, 260 Votes)
* Wayne Allyn Root (2%, 192 Votes)
* Michael Bloomberg (2%, 173 Votes)
* Cynthia McKinney (2%, 160 Votes)
* Mark Sanford (1%, 131 Votes)
* Chuck Hagel (1%, 123 Votes)
* John McCain (1%, 97 Votes)
* Mel Watt (0%, 7 Votes)

Total Voters: 8,952
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