BREAKING: Ron Paul Sacrificing Congressional Seat, Tom Woods Responds | This just in, Ron Paul, the 14 term Texas Congressman, has just announced he will not be seeking re-election to his congressional seat. We'll get Tom woods reaction in just a minute, and share with you some insider info regarding the Congressman Paul's inquiry into ballot access law, and what that means for his 2012 presidential bid. In a post on his Facebook page the congressman stated, "...I have decided not to seek re-election for my House seat in 2012 and will focus all of my energy winning the Presidency." Paula's hometown paper "I felt it was better that I concentrate on one election," -the Facts Longtime friend and adviser to Ron Paul, Lew Rockwell provided more insight into the Congressman's decision by stating, "he has had it... with: twice weekly groping by the TSA (since he has metal knees and is selected for the full feel-up every time); dealing with the crooks and creeps in Congress, especially in the rotten Texas delegation; and the deadly new district the Republicans have placed him in" What does this mean for the 2012 Presidential election? Well for starters if he doesn't receive the the Republican presidential nomination he will be free to seek the Libertarian nomination or even run as an independent and take the race all the way to the end. Unlike in 2008 when he simply closed his campaign. Joining us now to share his thoughts on the announcement is New York times best selling author of "Nullification: How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century" Tom woods. Does this announcement mean Congressman Paul could seek the libertarian nomination or even run as an independent if he doesn't get the Republican nod? Let';s go now to the archive footage where we spoke to Free And Equal's Christina Tobin in 2009 about Ron Paul's staffer's inquires into ballot access law and the possibility of him getting on the ballot in all 50 states if not selected as the nomination.
