A nationwide criminal enterprise

This is going on all over the country.

In the name of the "War on Drugs," millions of Americans have been criminalized and hundreds of thousands have had property stolen, in many cases on grounds no more valid than in this story.

In one particularly notorious case, Donald Scott, a 61 year old rancher, was murdered by LA County Sheriff Deputies in his home during a search warrant. They hoped to find evidence to justify seizing his $5 million Malibu property.

No evidence of illegal activity was found.

The basis for the search which resulted in this man's murder: "a tip from a reliable informant."

In other words: total bullshit from an unnamed source.

We're all just one step away from a similar fate.

In this three-part series we're going to
focus on the "war" that the media has
lost interest in.

The so called "drug war."

While US troops guard opium patches
in Afghanistan to curry favor with local
warlords (true, look it up), the entire US
law enforcement apparatus is engaged
in a massive "war" on it citizens, violating
basic civil rights, stealing property, and
occasionally even murdering innocent people.

Here's an all-too-common story from


