now according to Rep Joe Baca see there are now 49 million hispanics, 17% of teh population. Last year the number was 15%. Unbelievable!!!! Hispanics are MOD EDIT becoming the growing population of in the US. We all need to take notice because they have teh power and we are being booted out. We are dying off and tehy will take over. US will become Spanish!!!

Were on earth do these numbers come from? $49 million!. My god this is pure lies. All of this is pure manipulation, including illegal aliens numbers!

We absolutely need to challenge these people like Rep Joe Baca and ask him point blank where he gets his stats. The MSM needs to be challenged too. Enough is enough, time to stop this non-sense.

Enough with teh manipulation, enough with teh lies. Teh tru number of legal Hispanics is not 49 million. Enough with this jack booted thuggery that seeks to intimidate and threaten. And Joe Baca, we are also MOD EDIT watching you! What on earth are you saying when you say that?

I cannot believe this. These people are propadating lies and we are standing by letting thenm do that.!!!!