Scan down the page on the right side. The poll is in the Black Box. ... l-thunder/

Look at the wording on this poll. How stupid do these elitists think we are? Everyone knows amnesty would result in a financial disaster for net taxpayers. The new taxpayer subsidized health care benefits alone would make the cost of amnesty overwhelming. Not to mention the crippling effect on social security in the future when all the low wage workers and fraudulent claimants gain access to the system.

Too bad Republicans during the Bush era did not believe in practicing what they preached. If they had let free markets work with regards to labor supply businesses would have had to pay more for labor when it used more. As a result of the free market higher payroll taxes would have been collected. Given current the current economic environment now is the time to reduce the supply of labor not increase it. Doing so would help restore balance in the labor market and contribute to shoring up the social security system today while not creating an additional burden on the system in the future. Republicans need to stand up against businesses who seek to illegally socialize labor costs at taxpayer and worker expense while they privatize the profits. That is a lazy minded, corrupt way to do business, it cripples honest employers, leads to less innovation and reduced efficiency. ... 50236.html

Note that I do not reference Social Democrats above because they have past the point where they no longer seek to honor the rule of law or restore American exceptionalism.