There are 6 total polls. ... 0000000001

How would you rate Bush on foreign policy?
Poor 70%
Good 14%
Excellent 8%
Fair 7%
Total Votes: 33,810

How would you rate him on domestic policy?
Poor 66%
Good 14%
Fair 10%
Excellent 10%
Total Votes: 33,604

How much of the criticism Bush receives has he earned?
A lot 72%
A little 20%
None at all 8%
Total Votes: 32,647

ow optimistic are you about America's course over the rest of his term?
Not at all 69%
Very 16%
Somewhat 15%
Total Votes: 32,558

Who will history judge as the best president?
Reagan 36%
Clinton 34%
Truman 14%
Eisenhower 11%
Bush 3%
Johnson 1%
Nixon 1%
Total Votes: 24,590

Who will history judge as the worst president?
Bush 68%
Clinton 13%
Nixon 11%
Johnson 7%
Truman 1%
Reagan 1%
Eisenhower 0%
Total Votes: 24,737