Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS)

CAPS Labor Day Ad and Petition: Help Save the American Worker

CAPS is a member of a large coalition of groups that is running a TV ad in every region of the country through Labor Day and beyond. The ad includes a brief clip of an outrageous training conference in which a law firm teaches businesses how to avoid hiring American workers so they can continue to import more foreign workers.

All of the presidential candidates will give lip service to American workers and their families on this coming holiday. But nearly all of them are making no promises to correct these abuses or to reduce the massive flow of foreign workers that has been depressing the wages of--and even taking the jobs away from--American workers. In fact, most of the candidates support increasing the flow of foreign labor competition.

More than 27 million jobs in the U.S. are now held by foreign workers while 54 million working-age Americans don't have a job.

Americans and especially Californians, displaced from their skilled occupations by imported workers, must strenuously object to these repellent policies: policies which put them out of work and threaten their livelihood and future. To let the President and every elected official know that you are determined to reclaim those jobs for American workers, please view the ad and sign the American Workers' petition here . Then forward this e-mail to as many friends as you can. In California, CAPS members and activists need to be heard loud and clear because the firing of Americans and the refusal to hire them is rampant in our state.

Petitions will be delivered to candidates to let them know that they can't expect American votes if they constantly choose immigration policies that are against the interests of American workers.