The GOP has a petition going and wants our thoughts as noted here:
Share Your Thoughts

We can’t afford to wait another day. We must return to our roots as the party of freedom and reform, of lower taxes, limited government, individual responsibility, freedom here and abroad, and the power of faith.
As we begin this new chapter, share with us your ideas on how we can make our Party stronger, now and in 2008.

Here are my thoughts I left. Go and tell the GOP what you think.
Mike Duncan,

First of all, congratulations on this new Chairman’s position. I wish you and the GOP well for I have been a Republican of sometime now. I really do wish to stay a Republican, but as I told Ken Mehlman last month when he was looking for my 2007 membership renew. I agree with Mr. Bush on everything BUT immigration, and I am holding back my 2007 dues until I know if the President is going to give away the USA by granting amnesty to the illegal immigrants. Since then the stakes have gone up, I also feel Mr. Bush had better pardon the two Border patrol agents, and I hope this one happens soon, for I understand they are getting harsh treatment in that jail. Mr. Bush’s actions on immigration may go further then just my GOP dues. The wrong action on his part will void all the good he has done to date. (Comprehensive immigration = amnesty) If he grants amnesty then I most likely will not remain a Republican. I feel that giving away the country to the illegal immigrants would be too big of a decrease on the once proud Republican Party. To tell you the truth, if there was not a war on terrorism, and immigration is the only key issue, and it looked like he is about to give the country away, I would have to join the impeachment folks to do my part at saving our country. I would hate to do so, but I would feel I must do my part at saving our country. My country comes before my Party. Although, the appointment of Mel Martinez as General Chairman just may be the direction indicator of the GOP. By placing Hispanic people that are soft on immigration seems to be the trend. We see it all over and also see through the smoke screen. It’s to “get us use to the idea” and more importantly, to win over the new Hispanic vote you are about to import. In this regard the Republicans are acting like, and are no better then the Democrats. Which is yet another humbling defeat for the real Republicans.

As I did with Ken, let me ask you to use your position to get our message to the President, for I fear he is not hearing the voice of majority of the America.

Thank you,
And I truly hope I can pay my membership dues soon.