Poll: 75% of Czechs want tougher immigration rules
By ČTK / Published 8 October 2007

Washington, Oct 5 (CTK) - Seventy-five percent of Czechs, the highest portion of all post-communist countries in Europe, would like immigration rules to be toughened, according to a poll publicshed last week on Washington-based Pew Research Center released on its website last week week.

The poll was conducted this spring in 46 countries in America, Asia, Europe and Africa.

Almost all countries' inhabitants, with the exception of South Korea, the Palestinian autonomous areas and Japan, clearly supported the idea of migration rules toughening.

The most resolute in this respect are people in south Asia and some African countries where the idea was supported by over 85 percent of those polled.

In Europe, the most resolute are the Italians (87 percent), while in the Czech Republic 75 percent of the respondents called for migration to be restricted and 24 percent were opposed to it.

The opinion of Czechs corresponds to that of U.S. inhabitants, but it is the toughest among the post communist countries in Europe.

In Slovakia, 64 percent of the respondents said they would support tougher anti-immigration measures and 34 percent said they were against it.

The same research also found out that the Czech Republic, Poland and Germany rank among the countries where most people worry about being excessively controlled by the state.

Nonetheless, such worrying is in general more extensive in Western European countries than in the east of Europe, the poll showed.

Most respondents in all countries supported the development of international trade and other aspects of global economy. Surprisingly, it was the U.S. respondents who supported the trade development the least of all. Only 59 percent of them did so, compared with 80 percent of Czechs.

Only in six countries, including Slovakia, most people rejected the opinion that military force must be used now and then to maintain order in the world.
http://www.praguemonitor.com/en/185/cze ... ews/13016/