Are Spanish-language media helpful or harmful to English-learning Latinos?

Helpful (3 Votes, 2%)

Harmful (122 Votes, 97%)

Don't Know (1 Votes, 1%)


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Schwarzenegger: Avoid Spanish-language media to learn English

By: Associated Press -

SAN JOSE -- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger told a gathering of Hispanic journalists that immigrants should avoid Spanish-language media if they want to learn English quickly.

"You've got to turn off the Spanish television set," the Republican governor said Wednesday night at the annual convention of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists. "It's that simple. You've got to learn English.

"I know this sounds odd and this is the politically incorrect thing to say and I'm going to get myself in trouble," he said. "But I know that when I came to this country, I very rarely spoke German to anyone."

Schwarzenegger, who immigrated to the U.S. from Austria, made the remarks in response to a question about how to improve the academic performance of Hispanic students. The audience included journalists who work for Spanish-language media outlets, many of whom were surprised by the governor's remarks.

"I'm sitting shaking my head not believing that someone would be so naive and out of it that he would say something like that," said Alex Nogales, president and chief executive of the National Hispanic Media Coalition, who called the remarks "preposterous."

Nogales said Schwarzenegger must have forgotten the challenges of being an immigrant in the United States. Hispanic immigrants need Spanish-language media to stay informed and "function in this society," he said.

"That doesn't mean they are going to sit there," he said. "They are also going to learn English in the meantime."

The governor said after-school programs and tutoring were important, but immigrants must avoid Spanish-language books, television and newspapers if they really want to master English.

"You're just forced to speak English, and that just makes you learn the language faster," Schwarzenegger said.

The governor said it can be more difficult for Hispanics because they may have many Spanish-speaking peers, so they are not forced to learn English as quickly as other immigrant groups.

Pilar Marrero, the political editor for the Spanish-language newspaper La Opinion, chuckled at the governor's comments about Hispanics learning English.

"They're too busy working," she said.

During his talk, the governor praised the president's efforts to reform the nation's immigration laws and shared his experiences as a newcomer.

In the past two elections, Schwarzenegger has garnered more Hispanic support at the polls than most Republican governors, despite some seemingly anti-immigration blunders, such as the time when he praised the Minutemen border militia group on a talk radio show.

He explained away some of these statements as slip-ups made by someone who hasn't always been in public service.

"When you're not brought up in public light, being a politician, you sometimes don't say things that are politically correct," Schwarzenegger explained. "Like when I said 'close the border,' when I meant 'secure the border."'

He also discussed the federal immigration reform proposal, making it clear he felt the treatment of those entering the country was a federal, not state, issue.

On immigration reform, he aligned closely with President Bush, saying the country is facing the first real chance of reform in decades -- an opportunity that might not come again for another 20 years.

But he also said this doesn't mean the Senate's current proposal, which failed last week, should be pushed through without more thought.

"Right now the way it is written I wouldn't have signed it," he said. "How do you enforce it? It needs to be worked on, to be fine tuned."

This is a time to push politicians in Washington to find a compromise and develop a bill that suits both parties, the governor said.

"We need to encourage them," he said. "We're so close." ... _14_07.txt

Comments On This Story

Note: Comments reflect the views of readers and not necessarily those of the North County Times or its staff.

Madam Patriot wrote on Jun 14, 2007 9:47 PM:" There you go again Arnold, pissing off your democratic base. Your comments sound more like a republican said it because it has way too much commonsense to it. Why would an illegal want to learn a second language when we provide everything to them in their native tongue. I mean TV, radio, newspapers, voting ballots and all other government forms and documents, press 1 for English / press 2 for Spanish (my personal favorite is when the machine asks you to press 1 for English and if you don't it goes right to a message in Spanish), fast food menus (and you hope the person taking your order hablas), ATM's, cereal boxes and other related food items, most utility bills, etc, etc, etc. Heck I even heard earlier today that an editor of a Spanish newspaper said they don't have time to learn English because they're too busy working. I'm sure they are only working in the jobs that Americans just wont do. "

Reardon wrote on Jun 14, 2007 10:39 PM:" Twice within the past month, my wife has had an "incident" at a national chain custom sandwich shop when a non-English-speaking employee has royally messed up an order. We have no problem with Hispanic-owned businesses hiring other is often family members and makes economic sense, but if the family member doesn’t understand English, custom sandwich orders become a disaster. We have been using this national chain for many years, and never had a previous problem all across America. It's not the chain, it's not the owner, it's not the employee -- it is simply the lack of English! (O.K. it is the owner for hiring a family member who does not speak or understand the language.) "

Jayson wrote on Jun 15, 2007 1:09 AM:" This could get interesting-- Governor Arnie is about to be assaulted by the mighty "Span-Glish" industry. Mixed language education is an oh-so-holy sacred cow in California, with thousands of bureaucrats dependent on it for their jobs. I distinctly recall one of my high school language instructors back in 1967 describing that sort of program as "perfect, for churning out students semi-literate in either language." "

Fool on the Hill wrote on Jun 15, 2007 3:54 AM:" Arnold's got it right on this one. He's not naive; he's practical. Language and communication are crucial. He lived it and he gets it. Do you think he would be Govenor of California if he was still speaking German? I spent time in Germany and Switzerland after graduating college. I studied my Berlitz to back up German language classes, and I watched German TV. I was motivated to learn the language of the country. People respected me for it. They said WOW, a lazy Americanerin(sp) who is actually willing to communicate with us in our language and not expect us to cater to her. When in Rome... Arnold needs no excuses; he was just telling like it is. "

Fool on the Hill wrote on Jun 15, 2007 3:55 AM:" Arnold's got it right on this one. He's not naive; he's practical. Language and communication are crucial. He lived it and he gets it. Do you think he would be Governor of California if he was still speaking German? I spent time in Germany and Switzerland after graduating college. I studied my Berlitz to back up German language classes, and I watched German TV. I was motivated to learn the language of the country. People respected me for it. They said WOW, a lazy Americanerin(sp) who is actually willing to communicate with us in our language and not expect us to cater to her. When in Rome... Arnold needs no excuses; he was just telling like it is. "

one god, one language wrote on Jun 15, 2007 6:24 AM:" When the whole world speaks English just like Jesus did, we will be a better world. "

Truth Hurts wrote on Jun 15, 2007 7:04 AM:" You may not want to hear it but he's right. "

Craig wrote on Jun 15, 2007 7:12 AM:" It is unfortunate that the governor will get blasted over something that seems so logical. "

Maybe they can wrote on Jun 15, 2007 7:20 AM:" learn other words than racist, maybe thank you and please? "

It is cool with wrote on Jun 15, 2007 7:22 AM:" me, I speak spanish but refuse to speak it in America, they want to talk to me, talk English! "

Kudos to Arnold wrote on Jun 15, 2007 8:24 AM:" Yeah! Way to go Arnold! It's about time that a politician speaks for the will of the people. I am tired of people asking me if I speak Spanish, which I don't, but I look like I should. Just because I have dark hair and an olive complexion, it doesn't mean that I am spanish! Learn our language, they expect us to speak spanish in their country, so speak our language in our country! "

gplsek wrote on Jun 15, 2007 9:56 AM:" I have to agree with the Governor on this one. I am a Czech immigrant. When I came to US in 1984 and started 9th grade, I nly spent 1 semester in English as Second language classes. most hispanic peers that started ESL with me remained there through most of high school. I picked up english very quickly, i had no choice. Outside of my family nobody arround me spoke Czech. As a family we were very fluent in less than 12months (we came here with $100 in my dads pocket and any previous english language knowledge). If you want to live here, please learn the language. "

A Legal Alien wrote on Jun 15, 2007 10:07 AM:" What a simple, novel idea! I learned English by watching TV and listening to the radio in ENGLISH. But, I thought that it was a requirement for becoming a citizen and attending school in the US. Why shouldn't Spanish speaking people do the same? "

wrote on Jun 15, 2007 11:17 AM:" YEAH! Arnold is RIGHT ON! "

JB wrote on Jun 15, 2007 12:10 PM:" I completely agree with what Arnold said and I think Nogales missed the point. He needs to look beyond just the words. Like many others I'm tired of having to press 1 for English when I call a business or having to choose English when using the ATM. Why is it always Spanish? Isn't that a bit racist since many other languages that immigrants speak are being excluded? I have no problem with immigrants speaking their native language among themselves, but when you are conducting business with me I feel you should be able to communicate with me in my native language. If I were to spend time in another country I would make it a point to learn enough of the language to help me get by. "

Madam Patriot wrote on Jun 15, 2007 12:43 PM:" High fives to gplsek who gets it. Thank you to you and your family for doing it the correct way, the honest way. Welcome to America. "

Bucky wrote on Jun 15, 2007 1:22 PM:" YES ! YES ! YES! You go Gov ! "

Concerned-1 wrote on Jun 15, 2007 2:01 PM:" I agree with the Governator on the language issue, but he still doesn't get it that eventhough illegal immigration would seem like a federal government issue, it's a California state problem. "

Que Pasa wrote on Jun 15, 2007 2:17 PM:" As a hispanic immigrant that came here at 16 I must say that although it may be "political incorrect" to say that, Arnold is FREAKING right people. I get really annoyed when some of my compadres get so sensitive when someone tells it like it is. You come here and complain about not getting a good job, why? because you dont take the time to learn the language. I read Mr Navarrete (a political commentator) stating that the Governor does not get it because by the 3rd generation we are successful. Well Sir, If your parents would learn the language right away then we would not be waiting for the 3rd generation to live the american dream "

Que Pasa wrote on Jun 15, 2007 2:18 PM:" As a hispanic immigrant that came here at 16 I must say that although it may be "political incorrect" to say that, Arnold is FREAKING right people. I get really annoyed when some of my compadres get so sensitive when someone tells it like it is. You come here and complain about not getting a good job, why? Because you don’t take the time to learn the language. I read Mr. Navarrete (a political commentator) stating that the Governor does not get it because by the 3rd generation we are successful. Well Sir, if your parents would learn the language right away then we would not be waiting for the 3rd generation to live the American dream "

Sonny wrote on Jun 15, 2007 2:53 PM:" Arnold is absolutely right! This is not an attack on Hispanics. They asked him a question and he answered it honestly, wow what a concept! "

Mexican-American wrote on Jun 15, 2007 3:10 PM:" Like Que Pasa, I too was born in Mexico and immigrated as a teen. My neighborhood, it stores, schools, churches and everyday life was all in Spanish. There was no need or urgency to speak it and yes, there as Spanish TV, novelas up the yingyang. I graduated from HS with the most pathetic English grammar skills any human could have. I learned early on that unless I talk the talk and walk the walk I'd never be any better than my poor mother's hard sweat and tears. Since then, I've serve my country with honors on two tours, been a teacher and mentor and can easily talk with any one about anything, in English or Spanish and from time to time in spanglish too. The Governor, whom I voted for, is right on the money and those who don't get it, pack it and go back home. Mi Casa No Es su casa. "

Thanks Arnold wrote on Jun 15, 2007 3:20 PM:" You have just help restore my faith in politics. It's so refreshing to hear an elected official say what needs to be said rather than pander and make excuses. Keep it up!!! "

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