Traitor Bill trying DAMAGE CONTROL with his goofy "this is not a blanket amnesty" plan. Read the provision about z-visas and such.

Each illegal alien would have his case reviewed by federal authorities. And they would decide who would receive a Z-visa to stay and who would not. That takes the blanket amnesty, something many American hate, off the table. It also allows the feds to make rational decisions about who's helping America and who isn't.

Under that banner, no illegal alien who commits a crime while here would be allowed to stay. Also under that program, no welfare of any kind would be paid to folks here illegally. They'd have to work for their living.
What BS! NOT ONE PERSON would be asked to leave. The bureacrats making the decisions would mostly be La Raza types. They would get welfare for the same reason others get welfare - the justification being tantamount to extortion with claims they would commit crime if they were not given welfare.,2933,280453,00.html

Do you support Bill's "no spinE" immigration plan?