Bush, Congress, testing depths of polls

Associated Press - July 4, 2007 4:13 AM ET

WASHINGTON (AP) - Both President Bush and Congress are getting low marks from the public.

Recent polls show dissatisfaction with how both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue are handling such issues as Iraq and immigration.

A Newsweek poll put Bush's approval rating in 26%. A CBS poll gave him 27%.

By comparison, the lowest presidential approval rating ever in the Gallup Poll was 23% for President Truman in 1951 and 1952. And Richard Nixon's lowest approval rating was 24% in the days before he resigned.

Congress isn't faring much better, getting only a 24% approval rating in a Gallup-USA Today poll last month. That could signal danger for majority Democrats, who just recaptured Congress in November after losing control in 1994.
