Sound off on evangelical leaders pushing amnesty for illegal aliens already in U.S.

Unless their churches and ministries - rather than the taxpayers - are on the hook for the added costs of their pious platitudes, they're advocating robbing Peter to pay Pablo 25% (607)

They've forgotten their calling - to get sinners into heaven, not illegals into the U.S. 18% (444)

There's not a single Senate Republican who supports amnesty - these naive evangelical leaders are allowing themselves to be cast as useful idiots to give the Democrats political cover 14% (345)

They're not even useful idiots 10% (240)

While the Democrats need these leaders for political cover, they'll be happy if they can just make amnesty a wedge issue to divide the evangelical voting bloc on Election Day 8% (203)

God is a God of order and he opposes lawless behavior - amnesty for illegals is a contradiction 8% (19

Squishy theology begets squishy politics - modern evangelicalism increasingly stands steadfast for nothing 7% (182)

I'm open to implementing a pathway to citizenship if and when the U.S. border is secure 2% (50)

It's just foolishness by misguided do-gooders 2% (39)

They've embraced mercy to the exclusion of justice 1% (34)

Other 1% (26)

They aren't pushing "amnesty" - they're calling for a rational, just pathway to citizenship for those willing to live law-abiding lives 1% (16)

Why do we care what evangelical leaders say? We have separation of church and state in this country 0% (11)

They're just following the Bible's admonition to show kindness to the alien 0% (10)

In the Old Testament, the "pathway to citizenship" required circumcision - this should be interesting 0% (7)

They clearly have not checked their concordances for the word, "borders" 0% (6)

Evangelicalism and Pentecostalism are seeing their greatest growth in Latin America and Africa - these immigrants will help expand and invigorate evangelicalism in the U.S. 0% (4)

Great - it shows these people actually are capable of growth and compassion 0% (3)

I appreciate their efforts, but I'm skeptical of their motives 0% (2)

They're disingenuous because they don't really believe amnesty has a chance 0% (0) ... our%20poll