This case gets stranger by the minute. It appears that the foster family sexually abused this baby...disgusting. I think the foster parents have been arrested, and Johnathon and fiance are in hospital with baby.

Abuse in Care

Updated – Baby Cheyenne: Evidence of Neglect or Abuse in Care
Posted by Phil Brennan on Oct 13, 2010 | Leave a Comment

Confirmed reports have come to our attention that Baby Cheyenne is either being neglected or abused in the care of foster parents.

When Jonathan and Stephanie arrived at at scheduled visit the baby would not wake up. They decided to change the diaper as that will wake up a baby. As they did, they discovered blood in her diaper and was found to be coming from her privates. The sheriff is a witness to this fact and the baby has been rushed to hospital by the sheriff as this discharge is not within the normal levels expected due to hormonal changes in a new born baby girl.

These foster parents also have Stephanie's other two children in their care from her former relationship.

As we have already noted in a previous article, children in care are often at more risk of abuse or neglect than average, despite the fact that one would assume that they would be safer in care than not.

The police were trying to lay the blame on the baby's distress upon him, despite there being a sheriff who is a witness to the fact that he had nothing to do with the child's condition. The hospital personnel did not want to let him in to the treatment room at first, but they agreed after security cleared it. This was due to Jonathan talking to Alex Jones by cellphone live on national radio, and the security staff have backed off and are now allowing him to see his daughter.

The current status of Baby Cheyenne is not good as she keeps slipping in and out of conciousness. It is likely that she will have to be kept in overnight.

As we get more news of these developments we will update this article.

Update 19:48 BST (14:48 CST)

There is significant bleeding and swelling around the private parts of Baby Cheyenne and the child is being referred to a paediatrician who specialises in the medical and forensic evidence of abuse.

Baby Cheyenne is under the jurisdiction of the police while in hospital, not the CPS, and unconfirmed reports are that the deputy now has the foster parents in custody for questioning regarding the injuries sustained to Baby Cheyenne.

Only the foster parents are in the frame for this, as there is a sheriff as a witness to the discovery. The sheriff is very unlikely to perjure himself after a full disclosure was made of the facts on national radio via the Alex Jones Radio Show on

Jonathan and Stephanie are still at the hospital and are believed to be with their daughter.

Update 20:00 BST (15:00 CST)

Baby Cheyenne has been taken to a sexual assault speciality Doctor under police escort. The sheriff is with the baby. Stephanie and Jonathan are following them, along with CPS. Baby Cheyenne is 'fussy', going in and out of consciousness, and when she is awake doesn't want any one touching her, which shows the level of her injuries and distress.